I think I hate to talk about music more than anything else.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
I don't listen to much music, which makes it reallyhard to have conversations about it. Doesn't help that I'm mostly exposed to crappy pop like Call Me Maybe and Never Ever Getting Back together.


New member
Jan 19, 2012
It's such a personal topic that I don't know how people who don't agree in the first place can really say much. I play one of my favorite albums (the Replacements' Let It Be) in the car and my dad wonders why I listen to such depressing music. I don't find it remotely depressing, but I also don't understand the joy he feels when he tries to win me over with Brooks and Dunn when he drives.

If someone agrees or doesn't agree, there's not much to say beyond that in my experience. If someone doesn't like a song, an impassioned speech about how the song makes you happy or wistful or in the mood to break stuff can't really change their tastes.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Personally, I love talking about music, but I hate listening to other people talk about music. I try not to get into most music conversations though because I'm aware that I can be a real bore. The only times I tend to talk about music are if me and my friends are talking about metal, and we know where our tastes overlap.

Reece Borgars

New member
Feb 10, 2012
i dont mind conversing about music but i cant say its a popular topic for me because, similar to you, i dont really share the same taste as anyone. i dont really dislike any particular genre, but i cant say i have a favourite song, or even a favourite artist. Im something of a jack of all trades. i like music, but in the background - i never really listen to it properly, which makes it pretty difficult to talk about in any detail (it also rules out rap as a form of entertainment - i have nothing against it, but in the background it just becomes a guy talking)


New member
Apr 17, 2011
Yes, my tastes are generally not part of the mainstream since they go something like this, folk(Irish and American), punk, ska, power metal(European usually, they're good at it), and underground hip hop and rap. You don't typically hear this stuff on the radio.

When talking with people about music, I usually stick to the hip hop and rap. Some people fairly into the scene know the bigger underground or alternative acts. Atmosphere, Common, some people know Immortal Technique because he's got skills but he'll never be mainstream because of what he raps about.

doggy go 7

New member
Jul 28, 2010
Vault101 said:
I enjoy talking about music as long as I don't have to explain to people for the 100th fucking time YES rap and dubstep are music
Dubstep is most certainly music, it's just not very good ;)

OT, and seriously, I find music is one of the easier things to talk about, precisely because everyone has different tastes and likes different music for different reasons (but everyone likes some form of music), so you can tell something about them, but it's also not a closed conversation like talking about how shit the weather is.


New member
Apr 17, 2011
ImBigBob said:
I don't listen to much music, which makes it really hard to have conversations about it. Doesn't help that I'm mostly exposed to crappy pop like Call Me Maybe and Never Ever Getting Back together.
That's your own fault man. You got the entire internet at your disposal. I can recommend any of several places to start in a genre. See what you might be interested in and then develop your taste.

I'm only saying this because music plays such a huge role in my life. Seriously, not joking, a lot of my approach to the world comes from punk, but I like diversity so I listen to a lot of stuff.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
doggy go 7 said:
OT, and seriously, I find music is one of the easier things to talk about, precisely because everyone has different tastes and likes different music for different reasons (but everyone likes some form of music), so you can tell something about them, but it's also not a closed conversation like talking about how shit the weather is.
Asking people why they like music all the time doesn't quite have the same impact as being able to share your favorite songs with someone and have them actually care about what you're talking about, though.

I mean, you can't have the "Why do you like the music that you like?" conversation with your friends more than once, really.

doggy go 7

New member
Jul 28, 2010
Shia-Neko-Chan said:
I mean, you can't have the "Why do you like the music that you like?" conversation with your friends more than once, really.
Yeah, but you can take the piss out of their crap music tastes for years (or debate the relative merits for years to come if you're feeling boring and serious). Or possibly even talk about music/bands that you both like (eg my best friend got me into pink floyd, who I now adore, and I got a buch of friends early access to Muse tickets, and we're now gonna go as a group)

Wolf In A Bear Suit

New member
Jun 2, 2012
I'm very private about my Ipod and people judging it, so I tend to avoid the music talk unless my friend states he likes a song or band (I'm usually singing it and they recognise it) apart from one of my friends who shares my passion for one hit wonders from before we were born

War Penguin

Serious Whimsy
Jun 13, 2009
Yep. I'm right there with you, buddy. I've had this same problem. Thankfully, I've learned how to fix it: make friends with musicians/music majors. Seriously, if you talk to people who don't have music as their passion you may as well be talking to a brick wall. For the most part, that is. Sure, you'll find the odd sort who doesn't really study or play music but loves talking about it. But you'll mostly find people just like to listen and not talk. Which is fine. However, I, like you, love talking about music and I have found people who share the same passion as I do.

One other thing you should consider: a lot of people won't like the music you listen to. Musicians/music majors included. That sucks, I know. Believe me, I'm in the same boat as you. People see the stuff I listen to and look at me with raised eyebrows, but it's how it is. And worst of all, you can't convince people to like it as much as you. You just gotta accept the fact that they just won't like it. Doesn't mean you should stop trying, but keep in mind that you'll find more people who don't like/care for your music than you'll find people who do.

So yeah. Don't fret over the fact that people don't like the music you listen to. I know a lot of people don't share the same passion as you do, I've been right there with you. But I swear, you'll find people who are just as passionate as you. Maybe even more so.

Also, off topic, whenever someone talks about music online, I feel the need to post this:
I will talk about how Larry and His Flask is a good contribution to both punk and country music. Or how Streetlight Manifesto teaches you how to appreciate a good brass section. Or the subtleties in a Moby song. Or whatever the fuck Aesop Rock is saying. Or that Sage Francis will write a rap song that will make you cry. Or that Ratatat is stoned off their asses but make fantastic music because of it. Or how Atmosphere is both bitter and beautiful in their music. Or Steam Powered Giraffe has exceptional showmanship. Or how Born Ruffians will make you a hipster and you will like it. Or how Mumford and Sons will make you want to learn how to play the acoustic guitar. Or how Foster the People will make you want to groove which is what makes a good pop song. Or how Radiohead... well okay, I don't think I need to say anything about Radiohead. Or how DJ Shadow will make you stoned without pot. Or how Daft Punk... well okay, again, I don't need to explain. Or that Tommy Guerrero is damn sexy with a guitar. Or how Madeon is house music's second coming of christ! ... Okay, that one was a little extreme, I'll admit. But damn it! He was a bloody kid when he started making music!

Or how these songs are these songs are just awesome.

Or, most importantly, how Weezer was the best band ever during the 90s then completely sucked ass now.
Yeah... I'll talk your ear off about the music I like. :p


New member
Jul 29, 2011
I'm still stuck in the 80's with leather pants, tight jeans and mullets.

Now, if you'll excuse me, i'm off to listen to some Wham.

Total LOLige

New member
Jul 17, 2009
I don't have many friends that are interested in music, mostly the kind of people that have never listened to an album. So, I rarely get a good conversation about music. People tend to brand bands they have never heard of as 'shit' which is annoying.

Chemical Alia

New member
Feb 1, 2011
Music is one of the absolute LAST things I'm willing to talk about with someone else, unless it's discussing music theory or playing classical music or something. I have no favorite musicians, genres, can't name or identify popular music at all, because I rarely even listen to it to begin with. It seems like it's such an important thing to most people, too, so it's usually a really uncomfortable situation when people ask me what kind of music I listen to or about my favorite bands, etc. because they really don't exist. People usually look at me like I'm from another planet, so I usually just try to change the subject v:
Oct 2, 2012
War Penguin said:
You mentioned Sage Francis, Aesop Rock and Atmosphere (along with some other bands)... Do you want to be my friend? :D

OT: Nope I don't have that problem. I talk Metal with my Metal head friend, Rap with my rap friend, all electronic music with my metal/electronic friend, etc.

Elementary - Dear Watson

RIP Eleuthera, I will miss you
Nov 9, 2010
xplosive59 said:
Are you me? Seriously this is a major annoyance for me, half of my friends don't listen to music while the others are obsessed with 1 or 2 bands and are really narrow minded. Having a huge collection of music as well as it being my major passion means that I get pissed off during conversations about music.

Friend: "Modern rock music sucks!"
Me: "No it doesn't, have you heard the new Swans album or Lonerism by Tame Impala?"
Friend: "Who?"
Are you referring to The Seer?

I bought it because it was in my Amazon recommendations and I liked the cover! (This is strangely a common occurrence!) And now I love it! :p Really good album!

OT: I like a metric fuck ton of music... and I get this with some of the stuff I listen too... sometimes I get awkward conversations when I am asked what I am listening to. Particularly if I am listening to drone or something similar!
  • "What are you listening to?"
    "Tim Hecker..."
    "Who's that?"
    "Canadian drone artist... you won't like it!"
    "Why not? I like music...!"
    "You won't like this..."
    "Let me hear..." *Listens...* "Is this just, like, the intro or something?"
    "Nope... that's it!"
    "That's boring...!"
    "Sigh! ¬_¬"

The best thing I have found with more of my eclectic tastes in music is to play it in the background at a dinner party or a evening with drinks! Then anybody who hears it and likes it will mention, and then you can get all enthusiastic about it... other than that you kinda gotta just keep it personal!