If you had nearly an unlimited supply of money...


New member
Jan 25, 2010
I'd build Burt Gummer's house and live in it (before he blew it up in Tremors III). With all the guns. I'd also spread the money among my family and friends. My house would have one heck of a mancave/D&D room.


Supreme Evil Overlord
Jan 21, 2009
I would move to where I want to live at with my friends and then start using said money I have to try and help the less fortunate. and I would keep enough for myself to be comfortable. but that's just me.


New member
Nov 5, 2008
Pay my mom's mortgage off and ensure that she's taken care of in the future. Pay all of my college tuition. Find a nice house for my girlfriend and I. Build a new computer. Buy myself a nice-ish car (in reality I'd just like a Charger or something).

Got my priorities and shit.

Mr Box

New member
Jul 8, 2011
I would pump money into finding a way to reverse the aging process just to see what would happen, then i would move to Mars.

I would also buy the moon.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
Stuff I would buy:

Top of the line fiber optic internet line
Home theater for up to 20 people
Indoor and outdoor target shooting ranges equipped with motorized targets
Indoor and outdoor archery range
Servants that will do anything I request (short of abuse of course)
Anything friends or family requested (within reason)
Personal military force with the best equipment available, including nuclear missiles
Massive quantities of weaponry and ammunition for personal use and Zombie Apocalypse preparation

Stuff I would donate to:

Anti-Animal abuse foundations (except for PETA)
PETA abusing organizations (I hate PETA if you can't tell)
Cancer, diabetes, and heart disease research


New member
Jan 1, 2010
build giant space laser death weapon. move to spaceship. extort money from world and/or blow it up.

alternately, genetically engineer REAL catgirls. sell them for money. because even if i have unlimited money, it i still nice to take money from people willing to give it for something like that.

in reality, i'd just build my dream house and retire. spend my days doing what i want for my own enjoyment. maybe build something cool.
maybe buy a nice kayak, mine is in pretty bad shape. then again, i got it as well used.
probably would upgrade my sinar c2 camera to an e2.
maybe buy a nice ebony and/or lotus camera too.

buy whatever games, manga, anime, movies, etc i like, cuz i can afford it. buy the things i enjoy and not the stuff i don't who cares about the price of your favorite show if money is infinite?

least realistic on top to most realistic on bottom.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
I'd buy a mansion that could be used as a recording studio somewhere in Scotland, then invite all the ponychat regulars to live there and be on reality tv
Sorry, if you want serious interesting answers go to someone else, in all honesty i'd just live without ever having to work


New member
Sep 10, 2009
Develop technology so we may live on other planets, exit the solar system, and so on.
Develop medicine so we may live further, or who knows, forever, help cure cancer and AIDS.
Use some of the money to f*ck up all my enemies lives.
Develop my country.
Get me a nice house/car/life.
Donate a ton to Child's Play and other charity organizations.
Get my family and close friends anything they wanted.
Invest some of the money into making the world's largest donut.
Save the rest.

Oh, and personal bodyguard. Must never forget that...


New member
May 1, 2011
I'd Wanna Trained Puma called Tucker. Somehow, a trained Xenomorph... my own private island and a blimp. :D


New member
Nov 22, 2009
If I had nearly infinite cash, even if I spent a lot of it, I'd have enough to buy Earth. That said, I'd use it to conquer the world & remake it in my own design (but first I'm get all my otaku friends & give everyone a month long trip to Japan).


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Finish my studies, find a nice place to live and do whatever I enjoy without regard for pay. Stuff I buy would be much higher quality, but I don't think I'd binge on the expensive cloths or giant mansion with giant golden statues of myself. Just... live my life without concern for money, doing whatever makes me happy.

At least, I'd like to think that. I'd probably be corrupted with the power the money brings and buy all the armies, rueling the world with an iron fist or somesutch. :D


New member
Apr 4, 2011
first i would pay every great scincetest to built a machine that makes you smarter and make them go into it (also Me) and make them find the truth to immortality
after that i would built a big airship (the size of half of texas) equipet with B-2 bombers lasers and nukes and take over america

i would make my scincetest work on a machine that can make resorces without any time to collect them and refine them so i could creat fuel with out looking for it

i would then force every game compony into one and make them all work on game i deem good

capture the entire world building more half-sized texas airships
and if the aliens come? f them LASER NUKE THEM BACK TO ALPA CENTURA
then go on a glatic conquest building city-planets with terra formerers
untill i could conqure the alien planet
i would conquer the entire universe and galaxy all under my controll

i would then find a way to conter-act black holes, and nuretonic stars and finnaly
built a new GALAXY!!!!

i would find a way! dangit!
then i would release a new virus that has the killing ability of anthrax but the mobility of the bubonic plauge and the common cold and release all around the universe and find any survivers and let them join my new Brotherhood makeing them generals of my new alien army i just made

i would then find a few more survivers yell in there faces and exile them to a planet with every resource and good technology

Galatic warfare.... HECK YEAH!!! LETS RE-INACT STAR WARS but my troops have better armour

Dominic Burchnall

New member
Jun 13, 2011
First off, buy a castle, or if I don't find one I like, have one built, and then buy up all the land around it and plant a huge great forest around it,

Then buy huge amounts of military hardware, guns, tanks, e.t.c., not to invade anywhere, just cos I'm fascinated by all that stuff.

Then develop my own Iron man suit/Space Marine power armour, for the awesomeness value,

Then probably walk around the streets of the major cities in the UK, donating to the homeless, to help them restart their lives.

Pile large amounts of money into hydrogen fuel developement.

Then put together an enormous space exploration programme, to try and find a habitable planet for humanity to start occupying. That's the thing I don't understand about the current state of space exploration, i.e. non-existant. The human race is at 7 billion and counting, and the planet will not be able to sustain it for much longer for the same reason you can't build a skyscraper out of bricks. We either need some enforced sterilisation, or need to start expanding out into the galaxy before the planet collapses from underneath us.

Oisin XD

New member
Oct 15, 2009
Robots. Lots of robots.

And research into artificial intelligence, FTL travel, and an efficient way of leaving the earth's atmosphere. Space, man. Populated by robots.

And I nearly forgot! Scrooge McDuck money pit. With clean money, though.

silver wolf009

Jan 23, 2010
Set myself up for life, then buy America out of the hole we've dug ourselves in. Just so I could gloat about "Saving the nation." Then start funding research on diseases and relief efforts.