If American McGee Doesn't Get Alice He'll Put Zombies In Oz


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Yes, in a magical fucking fantasy land we will put scarecrow zombies. Are you serious? Fuck the zombie plague, it's not infecting our bodies, it's infecting our fucking GAMES!

Come on there would be enough stuff in there to twist around. Rather than going the Alice 2 route do things the Alice 1 ways, take the source material and mess with it, rather than trying to insert elements of horror into it!


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
Mmmm I think we really just need more steampunk games. Also Star Wars, we need more Star Wars games. And superpower God powerful sandbox games.

...And maybe a Firefly game....

I'll leave now.


New member
Jun 12, 2010
Sounds like McGee's trying to make a horror sequel to the original OZ film. Thanks for the thought McGee but we got one of those already [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Return_to_Oz]. How about you follow your example from Alice 1 and, I don't know, [i/]use the source material[/i]! Seriously, the Oz books have Wicked Witches, winged monkeys, living trees, Mombi -a witch in the sequel movie who [i/]could switch (still LIVING) heads[/i], the Army of Revolt (bunch of women who use knitting needles as weapons. Seriously, taking this into horror territory wouldn't be hard), the Hungry Tiger (always hungry tiger who wants to eats babies and children), the Nome King, Princess Langwidere of Ev (she's the head-swapper in the books and she wants Dorothy's head), the Flatheads rulers Su-dic and Coo-ee-oh, and finally there's the Deadly Desert that completely surrounds Oz (it's a magic desert that turns people who try to walk across it into [i/]sand[/i]. I mean, come on now!). And this is only the stuff that's portrayed as evil within the book series without any twisting yet. I mean, Glinda and Princess Ozma (the "good guys" leaders) run a Big Brother-esque dictatorship that controls the use of magic. Don't tell me that can't be twisted into something horrifying.

In short, there's already a ton of horrifying crap in the books; do we really need to add zombies to the mix? I like the idea of a steampunk Oz though...


New member
Jan 4, 2010
I don't think it was meant that way, but I took the headline as a threat. Like he's holding Oz hostage with a zombie virus or something.


New member
May 7, 2009
Oh. Wow. Zombies in a popular existing property. That's never been done. How original. I can see why McGee is considered such a visionary. Who else would have had the sheer creativity to take something that's existed for a long time and then put zombies in it? No one, that's who. What a fascinating, not-completely-done-to-death idea. Zombies. I have honestly never seen that before.


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
I actually prefer the sound of the OZ game to be honest. There isn't enough steam punk in gaming, and I am not bored with zombies as a thing, as much as I am tired of people making crappy things that have them.

That Dorothy design looks really cool.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Maybe McGee should try a pitch other than "high-concept re-imagining of fairy-tale/kidlit classic". I mean, he's got to have something rattling around under that heading besides Bad Day L.A., right? Right...?



Jaden Kazega

New member
Nov 12, 2011
Legion said:
I actually prefer the sound of the OZ game to be honest. There isn't enough steam punk in gaming, and I am not bored with zombies as a thing, as much as I am tired of people making crappy things that have them.

That Dorothy design looks really cool.
Pretty much this.

I suppose zombies haven't been done to death for me because I haven't played every single game to come out featuring zombies, thus ruining my experiences in playing games with a zombie-based theme in them (even if it's tacked-on as an added mode, like in Call of Duty). I've played Left 4 Dead and it's "sequel", the original zombie mode in Call of Duty: World at War (and tried out the mode in friend's copies of other CoD games), there were zombies in the Beggar's Nest in Neverwinter Nights, and the Flood in the Halo series, if you count them.

Plus, Steampunk. Can never get enough of that. lol

EDIT: I would mention Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen, but I haven't encountered them yet. Oh yea, how can I forget the zombies in Minecraft?

Arslan Aladeen

New member
Oct 9, 2012
I don't think I'll ever get the zombie craze in games. An enemy with no intelligence or self preservation skills that shambles/runs right into your line of fire? How is that interesting or engaging or fun in anyway?


New member
Mar 18, 2012
hazabaza1 said:
I never got this whole thing with American McGee.
"Let's make a kid's thing all dark and stuff" is hardly a unique idea and from what I've seen of the Alice games he makes them "creepy" in the most standard ways possible.
Its also kind of ironic given that the source material for Alice in Wonderland and The Wizard of Oz are already pretty dark (for example, the Tin Man basically cut off all his limbs and body parts due to a curse and replaced them all with tin, until all that was left was just tin)

Edit: I'm also still on board the zombie train. Red Dead Redemption definitively proved that zombies can improve any existing thing


New member
Jul 10, 2012
Just when you thought titles couldn't get any stupider than "ZombiU"...
[sub][sub][sub]Yes, even as a placeholder title.[/sub][/sub][/sub]