I think I'm finally over ME3 now...


New member
Apr 13, 2009
projectpinkx said:
The only thing of passing interest I noticed recently was the discovered audio files from your squadmates that indicated a much more substantial ending.
I just read about that a few days ago, that and the uncut Shepard/Anderson death scene on the Citadel. I just...I don't get it. At all.

I think we should put together a team of experts, writers and programmers and so on, who can do a full-blown autopsy and find out exactly what went wrong, so that it will never happen again. Maybe we can set up a Kickstarter for this.


New member
Jun 3, 2011
dreadedcandiru99 said:
endtherapture said:
dreadedcandiru99 said:
endtherapture said:
I've just got engrossed in The Witcher 2. I savour replaying those games because your choices actually mean something, not just the occasionally NPC saying something slightly different.
Yeah, people keep bringing up Witcher 2 as an example of WRPGs done right. I got the first game a few weeks ago, though, and I was not terribly impressed. Which is frustrating, because I approve of everything I've read about CD Project (their stance on DRM, etc.)...
How far did you get? I reckon the game gets better the more you play it. I'm on my third playthrough now, and as well as mixing it up with different character builds and items etc. etc. I also make different dialogue decisions and you see how many actual meaningful variables there are. Plus the game is gorgeous to behold and there's hardly any horrible pixellated Mass Effect style textures.
Not very far; a couple of hours, I think. The combat boiled down to "click on the tiny indistinguishable bad guys till they fall down," the dialogue was clumsily written and awkwardly delivered, and the main character was just sort of lame. And at one point, the story felt like it skipped a few pages. I've heard that the second one is supposed to be way, way better, and I'm thinking of getting the console version because my computer sucks, but it seems like I'd be lost without finishing the first one.
if im correct, the second witcher is a prequel to the first.


New member
Feb 18, 2011
Blunderboy said:
StriderShinryu said:
I coped by really enjoying ME3 even with being slightly disappointed by the ending.
This. To the fucking letter.
I coped with this method as well.

Everytime I replay it, I'll always be disappointed (especially knowing all the cut content), but enjoying the rest of ME3 is enough.

It also kind of helped going back to the first ME. Though I would advise to tread carefully with this one. It can be sort of be a double edged sword and send you into a spiraling depression instead. (Seeing as how the first ending was and always will be 1000x better than the ME3 ending.)
May 5, 2010
How did I "cope"? You've gotta be shitting me. People "cope" with dead loved ones, or terminal diseases. We're talking about a damn videogame here. I was over it about a day after I beat the game.


New member
May 29, 2011
My process:

Day 1: bewilderment
Day 2: slight raging
Day 3: acceptance

And now I just don't care much anymore. It was like Neon Genesis Evangelion; it was such an incredible series up to those 5 minutes of shit that it never really bothered me too much. So we'll see where this "extended cut" goes (NGE's altered ending was trippy as balls, but at least it provided some semblance of closure), but no matter what it is my opinion of the series won't change much.


Sep 9, 2010
Mick Golden Blood said:
AceTrilby said:
I really wish more people were over it. I was over it roughly 8 seconds after the credits rolled. I thought "Huh, that was a bit poo" and the realised it was just a freaking game and ate lunch. Never did understand all this palaver about the ending. Or the photo debacle.

Life's too short to rage at something as trivial as the ME3 ending.

okay. Good for you, that you think that way. Saved you from how bad it could've been.

But some people really cared about the story, y'know? You have no right to dismiss their anger as "trivial".

The ending, should've been much, much more than it was. Salt to wound that they literally told us it wouldn't be ABC ending when it really was...

I will NEVER get over the ME3 ending. Every time I look back I feel like there's a void inside.
Ya know people died on 9/11 dude.

Like just regular people suddenly had to choose to wait for the building to collapse or jump from 150 floors up. People that, hours earlier were kissing there husband/wives goodbye. The fucking plans had little kids on them.

Big Picture man. Just saying. Big Picture.

Sangreal Gothcraft

New member
Feb 28, 2011
I did not buy Mass Effect, part 2 was sort of the end for me, then Dragon Age 2 was the nail in my heart. I cope by Not playing any more games, going outside and working two jobs and going to school full time>.>


Bans for the Ban God~
Jun 10, 2010
I 'coped' by not being bothered by the ending, since I've got nothing against it.

The only 'coping' I need is that the story of The Shepard is over, and I loved the journey more than the destination.
Still, crossing my fingers for ME:First Contact War, ME:Rachni Wars, ME: Krogan Rebellion or ME: Anderson's fun-time round the galaxy with what's-her-face.


New member
Jul 29, 2008
Still can't do another play-through of the game... Just... the ending killed it.
The multiplayer is fun, but is in need of more game types. Gets old very fast.


Vi Britannia
Aug 1, 2009
I finished Mass Effect 3, watched the ending, went "ok, that was weird", then booted the game back up and started it again.

To be honest, it was a bad ending, but it didnt affect my life or my will to live in any way/shape/form. You just carry on with reality as usual once you realise it all actually means fuck all in the long run.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
I managed to get it out of my system through a combination of writing, playing Halo Reach and eating out with my parents.

Jitters Caffeine

New member
Sep 10, 2011
Cope? I loved the game. Still love the game. And I just put in my time to help with Operation: Exorcist. I'm still having fun and don't see myself stopping.


New member
Jan 28, 2010
for me it was the fact that 99 percent of the time i played mass effect I cherished
staring down horrors of lovecraftian proportion, putting my life on the line time and time again for my crew, the horror and fear that washes over you when they do the same for you.
Genuine tears, more than i thought a game could ever bring me when mordin runs across the shroud tower.
The stubborness of grunt despite all odds, the undisputable charm of garrus, the greatest ally ever placed by your side.

yes the ending sucked, and yes there are rumours of a free DLC ending that was planned since december when the endings were leaked but i dont mind. I thank Bioware for what they gave me
Sep 14, 2009
Paladin2905 said:
Unfortunately I did think the game was ruined, but not just by the endings. The endings were just a final nail in what was an oppressively mediocre game. They made the combat system the best of all the three, but I think they sacrificed just about everything else to get there (story, mood, continuity), and I was sorely disappointed.

Coped by clean sweeping ME3 and Origin off the ol' HDD, and installing Psychonauts again!
i think the game had a few decent parts here and there, but it was overall mediocre compared to me1 and me2, and i constantly told myself "the ending will be great and it will make all these decisions infinitely badass and worth it with an amazing conclusion" and low and behold, it was the complete opposite, the motherload of shit upon broken shit ending (not saying endings, it's the same damn thing with a different color)

it was a definite last nail in the coffin indeed.

OT: well witcher 2 being an amazing game, i currently am doing a run through of that and doing some occasional multiplayer on me3 with friends, otherwise that game will probably be erased on my HDD pretty soon...have zero motivation to touch the single player ever again.


New member
Feb 16, 2011
porpoise hork said:
I didn't let the ending bother me in the first place.
Completely this, the ending is not so bad, it lets you think a little and while some people may not like that, it is still a very good game and I am happy to have played and enjoyed the game series and look forward to what is next in the Mass Effect universe.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Im over it enought to start a second playthrough

its a little depressing knowing now hot it will turn out, not just the ending but the whole game is one punch in the face after another