If mutants became real, which side would you be on?


New member
Sep 30, 2009
When I say mutants, I mean the ones from x-men. People with extraordinary powers.

So lets say those kind of people suddenly became real. Would you be pro-mutant, anti-mutant, or somewhere in between? Try to give some good reasons behind your decision too.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
I would probably be pro mutant (does that side mean I view mutant as people right?) or neutral if the situation is very bad (if mutant attack any non mutants).

What history and the real world had taught me is that discrimination, fear towards others and hate itself is bad nor will I let it comsume me especially when I had face some racial remarks in the past.


New member
Oct 12, 2009
Well...if I'm totally honest...and there were people out there who were able to make me jump off a bridge just by willing me to do so...or blow my head off just by looking at me...I probably wouldn't be totally down with that.


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
I'd judge each mutant by his or her actions, it's only fair that way and besides, trying to oppress a group of people who could hide effortlessly among the regular population and have great destructive potential if they use their powers for evil doesn't sound like a smart idea.


New member
Mar 17, 2011
Since the OP is lacking a clear definition for what the "pro-" and "anti-" actually entail, I have to choose other.

What little I know of the X-Men comes from the 90's cartoon and the 3 Fox movies. So, iirc, there were the good mutants (X-Men and such), bad mutants (Magneto, Sinister, etc.) and anti-mutant humans with lasers and sentinels.

Seeing as I'm currently not a mutant, I wouldn't get involved in a physical altercation, because that's way beyond my pay grade. Let them fight it out amongst themselves. But, I would use my vote to reject any legislation that calls for a registry, for whatever good that would do.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
Saucycarpdog said:
When I say mutants, I mean the ones from x-men. People with extraordinary powers.

So lets say those kind of people suddenly became real. Would you be pro-mutant, anti-mutant, or somewhere in between? Try to give some good reasons behind your decision too.
I'd be very firmly on the, "For The Love Of God, Is There Any Way We Can Avoid Killing Each Other" side. Because killing people is bad. M'kay?


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Really depends on how widespread the thing is.

I'll be honest, if there's only a few of them I'd probably be anti-mutant. I don't mean that as in kill the lot of em but I do mean that as in heavy regulation, likely even separation, and measures to prevent further procreation etc.

Yes, I know, very unfair, highly discriminatory etc.

But if there's only a few of them, without the crucial mass to ensure they're evenly spread out all across countries, beliefs, convictions etc. then it's most likely going to turn into one heck of a complete and utter mess that'll cost millions, if not billions, of lives.


New member
Oct 15, 2011
Most of my exposure to X-men is through the movies so, pro-human. What the mutants did was significantly worse than what the humans did. The worst act against mutants in the 5 movies was when striker tried to genocide the mutants (only for the mutants to try to genocide them back). However, the mutants tried their hand at genocide...what...3 times in 5 films? Other than Striker (Stryker?), humans acted with quite a bit of restraint. Far more than we actually would.

Also, I dont think peaceful coexistence is possible. Even if we all held hands and there was full equality, humans would be second rate citizens, they would not be able to compete with mutants. It would be like Deux Ex where the non-augmented humans could not compete with augmented ones, leading people to desperate tactics to become augmented. Either mutants or humans would have to be wiped out, hopefully by non-violent means (ie turning all mutants into humans or vice versa)


New member
Mar 25, 2009
Saucycarpdog said:
When I say mutants, I mean the ones from x-men. People with extraordinary powers.

So lets say those kind of people suddenly became real. Would you be pro-mutant, anti-mutant, or somewhere in between? Try to give some good reasons behind your decision too.
Honestly? I'd be hunting them down and do my best to get them neutralized (whatever that means would depend on what means are available. if a "cure" would be available i'd go for that, if not...).

Why? Well, because their powers can simply cause too much damage. Some/many of them may be good people but who's to say who's not going to use their power to do evil? And let's not forget every person becomes "evil" at one point. Imagine your average spree shooter with magneto's power? Imagine a dictator with Xavier's powers? Allowing mutants to run free would be like allowing people with H-bombs walking around unchecked. Nobody wants that.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
I would be all for having them register in a database or something. I'm sorry, but some of these powers are downright terrifying for a normal human being. Cyclops can destroy buildings with his eyes. Storm can change the very weather. Jean can read your mind--and we later find out that she can do straight up crazy stuff too--Silver Fox can make you do whatever she tells you to do.
And these are the good guys. Magneto, Mister Sinister? These are people who can wipe out entire cities if they feel like it. So yeah, I'm afraid they are going to have to put up with a lot more restraints than a normal human would. Which would lead to people crying, "That's not fair!" which would lead to protests, which would lead to violence, which would lead to war, which would lead to one of two outcomes most likely: enslavement, or genocide.

So as cool as it sounds to have special powers, unless everyone got them all at once, it's a good thing mutants aren't real.


New member
Sep 25, 2009
pro mutie. The last thing this world needs is even more descrimination and hate: god knows we have enough as is.


New member
Aug 29, 2012
Indifferent, and further development based on (personal) situations with them. But you mentioned Marvel, which will lead to (I believe this is the correct arc) House of M and Phoenix -scenarios where cosmic Powers That Be vaporize Earth as collateral damage. At which point... what am I supposed to do when I was incinerated by bird-shaped fire entity?


New member
Jan 8, 2010
I would probably be somewhere in-between. I certainly wouldn't want them all dead or locked up but I think wanting to treated just like everyone else when you have city levelling or even apocalyptic powers or something very easy to abuse like mind control is...understandable but unrealistic (this is also why they make a terrible gay analogy). I don't know exactly what I would want done. Hopefully something not too intrusive, registry and mandatory training maybe but there would need to some way of monitoring and dealing with the high risk ones.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
pro-mutant for the most part
I think though if someone had a destructive power they would have to register their power though...


New member
Sep 23, 2010
My most important view for this has always been that mutants don't just appear. Every mutant has a human parent and family. The only way to stop the spread of mutants is for humans to just stop having kids which is just not possible. In universe Marvel was rapidly approaching critical mass before M Day reset the mutant population.

Ok lets say you're anti mutant. Well what happens when your kids start out showing up as mutants?

So I'm Pro mutant but also pro registration. They need a way to learn their abilities in safe places.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
I'd be on the side of figuring out how to get those awesome powers!

Sure, sure, sure, I know that there are sides to be taken in a pro/anti-mutant conflict and most of us would be human. Even if this doesn't make me technically a mutant, if we are talking amazing powers, it's just as reasonable to become a superpowered individual through science as it is through random genetics. But seriously, enough of this "I'd be a human, pro-mutant hippie" stuff, give me the power to destroy anyone who crosses me and I really wouldn't care who on earth is against me!

*insert maniacal evil laughter here*

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I never bought the segregation analogy in X-Men. I have a hard time imagining a society were being awesome as per the cultural standards of said society would get you anything but worshipped by everybody. Here you have a group of physically athletic people sporting Hollywood-sanctioned beauty and sex appeal and you're telling me that most people would hate them because they have super powers? Who wouldn't absolutely want to be friends with them?


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
I would most likely be supporting the mutants one way or another... that, and I would always assume my date's secretly a mutant...

Then again, that "fear of the unknown" mentality could explain that pending/existing Mutant World War...


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Presuming the same conflict carries over, where humans are fuckwits who largely want to do away with mutants, I'd definitely be pro-mutant. Ideally I'd be a mutant myself, in which case I can reasonably confidently say I'd align with whatever equates to Magneto's Brotherhood. If not, I'd just vote mutant and things like that.


New member
Mar 6, 2012
Saucycarpdog said:
When I say mutants, I mean the ones from x-men. People with extraordinary powers.

So lets say those kind of people suddenly became real. Would you be pro-mutant, anti-mutant, or somewhere in between? Try to give some good reasons behind your decision too.
I like to think that I am open-minded enough not to want people to be forced to register and live under extra laws just for the crime of being born different.

On the other hand, the first skyscraper demolished due to eyeball-lasers and I would probably change my mind.