If You Could Transform Into Any Mythological Creature...


Mages Rule, and Dragons Fly!
May 2, 2011
United States
hermes200 said:
I am going to go with the current, but with a twist. Dragons, but not the western kind, but the eastern one:
What is the difference? You might ask. Besides being generally wise and benevolent, instead of animalistic and wicked, they are all magical creatures, whose powers include taking human form, which solves the problem a dragon may have with buildings, doors and cities in general...
I'll have to second hermes here.

I get to be a dragon, and magic? :D HELL YEAH!

No offence to our western dragons. You're cool too, but they fly without wings most of the time, and that's just crazy.


New member
Feb 15, 2011
While there have been some tempting alternatives brought up in this thread, my first instinct was to go with a dragon.
Because dragons are simply awesome.

Worgen said:
RJ 17 said:
Worgen said:
Ehh, you get that from any of the creatures people have listed on here. Rule 34 applies to everything.
While that is true - by the definition of Rule 34 it has to be true - there are some particularly disturbing examples regarding the ponies. :p
There are some very disturbing examples of all the creatures on this list. Lots of people said dragons, have you ever heard of vore?
I envy your apparent belief in the non-existence of pony-vore.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
vegetalss4 said:
While there have been some tempting alternatives brought up in this thread, my first instinct was to go with a dragon.
Because dragons are simply awesome.

Worgen said:
RJ 17 said:
Worgen said:
Ehh, you get that from any of the creatures people have listed on here. Rule 34 applies to everything.
While that is true - by the definition of Rule 34 it has to be true - there are some particularly disturbing examples regarding the ponies. :p
There are some very disturbing examples of all the creatures on this list. Lots of people said dragons, have you ever heard of vore?
I envy your apparent belief in the non-existence of pony-vore.
I never said it didn't exist, my point was that fucked up porn of what most people would want to be in this thread already exists.


New member
Jan 14, 2012
Vampire. Definitely gonna have to go with vampire.

Or maybe something humanoid that has some control over ice, snow, the cold, etc.


New member
Feb 25, 2012
the clear answer is sun wokung. the monkey king.
his staff is 8.1 ton and he lifts is with ease.he stole the staff from the guardian of the sea. and defeated the four dragons with it. he can move 54000 kilometers with ONE somersault. he can turn into 72 different objects and animals. he went to heavens and basically kicked the gods asses until budha imprisoned him for 500 years. later on he achieved the title of buddhahood


Terminally Apathetic
Jun 17, 2013
RJ 17 said:
Worgen said:
You've looked into this a bit too much. Anyway, if you judge everything based on the weirdest porn people have drawn of it, then you aren't allowed to like anything since everything has some weird porn of it.
Nah, I've just actually seen the pony thread simulator videos and as such have a frame of reference about how 4Chan treats the subject matter.

As for judging things based on strange porn, from the beginning this was all being said in jest. :p
That's just stuff pulled from /mlp/, 4chan has /d/ and other forums that do the same thing to pretty much all other types of creatures, especially dragons, those poor poor dragons. I've seen some things man, I can never look at dragons the same way again. If we include furries, then we can pretty much throw every creature mentioned in this thread into the weird porn pile that out of the way internet sites have an unhealthy obsession with molesting in extreme ways. Those poor mythological creatures would need all kinds of therapy if they existed in the real world.

OT: Eh, I suppose something humanoid would be nice, I'm kind of attached to having hands, maybe something like the old-school fey from mythology with awesome shape-shifting powers, or something like a centaur or satyr from old Greek mythology, basically something that can still use human sized tools, I'm not giving up being able to actually live in human society just to look cool.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
rhizhim said:
hermes200 said:
I am going to go with the current, but with a twist. Dragons, but not the western kind, but the eastern one:
no one will ever invite you to anything since the appearance of chinese dragon herald the beginning of the apocalypse.
Not familiar with that interpretation. To me, eastern dragons were always associated with power, prosperity and good fortune (no coincidence the dragon was the symbol of the imperial family)

In any case, it would not be important, since I would use my human form most of the times and only reveal my true form if the circumstances require it.


New member
Mar 13, 2012
Hmm, besides the obvious choice of a Dragon, turning into a smoke monster would be handy.
You could get anywhere that isn't airtight, and you could heal yourself by turning the affected area into smoke and back.


New member
Jul 17, 2011

I tried to think of something else just to play the devil's advocate because so many people had already chosen dragon. But really, dragons just beat everything else, werewolves? pshh, vampires? naaa, fairies? pfft. Dragons just combine all the scary things together in one, positively sexy-looking package. Dinosaur? Check. Batwings? Check. Big? Check. Magical Capability? Uh oh. Highly Intelligent? Yep.

kailus13 said:
An old-school unicorn. Not the new saccharine type but the ones that gore everything that isn't a pure maiden. The only thing I'd have to worry about would be lions.

[sub]The crown shall be mine![/sub]
You know, that's something that's sadly missing from a lot of modern fantasy. Where are the unicorns that gore people? I remember a Unicorn from C.S. Lewis's "The Last Battle" being a super badass warhorse that would gore like 10 people each charge, that's how unicorns should be done! (Not that the happy MLP-style unicorns are bad, they're awesome. But we need some of the stabby-stab cunning warhorses as well!)


New member
Apr 7, 2011
Can I be an Alien? It's a modern creature of myth, after all.

(Mostly, there's likely life out there somewhere, but they're certainly not abducting our cows for the luls)

There is plenty of choice, too. You have your basic little grey men, you have the Men in Black (that are decidedly not Men) and all sorts of other creatures. All of which get lovely space guns.

Something like this, perhaps.


I suggest you accept our terms and surrender, Inside-Out. We will be relatively kind."

If that doesn't fly, I'll settle for a Satyr. Doesn't seem too bad. Roaming the great outdoors, being a perfect nuisance. Blaring my flute at random shepherds. T'is a simple life. I suppose it depends on the setting if I'm evil or not, but both seems like equal fun!

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
I'd say

But, could I have it in black 'cos come on, you're meant to be sticking to shadows and hunting prey, what better than jet black?

Sure, a dragon would be cool an all but it's a little unwieldy and you stick out like a sore thumb! You would have governments and hunters after you. With my choice I would just be the ramblings of goth kids and the kind of people who say "me and brother, Jim Bob, got abducted by aliens" or hippies.


New member
Sep 4, 2012
Hmm... "Creature" just means a non-human, right? So one could argue that the gods were creatures, so I'm going with that!



New member
Oct 27, 2010
I'm gonna say a god like Zues or any really because then I can transform at will to anything I wanted and be all the mythical beasts, plus control over weather or some other thing. Maybe the god of video games like a modern day Muse or Dionysus.

Little Woodsman

New member
Nov 11, 2012
Drummodino said:
Earlier today I started playing Dragon's Dogma for the first time. At the end of the first mission you have to fight a Chimera. This got me wondering; if I had the choice, what mythological or fantasy creature would I be?

Yep a griffin. Just look at that majestic being. I could soar through the sky and nobody could touch me. I'd totally destroy any dragon that tried to attack me ;)

So Escapists, what would you choose?


This thread is brought to you by the Escapist United Nations of Pure Fun [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/groups/view/Escapist-United-Nations-of-Pure-Fun]​
My first thought was a Gryphon too, my second thought a Leogryph (basically a winged lion) because they are a bit cuddlier...
But eventually I had to settle on being a Kitsune... awesome, cool, cuddly, great variety of abilities if they live long enough... heck if I was a kitsune and I lived long enough I'd be able to change in to a gryphon or a leogryph... although I would still always have a fox-tail, which would be kind of weird...


New member
Jun 27, 2012
My first choice was a dragon, but then I got to thinking of something less obvious.

I'm generally always hungry, and have a knack for using brute force over brains. At the same time, I love setting plans in motion that will only see fruit after a particular triggering event.

So I guess I'd have to choose a Demon from the Eli Monpress novels. They can shapeshift, cause everything within an area around them to panic, and have immense strength. They're also unkillable by anything in the known universe including each other, and can spread their power through Demonseeds.

Sadly no pic :(

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Eclipse Dragon said:
I see a trend emerging in this thread... and I'm going to do absolutely nothing to change that!

Dragon it is (as if there were any doubt).

You ninja'd my first choice!
Guess I'll have to settle for this:

Or this:



New member
Apr 30, 2013
Malty Milk Whistle said:
JoJo said:
I'd be a Fae, not one of these modern 'fairies' but the Celtic mythological beings who flew without wings, could take on a variety of different forms (including ones indistinguishable from humans) and at best were mischievous, at worst downright malevolent. Plus I'd get a very long life and an alternate dimension to live in (I'd be in the 'Seelie court', for the record).
pretty much this.
I wanna be the original fairys, cuz thoes guys didn't mess about.
They're basically vindictive, magical elves.
A wonderful mix of 'War of the Flowers', 'Lords and Ladies' and the Eldar from 40k.
Suits me down to the celtic mythology!
Tuatha de Danann, straight up - incredibly long lived, alternate realm to visit, as comfortable under the sea as above it and a bathtub full of magic.


New member
Dec 23, 2013
Turned into a goblin, I miss when I was my good old mighty mage gnome. :) It was so fun to pawn everyone on battlegrounds and on war areas with my white hair/beard and blue eyes looking cute, short and horrifying!
That gnome laugh when I was mocking dead people was just epic...


Answer Hazy, Ask Again Later
Jun 15, 2011
...Do D&D creatures count? Because if they do, I want to be a Couatl. I mean come on, extremely long lived giant flying telepathic serpent sorcerer capable of - among other things - turning invisible and plane shifting at will? What's not to like?