If you could have any mutant powers

Sean Hollyman

New member
Jun 24, 2011
What would you have? I would love Magneto's control over Metal, or Wolverine's regeneration and less aging.

Though Gambit's power to put a charge into objects would be amazng

him over there

New member
Dec 17, 2011
There are so many that I don't know what I would choose. When you specifically say mutant powers it makes me think only things in x-men which I don't know much about. So I'm going to go with non de-script energy powers and short range rapid agility like the reaper conduits in inFamous.
At least they've got a pretty cool uniform:


Full Frontal Nerdity
May 25, 2010
Mind-reading all the way, so pre-accident Professor X. Only less of a douche.

I'm a sucker for your threads :3


New member
Sep 19, 2008
Okay as a detective this is a no brainer, mind-reading 100% mind reading. Maybe post-cognition the ability to touch an object and see it's past.


Why does this place still exist
Aug 1, 2010
Seems you have mutant thread making powers :p

OT: Telekinesis because then you wouldnt need super strength and you'd be able to fly. Think Chronicle style.


Senior Member
Mar 29, 2012
Teleporting, every time. I'd never be late again, not have to worry about bus timetables. I could visit places all over the world on my weekends. And if some other mutant tries to laser my face off, I can be all "oh, where you trying to kill me, I couldn't see from this other continent" Hopefully, having a tail and being a funny colour aren't necessary.


New member
Dec 7, 2011
My knowledge on mutants is almost non-existent. Are there any with time-based powers at all? The ability to re-wind or pause time would be cool.


New member
Aug 29, 2011
Although genius-level intellect isn't considered a mutant power, I would instead choose to have the ability to obtain/understand knowledge instantaneously, as well as master any skill within seconds. I would also like to transfer and absorb knowledge and skills to other individuals, only that they will not be able to master it as quickly (i.e. they have all the cooking knowledge of a world class chef, but you will not be able they will not be able to preform like one).


Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave
ace_of_something said:
Okay as a detective this is a no brainer, mind-reading 100% mind reading. Maybe post-cognition the ability to touch an object and see it's past.
Ooooh, psychometry, you don't really hear that one being wanted...

Hazy992 said:
OT: Telekinesis because then you wouldnt need super strength and you'd be able to fly. Think Chronicle style.
I'ma go with that, though for very different reasoning.

*does a bit of forum searching* Ah, found it:

Here you go:

SckizoBoy said:
Because I feel like it... (actually, because of the 'favourite superpower' thread#God-only-knows)

I personally believe that telekinesis can explain away every other superpower conceived by man (except time-travel, but if that ever was a superpower, then we're all fucked, so it is thereby discounted).

Suggest abilities, and I will endeavour to evolve it from telekinesis. Cake to whoever stumps me.

Captcha - fulfilled blessu

Why thank you...

SckizoBoy said:
I will not be held responsible for the inaccuracy of the science herein! =P

TheIronRuler said:
Enhanced cognetive abilities, basically a living super-genius.
Enhanced cognition = selective synapse signalling acceleration (plus points for being a neuro-biologist!)
Super-genius... is that really a superpower? (Discuss)

Soylent Bacon said:
I don't know if telekinesis is the #1 best power (and I don't care), but it IS my favorite.
Personally, telepathy is my favourite, but hey.

Twilight_guy said:
Immortality. I would like to hear how telekinesis explains immortality or even invulnerability.
Immortality = selective biochemical manipulation to maintain function of all organs & organ systems
Invulnerability = telekinetic armour/shielding (either deflective or absorbant, that'll cover most unless you have a specific scenario in mind)

dkyros said:
Explain away Regeneration.
Regeneration = as with Immortality, selective biochemical manipulation to close wounds, fabricate antibodies/platelets/macrophages etc.

ultrachicken said:
Explain mind control.
Mind Control = manipulation of signal firing of target(s) nerves (either terminal or neural, grrr... I need to remember my human physiology, curse you!) (either calcium cascades or neurostransmitters, both work)

loc978 said:
But here, I'll give you an easy one: Fire blasts shot from the palm of your hand.
You're not seriously expecting me to explain that are you, eh, Colonel Mustang? Hmm?! I refer you to Riza Hawkeye's back, you're so smart!

SckizoBoy said:
Once again, I will not be held responsible for any inaccuracy of the science herein.

Nocturnal Gentleman said:
I could only see that working for turning into a golem. Forming scales and muscles from mind power is too much of a stretch. It also doesn't explain how your normal systems don't get damaged or simply collapse from the changes.
That's really open to debate, because by association, you are capable of changing your internal composition, but it's only if you need/want to adopt the target creature's complete biology, as opposed to say, just morphology. Provided you can keep your blood pumping to your brain with sufficient glucose/minerals, you can do pretty much anything you wish with the rest of your body (and at your leisure, if you think about it... in my case, really, really hard...!)

sheah1 said:
I just wanna throw in my use of telekinesis from the earlier thread, use telekinesis like a physical ghost of yourself, just like Nero in DMC4.
Oh, that's easy, if you know the dimensions of your body, replicate in an empty space with deflective response where your body is. *shrug*

loc978 said:
So wait a sec here, you're claiming the acceleration and redirection of trillions of electrons as telekinesis? May as well claim that mind control is a function of electricity blast powers... I'm pretty sure you'd just give the person an aneurysm as they fought for control of their brain. As for regeneration and immortality... That could work, unless the person with the powers was disintegrated. You could probably go up to about "Incredible" regeneration under the FASERIP system, but nothing along the lines of a guy who can reform himself after being incinerated in a nuclear blast. Invulnerability... deflection yes, absorption... how? Which brings another power to mind: energy absorption.
Uh, where did I mention electrons? In any event, electrons still constitute material (to even the most cynical of theoretical physicists). As for the energy absorption, that is a very sticky point. Telekinesis = mental strength to influence matter. By its own definition, energy is input to the material in question, hence telekinesis is the manipulation of energy. Example: you have a shield using telekinesis to stop bullets, so question: does the 'shield' send a repulsive burst of energy to stop the bullet, or does it absorb the energy of the bullet to bring it to a stop? What I tend to say is that either one works as far as telekinesis is concerned though each has its advantages/disadvantages.

Actual said:
Mine: Teleportation, you can move things with telekinesis but you can't move it through nothing instantaneously.
Toughy... this one would only work if you could accurate identify every atom in your body and replicate them at the target location (relative positions and all). However, your brain would require the processing power of a 2.5 Gig 128 core supercomputer to pull it off. Grrr... argh...

Now, please tell me that you dislike cheesecake, as I actually want that piece!

Ralphfromdk said:
Okay then. Explain.......... Telekinesis. How does your mind have the power to affect other things?

Oh snap, I think I just broke your thread :3
*head... strain... explode* LOL
I'll add to that with a bit more explanation insomuch that I'd take the concept of telekinesis to its logical extreme: ability and propensity to control and influence the motion of matter regardless of its size, weight and current state.


Why does this place still exist
Aug 1, 2010
SckizoBoy said:
-snippety snip-
Yeah you've expanded my reasoning for it. With telekinesis you can do pretty much anything.


New member
Apr 5, 2009
Magneto was a pretty cool guy. I don't want to read the minds of others because I'm insecure about what people think of me, and telekinesis doesn't really manipulate the shape of objects, it simply moves things around.


New member
Jun 15, 2009
Telekinesis would be fantastic. It wouldn't just allow me to move other things but also move myself, thus doubling up as flight. Awesome.


Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave
Hazy992 said:
Yeah you've expanded my reasoning for it. With telekinesis you can do pretty much anything.
I re-read that thread that I pulled the post from and it got really semantic towards the end...

The 'traditional' definition of telekinesis restricts it to the movement of pre-existing and pre-visualised objects that are of a scale commensurate to the individual with the ability, so molecular scale tinkering's out. However, fuck that definition, because it's all fictional! I'ma be an alchemist (without even needing to clap)!


New member
May 18, 2011
I'm gonna go with being able to control obsidian like in x-men destiny. Because that's a cool power.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
The power to heal everything. I know that is rather lame compared to telekinesis, time manipulation or control over fire. But then, I´m more of a supporting person and in a fight I give our team a huge advantage.


New member
Aug 18, 2008
I want the writer fiat power that Batman has. Except when relevant to the story, I'm always going to come out ahead. I'll have the ability to counter every super power on me no matter what. I'll have instant access to PhD level understanding of just about everything. I will have access to technology 50 years ahead of its time.

Of course, there will be situations where I'll lose, but that is only when the story is big enough for it to happen. The rest of the time, I'll be awesome.


Monster Befriender
Nov 19, 2010
Covert bug qualities, like wings and strength and less aging effects and epic senses. I would be the scariest person ever. You'd pick a fight and just get pwned instantly...