I want to play a game which doesn't exist


New member
Feb 4, 2010
Is their a game that you keep you see in your head vividly, however when you try to find it you can only find games that are only vaguely similar to the game you have in your head? This is the case with me.

I want to play a space colony mmo. Basically a game where you start off on a large colony ship from earth and you choose the type of planet you land on in the galaxy. You begin with a small area around the grounded colony ship eventually building it up larger and larger until you can build in another area on the planet. Eventually you can build satellites then space stations and on other planets and moons within the solar system. This is all occurring within a larger galactic society though. You can then build trade alliances with other players withing your local group of solar systems. Which eventually can be built into protective alliances against other groups. Other players would be able to conquer you and if they do so you lose everything and have to start over again from a colony ship. However you can surrender and live under the conquered players rule as a governor of your colony.

Atm I don't think we have the tech necessary for this game to exist but that should be remedied in at least half a decade. So how about you what game is out there that you want to play?


Tentacle God
Feb 28, 2012
Sean Hollyman said:
Star Wars Battlefront 3

But the dumbasses at Lucasrats won't heed my calls.
Off topic but is that the actual sprite animation for Kyurem? Looks kinda wierd.

spectrenihlus said:
I want to play a space colony mmo. Basically a game where you start off on a large colony ship from earth and you choose the type of planet you land on in the galaxy. You begin with a small area around the grounded colony ship eventually building it up larger and larger until you can build in another area on the planet. Eventually you can build satellites then space stations and on other planets and moons within the solar system. This is all occurring within a larger galactic society though. You can then build trade alliances with other players withing your local group of solar systems. Which eventually can be built into protective alliances against other groups. Other players would be able to conquer you and if they do so you lose everything and have to start over again from a colony ship. However you can surrender and live under the conquered players rule as a governor of your colony.
I'm not entirely sure but I think that Space Pirates and Zombies is sorta like that (single player though). Never played it though so I could be entirely wrong. Actually, I am almost certainly wrong. The idea sounds pretty cool though. There are actually a few games, like Galactic Civilizations, which do emulate a Galactic Society to an extent(again, single player), although not to the level you are suggesting.

I'd like a really, really big open world game with tonnes of content and realistic factions, who act independently of the player. Something to make me feel like I'm in a real world.

Sean Hollyman

New member
Jun 24, 2011
Fractral said:
Sean Hollyman said:
Star Wars Battlefront 3

But the dumbasses at Lucasrats won't heed my calls.
Off topic but is that the actual sprite animation for Kyurem? Looks kinda wierd.
Yeah it is, I couldn't find any animated Sprites for Black Kyurem so I had to settle for this instead


New member
Aug 27, 2009
The Star Wars thing reminds me; how about a new X-Wing vs Tie-Fighter game? Featuring:

- The option to play both sides with a full campaign for each.
- A mid-campaign option to switch sides (and thus change the potential ending).
- A robust and fun multiplayer
- Graphics and sounds which match the films as much as possible.

I would play the hell out of that game (the first x-wing and Tie-fighter games were great; the x-wing vs tie-fighter? It wasn't quite as good).


New member
Feb 4, 2010
Fractral said:
Sean Hollyman said:
Star Wars Battlefront 3

But the dumbasses at Lucasrats won't heed my calls.
Off topic but is that the actual sprite animation for Kyurem? Looks kinda wierd.

spectrenihlus said:
I want to play a space colony mmo. Basically a game where you start off on a large colony ship from earth and you choose the type of planet you land on in the galaxy. You begin with a small area around the grounded colony ship eventually building it up larger and larger until you can build in another area on the planet. Eventually you can build satellites then space stations and on other planets and moons within the solar system. This is all occurring within a larger galactic society though. You can then build trade alliances with other players withing your local group of solar systems. Which eventually can be built into protective alliances against other groups. Other players would be able to conquer you and if they do so you lose everything and have to start over again from a colony ship. However you can surrender and live under the conquered players rule as a governor of your colony.
I'm not entirely sure but I think that Space Pirates and Zombies is sorta like that (single player though). Never played it though so I could be entirely wrong. Actually, I am almost certainly wrong. The idea sounds pretty cool though. There are actually a few games, like Galactic Civilizations, which do emulate a Galactic Society to an extent(again, single player), although not to the level you are suggesting.

I'd like a really, really big open world game with tonnes of content and realistic factions, who act independently of the player. Something to make me feel like I'm in a real world.
I would settle for space colony game but the few that exist either deal with the evacuation of earth or they don't play the way I want. Not saying they are bad it's just not what I want.


Jun 9, 2010
A completely customisable zombie apocalypse survival. At the start you can tweak all the settings, from arcade to realistic, zombie types, horde size starting location, profession, FPS or TPS etc then spawn in a randomly generated area with the goal to simply survive. Get food and water, barricade buildings, gather survivors etc. And it can be as realistic or arcadey as you like, with realism adding the food and water requirements, sanity meter, infection possibility even from a scratch. Basically the best and ultimate zombie game ever.


New member
Aug 22, 2009
I desperately want "the" zombie game. The one that's scary, realistic, preferably open world, with a good story and good gameplay.

I believe that the zombie trend won't completely end until this game is made for every platform, because people will keep buying zombie games in the hope that it's "the" zombie game.

Also, a pirate action game. A good one.

And an actually scary horror game on a console that I have. GODDAMIT AMNESIA.


New member
May 5, 2011
The problem with your game that doesn't exist is balancing, as old players in the mmo will have a massive advantage in resources over the newer players. There are ways of getting round it like grouping new players in one area of galactic space, but inevitably you'll hit problems.

I really want to play a survival/RPG game where you're a dinosaur, and you have to hunt herbivores really stealthily to survive, and avoid the larger allosaurs etc. And I was thinking of it being sci-fi, so that the dinosaurs are living on this gigantic ringworld or some other shape, and there has to be some ultimate aim to all of it. I might try and make it, but I'm not quite there with the 3D animation stuff yet.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
I want to play a game where you are on a warship and fill in the various roles that take place during space combat. Maybe you're the Captain, giving orders, maybe you're a navigator, flying the ship, maybe you're an engineer pushing the right buttons and doing damage control to make sure that the ship doesn't blow up. Maybe you're a pilot making a strafing run on another ship, maybe you're a gunner shooting down incoming fighters, or maybe you're a shock trooper, boarding an enemy ship to seize vital intel, or fighting off enemy boarders. The potential in a game like this for multiplayer would be massive, two teams, each one crewing a ship, trying to take the other one out, and teamwork is a must.


New member
Feb 4, 2010
Esotera said:
The problem with your game that doesn't exist is balancing, as old players in the mmo will have a massive advantage in resources over the newer players. There are ways of getting round it like grouping new players in one area of galactic space, but inevitably you'll hit problems.

I really want to play a survival/RPG game where you're a dinosaur, and you have to hunt herbivores really stealthily to survive, and avoid the larger allosaurs etc. And I was thinking of it being sci-fi, so that the dinosaurs are living on this gigantic ringworld or some other shape, and there has to be some ultimate aim to all of it. I might try and make it, but I'm not quite there with the 3D animation stuff yet.
Isn't that the way of life however, but the thing about this is the milky way has around 200-400 billion stars if you wanted to you can go off grid and build up your forces in secret if you choose to do so. You won't gain the resources that say a massive organization will but you can make a dent and sometimes a dent is all you need. This would be the risky route but it can be done. Or you play on the inside and strike at the old guard from within. Baiscally like Eve online but instead of starships you deal with solar systems.


New member
May 15, 2009
World of warcraft with a hack and slash combat system.

EDIT: on second thought, I would love an open world steampunk game where I commandeer my airship with a similar control system to the assassins creed 3 ship combat (as in, you don't turn into the ship, it makes sure it feel like you are on the ship.)

DOUBLEEDIT: OP, I haven't played it, but you might want to try Spore. If you don't mind it being single player, I think it's got what you want.


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
I want to play a Singleplayer superhero RPG where I can create my own hero, costume and powers, along the same lines as Champions Online or City of Heroes, but without the typical MMO trappings.

Very surprised no one has tackled this yet.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Have you given Endless Space a try? It may not be an MMO, but it has some of the characterestics you seem to be looking for. At the least, it should provide you with quite a bit of entertainment.
Apr 28, 2008
I want to play a space-sim game that has seamless transitions between planets and space with no loading screens, boarders, or anything like that. A space sim that lets you walk around in your ship, stock your ship with a crew, interact with that crew, lets you trick your enemies, lets you capture other ships to use, lets you hack into other people's ships, and just has a wide variety of ways to play both in space and on planets.

Wait, what's that, it exists [http://www.elliptic-games.com/index.shtml]? My dream game exists?! IT IS A REAL THING THAT IS HAPPENING?!?!?!

If you'll all excuse me, I'll be over here, tending to my massive erection.


New member
Sep 9, 2011
Sacrifice 2.0 : Unlimited Blade Works edition.......oh wait, that game already exist in the form of Brutal Legend (sort of)

I was thinking of Sacrifice MEETS Dragon Dogma MEETS Shadow of The Colossus: HP.Lovecraft edition.

Set in the infinite Dreamlands, you play as Nodens The Lord of The Great Abyss, the hunter of the Dreamlands and opponent of Nyarlathotep. You kill a shitload of Eldrich Abominations every once in a while and you had the Nightgauts, your servants, to collect human souls as resources and use them to power new creatures to help you in the hunt.

You may now proceed to have a Nerdgasm.


New member
May 2, 2011
Competetive multiplayer zombie game:

- human survivers play in the typical FPS style as seem in Left 4 Dead
- People controlling the zombies have an RTS view like Total War.

Maybe it does exist but I havn't seen it yet.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
Irridium said:
I want to play a space-sim game that has seamless transitions between planets and space with no loading screens, boarders, or anything like that. A space sim that lets you walk around in your ship, stock your ship with a crew, interact with that crew, lets you trick your enemies, lets you capture other ships to use, lets you hack into other people's ships, and just has a wide variety of ways to play both in space and on planets.

Wait, what's that, it exists [http://www.elliptic-games.com/index.shtml]? My dream game exists?! IT IS A REAL THING THAT IS HAPPENING?!?!?!

If you'll all excuse me, I'll be over here, tending to my massive erection.
I think I'm in love. I've wanted something like this for years. To tide you over while you wait, check out Vega Strike. Not as complex, as in, no walking around, but just check it out. I really hope that it will have multiplayer, this Rodina. I want it badly.


New member
Mar 12, 2010
erttheking said:
I want to play a game where you are on a warship and fill in the various roles that take place during space combat. Maybe you're the Captain, giving orders, maybe you're a navigator, flying the ship, maybe you're an engineer pushing the right buttons and doing damage control to make sure that the ship doesn't blow up. Maybe you're a pilot making a strafing run on another ship, maybe you're a gunner shooting down incoming fighters, or maybe you're a shock trooper, boarding an enemy ship to seize vital intel, or fighting off enemy boarders. The potential in a game like this for multiplayer would be massive, two teams, each one crewing a ship, trying to take the other one out, and teamwork is a must.
Playing as an engineer rushing around and repairing your ship as it's getting blown apart all around you would be freakishly intense, as would being a gunner lining up your shot to be just right to nail an enemy ship hundreds of thousands of kilometres away. There's a ton of possibilities for this sort of thing.
Personally I'd rather something like this to be moreso single player focused, following the one ship and it's crew as it goes off to fight against all sorts of stuff over a month long or so campaign. How well you do the various roles will determine the state of ship, the crew, the mission and the impact on the region as a whole by the end. Character's you play as can be permanently killed and as the captain you will often have to choose between attacking or defending one objective or another, shaping the course of the battle in different ways as it goes on and incuring a ton of replay value.

How 'bout a zombie game where you don't play as an average guy turned apocalypse survivor. How about being part of the military force that responds to the outbreak? It'd be a unique perspective playing as a guy who is essentially forced to fight the people he's sworn to defend, trying to discern non-infected individuals from infected ones whilst facing off against struggling bandits and deserters of the crumbling army, doing whatever it takes to prevent the quarantine zone from expanding.
Or a more comedic game where you build your own battle, vehicle, tank... thing from scraps of junk you find across the wasteland, scavenging for crap and building your ride by night and going out to kick zombie ass during the day. You can add all sorts of additions to your ride, like gigantic cannons, rocket boosters, spinning chains and oversized meat grinders.
And the soundtrack is exclusively the Benny Hill theme.