I need an explanation of Mass Effect- No Spoilers, please.


New member
May 9, 2010
So, I've never played Mass Effect. I have little idea what it's like, besides that it's a Bioware RPG in space.
I need a spoiler free explanation for my dad. He's taken a level of interest that I can't afford to let pass.
You see, he read about the game's writing, and he'd like to see what it's all about. I'm interested too, but I don't want to spend way to much money without him being interested.

So, can someone explain, without spoilers, what Mass Effect is like for my dad?

EDIT: Can I get some gameplay descriptions, too?


New member
Apr 7, 2010
Think star trek almost but more for a modern audience....and a lot more nittygritty and darker. very story driven, with great character development

pick up the first and play through that before playing the second (HIGHLY recommend the series)


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Dec 4, 2008
You play an intergalactic peacekeeper, traveling across the galaxy to build a crew of loyal soldiers that will fight a growing but unknown menace.


New member
May 9, 2010
Arkvoodle said:
You play an intergalactic peacekeeper, traveling across the galaxy to build a crew of loyal soldiers that will fight a growing but unknown menace.
I already kinda-sorta knew that, but what's gameplay like?

Vampire cat

Apocalypse Meow
Apr 21, 2010
You play the hero (who's personality and appearance you create yourself) that embarks on a "quest" to save stuff. You'll find plenty of interesting alien races and characters, be able to interact with them, and make conversation choices that are actually quite well done. Some high-tech looking armor and weapons available, though you won't get much in that end.

It's a very classic plot in a sci-fi setting with a bunch of interesting and unique twists.

Personally, I never finished it. Wasn't for me I guess.


New member
May 9, 2010
Suki the Cat said:
You play the hero (who's personality and appearance you create yourself) that embarks on a "quest" to save stuff. You'll find plenty of interesting alien races and characters, be able to interact with them, and make conversation choices that are actually quite well done. Some high-tech looking armor and weapons available, though you won't get much in that end.

It's a very classic plot in a sci-fi setting with a bunch of interesting and unique twists.

Personally, I never finished it. Wasn't for me I guess.
That does sound like something he'd like. Is it particularly complex? He's a programmer, but if he has to deal with complicated gameplay, he'll be turned off.


New member
Mar 20, 2010
In summary, the story is a deep space epic with several references to classic literature and multidimensional characters and situations. The plot, in my opinion, expands to places where the sci-fi genre has never been, for which it is well worth the interest.

smearyllama said:
That does sound like something he'd like. Is it particularly complex? He's a programmer, but if he has to deal with complicated gameplay, he'll be turned off.
Well, the inventory relies mostly on micromanagement, which is rather annoying at times, but the core gameplay is a fairly straightforward third person shooter RPG with a good-and-evil moral choice system integrated to the dialog (Which is written marvelously). It's one of those games that has a higher emphasis on storytelling and narration than gameplay, with the latter ranging from edible to kind of good.


New member
May 9, 2010
Zyphonee said:
In summary, the story is a deep space epic with several references to classic literature and multidimensional characters and situations. The plot, in my opinion, expands to places where the sci-fi genre has never been, for which it is well worth the interest.
What kind of classic writing? You mean like Homer? Or Shakespeare?
Or do you mean classic sci-fi, like Clarke and Heinlein?


New member
Jun 7, 2010
The first Mass Effect must be pretty cheap buy now. Basically, you know about a threat to the universe, no one believes you. It's up to you and your crew to prove (and ultimitly) stop it.

There are lots of planets to explore and one of it's best features is the conversation system which allows you to really get to know your crew.
It is played like a cover based Third Person Shooter, although you can choose classes with special abilitys.

edit: It can take a while to get into.

open trap

New member
Feb 26, 2009
The gameplay for me was fun. multiple classes and hybrid clases with varing abilities which can mean diffeence between victory and defeat. Higher dificulties the more you need allies abilities and the more tactical it becomes. The story is amazing and well writeen. Conspiracies and what not about ancient god like machins etc


New member
Mar 20, 2010
smearyllama said:
Zyphonee said:
In summary, the story is a deep space epic with several references to classic literature and multidimensional characters and situations. The plot, in my opinion, expands to places where the sci-fi genre has never been, for which it is well worth the interest.
What kind of classic writing? You mean like Homer? Or Shakespeare?
Or do you mean classic sci-fi, like Clarke and Heinlein?
The game presents several situations that recall those presented in all kind of classic literature, tanging from Ancient Greece to The Holy Bible. What is particularly interesting is how the game presents and deals with each situation.


New member
Apr 4, 2010
smearyllama said:
Arkvoodle said:
You play an intergalactic peacekeeper, traveling across the galaxy to build a crew of loyal soldiers that will fight a growing but unknown menace.
I already kinda-sorta knew that, but what's gameplay like?
its dialogue based with a occasional firelight, much of the game is though talking, the fire fights are okay but not revolutionary.
the characters are deep and have personality, Shepard is yours to form (if it would be a hero, or one who the ends justifies the means) so yeah, its pretty good, the universe they are in is very big, and i generally think many would find it likeable.


New member
Sep 23, 2009
You have been selected to become the first human Spectre... Special Tactics and Reconnaissance, the elite commandos who serve as peacekeepers for the entirety of Council space. Your would-be training mission goes awry with a mysterious attack, which you ultimately learn is the precursor to something more terrible than anyone expected.

The actual gameplay is a third-person shooter wherein you control the player character, who can be a variety of classes with different abilities tied to weapons, "biotics" (essentially, telekinesis), or omnitools (tech stuff... hacking robots, decrypting consoles, etc). You are also joined by two squadmates that you select every time you leave your ship. The original game also features vehicle sections, although the Mako controls like a fat man on a unicycle. The first game has healing items and weapon cooldown (infinite ammo, but with overheat with constant use), while the sequel has regenerating health and ammo clips.


New member
May 1, 2009
It's kind of like a revamped version of Star Trek that had a baby with Pip & Flinx. It has the themes of peace and acceptance present in the former, and the threat of a looming eldritch horror from the latter. You play as the "pinnacle of humanity", to use a slightly hokey term, and it's your job to gather a team of specialists and warriors from across the galaxy in order to bring justice to a rogue supercop and find some way to survive the galaxy's impending annihilation. Along the way, you encounter a cast of strong memorable characters: from the dissatisfied policeman with dreams of outmatching his father's legacy and a determination to capture/kill a mad geneticist to the shy and nebbish archeologist who is forced to cope with her mother's enslavement by aforementioned eldritch monster.

The gameplay is by and large standard third person shooter fare: you aim, take cover, and shoot the peoples; and at all times you are accompanied by two of your teammates, all of whom bring their own special combat abilities to the table. Additionally, you deal with standard RPG elements: collecting loot and crunching numbers, growing progressively stronger, and sorting through a branching plot with an ingeniously-designed dialogue system that blurs the line between conversation and cutscene.

What I'm getting at is that Mass Effect is a perfect marriage of action games and RPGS, with a heady story thrown in for good measure; and you should play it posthaste if you like Sci-fi, Action, or yourself.

Mass Effect 2 was rubbish, though. You can skip that one.

Steve B

New member
Oct 31, 2010
smearyllama said:
That does sound like something he'd like. Is it particularly complex? He's a programmer, but if he has to deal with complicated gameplay, he'll be turned off.
There are two major features of the gameplay in Mass Effect. There is combat, and there is talking. Which, when said like that... sounds kinda lame. But shush!

Combat in Mass Effect is one of those designs that can be as complex or simple as you want it to be. When you start the game, you can pick a class that has differing abilities and weapons available to them. On one side you've got the Soldier, who is completely weapon based (which means you don't have to worry about using the ability wheel, or strategizing about what things various enemies are strong/weak against. With the Soldier, you are playing a simple shooter. On the other side you have the Adept, which is completely skill based. You will be constantly throwing, freezing, and bombarding bad guys with effects. Which, can be complicated, if you aren't used to that sort of thing.

The other aspect of gameplay is talking. Which is, well, talking. The dialog options you are given are laid out in a circle, with generally "good" options on top, and generally "evil" options on bottom. Then, "questions" are on the left side, and "statements" are on the right. That usually is how it goes.

Oh, and in the first Mass Effect there are a few vehicle levels, but don't get too worked up over them. A lot of people thought they are annoying. So much so that they took them out of the second game...


Terrible Person
Oct 18, 2010
It's a classic semi-cheesy space opera that is very reminiscent of titles like the new Battlestar Galactica and Babylon 5. The atmosphere really shines in the game through the interesting designs and the insane amount of dialogue. Also, just like any other space opera, it has a colossal battle at the end that you will remember for a long time. The story is also quite good.

Combat is similar to a cover based shooter, but it has RPG elements tossed in the mix as well. They're not perfectly executed, and at the beginning it will seem very jarring. However, you'll get used to everything fast.


New member
Jun 5, 2008
In the year 2183, humans have come into contact with humanoid aliens who welcome the humans into their society, while tensions stand between the humans and aliens over a brief conflict at First Contact, humans are making a strong push to take a bigger role in the government; much to the dismay of some members of the Council.

The Councils elite special ops team "The Spectres" are only composed of Council species, the Turians, Salarians and Asari. For the first time, they are considering a Human candidate, Commander Shepard...


New member
May 9, 2010
Zyphonee said:
In summary, the story is a deep space epic with several references to classic literature and multidimensional characters and situations. The plot, in my opinion, expands to places where the sci-fi genre has never been, for which it is well worth the interest.

smearyllama said:
That does sound like something he'd like. Is it particularly complex? He's a programmer, but if he has to deal with complicated gameplay, he'll be turned off.
Well, the inventory relies mostly on micromanagement, which is rather annoying at times, but the core gameplay is a fairly straightforward third person shooter RPG with a good-and-evil moral choice system integrated to the dialog (Which is written marvelously). It's one of those games that has a higher emphasis on storytelling and narration than gameplay, with the latter ranging from edible to kind of good.
Well, you seem like a good person to ask this-

My dad isn't a committed gamer. He's only really played single-player games (Red Dead Redemption, Pokemon when I was 8) with me watching over his shoulder to help him. He is interested enough in the story, though, to give it a try if I get it.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
smearyllama said:
Arkvoodle said:
You play an intergalactic peacekeeper, traveling across the galaxy to build a crew of loyal soldiers that will fight a growing but unknown menace.
I already kinda-sorta knew that, but what's gameplay like?
game play in the fire fights if cover based like gears of war


New member
May 28, 2009
Arkvoodle said:
You play an intergalactic peacekeeper, traveling across the galaxy to build a crew of loyal soldiers that will fight a growing but unknown menace.
Pretty much it, it's a very deep game though