I refuse to believe {insert game} is as awesome as people keep saying


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Jun 16, 2009
Rawne1980 said:
Indie games like Minecraft and From Dust and what not.

Yeah I can see how people find them fun but for me it's like going back to my old Spectrum. I love nostalgia as much as the next guy but I don't want to play modern games that look exactly the same as games I played 20 - 30 years ago.

Call of Duty, any of them. Never liked them. Not going to say they were shit because obviously people loved them but they just seemed like an average shooter. I've seen better.
Might want to edit From Dust out of that, the game looks gorgeous

OT: Call of Duty (not including 2 and 4) the only real reason I have them is to play with my friends, we get all tactical and it gets fun, but aside from that I really can't stand them, I could say why but the list would be too long


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Jun 16, 2009
Gibboniser said:
Zelda, I was talked into, and lent Windwaker, by playing it I KNOW it's just nostalgia talking, it's mediocre at best. *Flame suit*
I wouldn't say its a nostalgia thing, I played it recently and loved the hell out of it, my favorite zelda, that being said, I can completely see why some people would hate it, like the giant ocean, I liked the giant ocean, but I could easily see why most people hated it with a burning passion


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Mar 23, 2010
Dusk17 said:
I am suspicious of all the hype skyrim is getting. Are they hyping it because the know it sucks and want to try to make their money back or do they really think it is as awesome as they want you to think?
From what I understand if Fallout 3 was oblivion with guns, than skyrim is New Vegas with swords and idk if I'd like that.
Fallout 3 wasn't Oblivion guns, and Skyrim is definately not New Vegas with swords...they've created a new engine and it will be a further evolution of TES gameplay. Which is nothing like Fallout 3/New Vegas.

Both are great games of course and yes Skyrim is getting a huge amount of hype but from the looks of things it should succeed. *I really hope*


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Apr 21, 2011
Rex Fallout said:
Halo. Halo effing sucks. Why in hell is everyone so obsessed with it? Its story is sub par, its game play is terrible and over all it is a terrible experience. Why do they like it?
I agree! I played Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 3, and then Halo Reach, and I thought "this fucking blows!". Then again, I'm not really much of a science-fiction fan...

Vorpal Chill

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Mar 31, 2010
Let's go with Borderlands. I hate the sameness of that game, I mean that everything is pretty much bland from the environment to the guns.


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Aug 7, 2008
Hmm I remember playing the dogsnot out of the Ocarina of Time when it was released on the N64. I remember thinking, "Hmmm this is pretty cool" and then getting over it.

There is a whole generation of gamers out there who think that it was the best thing to ever happen to plastic since the power button. I remember distinctly getting more fun out of Mario Kart 64 with my drinking buddies.

Nowadays, I would happily go back and take anyone on in any of the 4player N64 titles of the day, but if I was forced to play Ocarina I would ***** and moan like no ones business (I thought the wind waker was much cooler)

and ditto with the above, I don't understand all of the hype of FF7. yes it was a great story. But so would you be if you were 4 cd's long in 1997.

Quellan Thyde

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Jul 11, 2011
Rage is one, I agree. To me it feels like Borderlands with slightly less suck and grind.

Mass Effect would be my second, for reasons I've done to death in earlier posts.


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Mar 7, 2010
I believe other people like games that I don't, the point is that I don't care when they try to promote it. They can play their stuff, I'll play mine, good day.


New member
Aug 7, 2008
Vorpal Chill said:
Let's go with Borderlands. I hate the sameness of that game, I mean that everything is pretty much bland from the environment to the guns.
I regret being suckered into that $15 on PSN deal. I almost wish i never played that monotonous awful peice of dookey.


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Aug 30, 2010
Dragon Age: Origins.
I'm currently in the Deep Roads for the first time and I really just lost faith in the game. Sure the story is enjoyable, but the way the combat works and just generally everything else, I can't bring myself to do anymore.

However, Dragon Age II is proving to be an absolutely delightful experience, so I'll stick with that.


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Aug 14, 2011
-Pokemon. Seriously. I had to sit through a decade of whiners saying how great it is, and when I finally get around to playing it, it sucked. Randomized enemies just suck.
-Zelda, same circumstances. Without nostalgia the series is shit. Didn't like it at all.
-Having friends, I mean, umm...


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Aug 3, 2011
Modern Warfare games. There not bad games, just not awesome as they are all the same - they dont really change them much. But then i prefer the WW2 games over the modern warfare versions anyway.


New member
Mar 25, 2011
I refuse to believe that:

The next Final Fantasy will be any good. So sad really.
Diablo III will be good. Update Diablo II and make it always-online on me will you? I think not.
Rage. Id, I don't know. Maybe. You've kind of been out of the game a while man.
Oh, and whenever the next part of Starcraft II comes out... it's probably not going to be that good, not really.

Rex Fallout

New member
Oct 5, 2010
DefinitelyPsychotic said:
Rex Fallout said:
Halo. Halo effing sucks. Why in hell is everyone so obsessed with it? Its story is sub par, its game play is terrible and over all it is a terrible experience. Why do they like it?
I agree! I played Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 3, and then Halo Reach, and I thought "this fucking blows!". Then again, I'm not really much of a science-fiction fan...
*coughs awkwardly* well I happen to be a science fiction writer so...

My hate for it isn't because it's science fiction, it just isn't fun. The gameplay isn't nearly as streamlined as say Call of Duty, (and don't get me wrong I don't like the majority of Call of Duty's, Black Ops was my absolute last one, and I only got it because me and my friends have suck a hard on for Zombies.) it... well, it isn't fun. But to each their own I guess. You enjoy halo, Microsoft plans on destroying what Bungie worked so hard to end by adding 3 more games so... I guess you fans get what you want? :/