If you were elected to be the leader of your Country...


New member
May 28, 2008
I would immediately sign a single Executive Order canceling out all prior Executive Orders, this will be the only one I sign.

Next, I would make it clear to Congress that I will veto each and every bill that crosses my desk that doesn't have a specific Constitutional provision authorizing Congress to pass that law. Any law invoking General Welfare or the Commerce Clause will immediately be rejected.If they override the veto, I'll just refuse to enforce whatever the bill says.

I will call the heads of every Department (except for State, Defense, Justice and Treasury) and have them give me a 200 page essay, in three days, as to why their job is relevant to the betterment of the nation. Anyone who doesn't give a satisfactory argument, including actual charts and data for the success of their program, or anyone who invokes the name Paul Krugman, will be fired immediately and all the staff under him will be placed on indefinite unpaid leave, effectively shutting down the Department. The Department of Homeland Security goes first and I won't even bother asking for the essay. I'll only salvage the FBI, the functions of the CIA and NSA will be rolled into them and those two bureaus scrapped.

I will in instruct the Justice Department to immediately discontinue the War on Drugs, disband the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

The Treasury Department will be on standing orders to not pay any money we do not have and to have an indefinite moratorium on all new borrowing practices, the energy of the Treasury Department will be focused on paying down the debt.

I will immediately cancel all Social Security and Medicare payments for those not already receiving it and immediately cancel all Medicaid benefits and instruct the IRS to not collect on the payroll taxes for any of these programs.

I will publicly send the Code of Federal Regulations, with the exception of Part 48 (governing how the government buys stuff) through a shredder on live television and tell everyone that they no longer apply to anyone.

I will invoke Eminent Domain on the UN building and tell them to find another place to have their pointless meetings.

I'll send a demolition crew to the Federal Reserve Bank and give all occupants 30 minutes to vacate the premises, with standing orders to start destruction at exactly 30 minutes after the warning. I'll sell tickets to the event and use it to pay down debt.

I'll tell Congress, who is likely to complain about this, to try and enforce their stern, UN-style warnings to get all the departments, programs and money flowing again.

Buy a yacht, sail it out to sea because, by the end of the day, there will be an army of pitchfork wielding group of welfare recipients, union officials, politicians and other parasitic members of society marching on the White House and it's about time to get out of there.


New member
Jun 5, 2009
In times of Soviet Union my country used to be an industrial powerhouse. Mining,manufacturing,agriculture,and much more. Now the power is in the hands of stupid,industry is ruined,and economy is based around importing various shit from China and selling it. So if i would become a president,my first act would be some epic purging of fools. Next,some really strong pro-industry measures. Third,some more purging of fools. After that many,many laws a gamer/idealist/technocrat would issue.

Of course,if i would be able to run a country in a first place.

My country is displayed in my profile,if you really want to know for sure.


New member
Jun 3, 2008
Republic of Ireland.

I would enact a law that people need to obtain a permit to have children.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
NORWAY: I would change almost everything. Our government sucks bigtime, you could murder half a town but nooo, we just want them to be in jail for 21 years!!


New member
Jul 13, 2004
Get rid of the NHS, get rid of all but the essential the quango's, increase defence spending so our troops are well armed (But that's it), bring back capital & corporal punishment, get rid of targets in schools and let teachers cane pupils again, make prisoners build more prisons, leave the EU, give Scotland a referendum on whether they're British or not, give more powers to local councils, scrap income/fuel/tobacco/alcohol tax and have VAT at a flat 20%, legalize cannabis for 18 year olds and above, start funding stem cell research, legalize euthanasia, make sure that gay and straight marriage are equal in the eyes of the law and then finally I'd make sure our immigration is under control and kick out any failed asylum seekers, under threat of death.

I'd call it 'The Common Sense Act'. VAT would go down to 15% once the national debt is paid off.


New member
Apr 25, 2009
Jovlo said:
I'm Belgian. If I suddenly had to be the leader, I would pass leadership on to someone else as soon as I could.
Really, the country is turning into a politically instable, unhandable mess.
agree with that and you can't really chance something in the world with such a small country
and i would do one thing i would lower the money that politici get every month


New member
Mar 19, 2009
SenseOfTumour said:
Sport, Music, Entertainment.

Shouldn't all of those be filled with people who actively want to achieve the best in their chosen field? Not because they'll get a stack of money, but because of a drive to succeed, achieve and create. Also, putting a cap on huge earnings would ensure that instead of, say, Lily Allen earning £10 million this year, maybe 200 artists could earn £50,000, giving them the freedom to concentrate on their art instead of doing 50 hours a week in their local Tesco, scanning endless copies of the latest Lily Allen CD.

I'd also look to install some transparency in government, for instance, human rights, health n safety, politcal correctness, I'd LOVE to show how much of the stuff you hear about is completely MADE UP by the papers purely to enrage their, and I use this term loosely, 'readership'. However I would like to chase the view of PC that the Discworld's Vimes has, in short'

'That foreign guy has just as much chance to be an annoying small-minded little tit as anyone else'
This! Definitely this, especially the Vimes part. Just to make myself unpopular i would instigate an intelligence test (more a morality test) for wannabe parents. I you want a child you have to prove your going to be able to raise it. Futher i would outlaw the opushing of religion on children by their parents. Let them decided whether or not to be indoctrinated. Your not allowed to brainwash you children into thinking anything else so why give faith the free ride, (other than the handy guilt mechanics)?

WrongSprite said:
Send the BNP into the sea.

Oh the irony
This too! :D


New member
Jan 10, 2009
I'd make my Birthday a public holiday and give my population the preceding 364 days off to prepare.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
I live in the US

Well first off I'd get rid of the Federal reserve and cut pretty much every department in our government by at least 40%, and actually do away with several (departments of energy and agriculture, I'm lookin at you). Then, if any bill came before me with earmarks, i'd immediately veto it and curb stomp whoever attached said earmark. I'd probably start pulling troops home from around the globe--in an orderly fashion mind you, but they're definitely comin back. And finally, I'd execute every justice who ruled in favor of that damned imminent domain case back in 2004. Am i really the only person who remembers this? http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/06/23/AR2005062300783.html

oh, and the jonas brothers would be publicly and brutally executed for apparently thinking they are the beatles.


New member
May 27, 2009
After several weeks I would have gotten the delightful nickname of: Antichrist. I'm sure of it.


New member
May 21, 2009

-Death penalty reinstated (after 3 offences your done and were using gas to save money)

-scientology is banned no questions asked

-It will be illegal to go door to door with relgious messages or hand out flyiers or any of that nonsense

-If you commit a crime of any sort your name and photo are put into the paper with what crime you were charge with and how many charges you have previously.

-Sports stars, actors, musicians are all salary capped at 250,000 a year (including ads/promo fees)

- Immigrants must have a valuable skill/degree that we need or you are going back. They must also speak english/french with at least a margin of success.

- welfare is only given out for 6 months unless you can provide evidence of working a job even if it is only at a McDonalds (if you don't contribute then you don't deserve a dime) Even if your handicapped you can still work somewhere.

-All homeless people will become city workers and pick up trash and clean up the cities they reside in. In return they will be given a small room for the night 3 meals (nothing fancy) and access to showers/minimum wage. They will have weekends off to look for jobs to better themselves if they so wish. If you don'tcontribute you are charged and again 3 offences means you are done.

-No public servant in any form of gov't will make more then 250,000 a year to avoid excess spending. There are no huge bonuses or cash "thank yous" upon leaving any high end possition except for the canadian pension plan which all are entitled to upon a certain age.

-All children in schools must have at least 1 full hour of play/recess a day while in school.

-No public servant is allowed to strike (teachers,doctors,nurses,police,firemen, garbage men,ect) as they are essencial services.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
I'd draft a law increasing excise taxes on tobacco and alcohol, legalizing marijuana and hemp and taxing the shit out of it, and cutting Medicare/Medicaid benefits. I'd form a coalition of Congressmen and Senators to support my bill's passage. Then, we'd fight the rest of Congress, multiple interest groups, lobbyists and grassroots activists to pass the bill. My original bill will be butchered beyond recognition by a herd of egotistical Congressmen looking to stick useless pork into the legislation. And ultimately, my initial supporters will be bought off by a trifecta of the American Medical Association, Big Tobacco, and Big Insurance. The bill will eventually be either defeated or pigeonholed, never to be seen again. And the United States will continue in a downward debt spiral with no end in sight. I will be defeated in the next election cycle, having tried, but failing to save the United States from fiscal implosion.