id Gearing Up for Another New Project


New member
May 28, 2009
While I would welcome Heretic 3 and/or Hexen 3, I would plead id to continue developing Quake Live. Since it's a free service I'm afraid it's one of the things that could get dropped first...


New member
Apr 12, 2009
Psychosocial said:
Souplex said:
Finally, after years of valve and Bungee letting the FPS degrade to the condition it is today, we get the people who know what they are doing leading the pack!
Saying that Valve is degrading FPS' sounds like flamebait to me, and even more so, saying it on The Escapist, that's as smart as making a topic stating that Tim Schafer can't make games.

Anyways, I hope it's Quake 5, I loooove Quake 3: Arena. It beats the shit out of any Unreal Tournament game ever made.
hmmm Im unreal torniment man myself but hexen 3 could be laugh


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Hoping for Quake 5, we need a little more old school blasting in the current coversystemregeneratingtesticlesopenworld sewerage system we have have to put up with at the moment.

OptimusHagrid said:
One things for sure, FPS's aren't the same as they were in the mid 90's. It clear that Valve and Bungie have both played large parts in influencing 21st century FPS's.
Interesting, but to me Valve's FPS's (portal excluded) pretty much are 90's fps games. Health comes from packs or not at all whilst not regenerating, you either have a massive arsenal or what you're given from the start.
Things like cover systems, disembodied tellsyouwhattodonext voices, random cutscenes, shaky cam view, context sensitivity and even seperate controls for fire/melee*/grenade simply do not exist in the Valve universe.

*Admittedly Portal and L4D shake up how you play quite a bit, but even L4D is a 90's shoot em up with some clever design choices in it. L4D does have fire/melle on seperate bindings too, Day of Defeat allows it for two specific weapons as well.