I need help convincing my parents.


Elite Member
Dec 27, 2008
Ask them why they're a slave to the tv screen? It's just how different generations seek their entertainment.


New member
Feb 18, 2010
SoxFan96 said:
I would recomend going outside. Meeting up with some friends, hanging out somewere for a few hours doing something physical and not game related.
Or if all your friends are lazy, at least go to a movie. Maybe get a girlfriend too. I haven't been told I was anti-social since I have been in a relationship.

Honestly, nothing computer related will show you are not dulled. Do something in real life, outside. Have fun. Take pictures. Show your parents.
But outside is BORING! Anything exiting outside offers (Like taking a grizzly down with your fists) would most likely have you end up in the infirmiry for several months if you scew up.


New member
Oct 10, 2009
Necator15 said:
Don't bother? A little time away from a glowing screen is good for you.
What I imagine he was trying to say that is if you were to take some nice girl out someday, you wouldn't have a hell of a lot to talk about that has occurred in the real world as opposed to WoW, or CoD, or any other three letter acronym for a game.
Like CSS, TF2, L4D, HL2, GTA, SSB, SMB, APB, DAH!, or MOH?

OT: Yeah, go outside, get a chick, and prove something to your dad.


New member
Oct 10, 2009
Lord Mountbatten Reborn said:
ottenni said:
Do a back-flip? Juggle chainsaws? Wrestle a bear? Bring home a nice girl?

Do those and he will never question you again.
At the same time, preferably.
That's something only people like Duke Nukem, Sgt. Cortez, or Captain Price can do!


New member
Apr 4, 2010
he said that to me, i showed him half life, asking me constantly when i visit if he can try another map...


New member
Sep 26, 2009
Omikron009 said:
Prove something like that to your parents? Impossible. I've tried for years, and it's not happening. You have to live with it.
That's so true... I don't think I've ever convinced my parents of one thing.

So, as the ageless saying goes, suck it up, you big wuss.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
ask him to take you on a hunting trip, show him the skills you've picked up from games.

Circleseer said:
... You see the irony of asking that question to strangers on the internet, right?
Also, This.

Jasper Jeffs

New member
Nov 22, 2009
Tell your dad to fuck off. That's what I do.
This, or just laugh at what he says because, by the sounds of it, his argument sounds retarded, my parents have retarded arguments against video games too. Ignorance is bliss, rofl in his face. Fun stuff.


New member
Aug 25, 2008
Go out, beat the shit out of a bear, with your bear hands, and bring back said bear hands and bear them before your father. That should work...

bloody pansy, deal with it like any other child, ignore what the parents think and wait until you're a parent so your kid will do the same thing with some other piece of crap entertainment venue. Like I hate 3d movies, or cellphones lacking the ability to be only used as phones...you know...to talk to people. Not sling letters at eachother and hope they understand what RTGPG4RN Means.


New member
Mar 16, 2010
Axzarious said:
SoxFan96 said:
I would recomend going outside. Meeting up with some friends, hanging out somewere for a few hours doing something physical and not game related.
Or if all your friends are lazy, at least go to a movie. Maybe get a girlfriend too. I haven't been told I was anti-social since I have been in a relationship.

Honestly, nothing computer related will show you are not dulled. Do something in real life, outside. Have fun. Take pictures. Show your parents.

But outside is BORING! Anything exiting outside offers (Like taking a grizzly down with your fists) would most likely have you end up in the infirmiry for several months if you scew up.
I resent that statement. Tell me, is a date with your girlfriend boring? I don't find it boring in the slightest. Or take a "safe risk" as those school posters call them. Go skydiving, white water rafting. Hell go to the amusement park with a group of friends. I find those all fun.

Unless this was all a joke and then I just made a fool of my self on the internet. I will never live down the shame...


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Just laugh A LOT randomly when on the internet or on Live, he will wonder whats so funny, then you reply, oh nothing I thought the internet was too dull for you, and the proceed to try make as many jokes as possible. Once he sees that the internet is a social place and not a time wasting device he cant have a problem with it.


New member
Jun 30, 2008
There's always the possibility that he's right, to a degree. When I was a teenager, I got fairly regressive in my interactions with my parents when computers were my life. Funny thing was, my social life didn't really suffer. Without realising it, I made the effort to maintain things with my friends, but with the amount of time I was sinking into one thing or the other, it was the people I took for granted that I pushed aside.


New member
Oct 6, 2008
Oh That Dude said:
So basically my Dad and I have just had a somewhat one sided discussion about the amount of time I spend on the laptop and on the Xbox. Apparently I'm dulled by technology and not interesting because of it. I could simply show him my msn conversations and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't dare deny the fact that I'm interesting, but the flaw with that is that I'd have to show him my msn conversations. Not safe for parental eyes. So:

How can I prove to him that gaming and the internet are not dulling my brain and making me a slave to a screen?

EDIT: I feel I should mention at this point that I do have an active social life and I don't spend all my time on here.
Your first hint that he's right? Instead of asking real people for advice, you turn to forums. Go outside and listen to your dad. Go make friends.


New member
Jun 18, 2010
Get them both playing xbox, then they cant say anything! Or if one uses a computer for work bring that up as they spend from 9-5 on the computer!!