If you were raised today would you still be into gaming?.


New member
Jun 14, 2016
As a kid i did not grow up in a family with not to much money and i was lucky to get two new games a year and they were complete games. So i'm not sure if it nostalgia taking over but i remember going to blockbuster or trading games with friends at school just to keep up with some new release.These day with this new trend that games are a service and you have to keep paying to complete the story or even get ahead .I wonder would gaming would even be hobby for me if i was raised today.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Probably as video games were always about escapism. And its not like the world is somehow less depressing than it was in the 90s. More so even, with social media, gaming 'critics', YouTube, SJWs, smartphones, fucking 'fam' and 'can't even!'

Must be absolutely terrible being a child right now. I hope they play as many games for as long as possible.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Assuming I?d have been raised as kids nowadays, with no prior knowledge or experience of better times before piecemealed $60 experiences, I?d say I?d probably game unawares; this shit today would be the norm, and you old fogies complaining about microtransactions, day-one DLC and loot boxes be damned; what?s my mom?s credit card number?

But given what I DO know (like you, I recall fondly the days of trading game cartridges with friends, visiting Blockbuster and having COMPLETE experiences on disc [well, ?in cartridge,?]) I?d have to say I wouldn?t WANT to game nowadays. I watch my girlfriend?s 13-year-old son, and he gets into everything without reservation or hesitation. CoD WWII? Got it day one; Collector?s Edition, no less. Destiny 2? I actually BOUGHT it for him against my better judgement. His dad bought him the +$100 Collector?s Edition of Titanfall 2 that came with a WEARABLE helmet; WTF?!? Halo 5 is his favorite Halo despite his having the Master Chief Collection and my trying to encourage him to appreciate the multiplayer in previous iterations. I irks me to no end to see him enjoying that garbage when I know there?s so much better stuff to be had! I moved into my gf?s house about 3 months ago and brought my Xbox 360 with over 100 hundred games; I said ?Here, brat; here?s over 100 games that are better than that crap you and your other ADHD-riddled compatriots have ever played; ENJOY.? He?s not played it once. I told him I got all 1000 Gamerscore in Dark Souls; he asked me what Dark Souls was. He can?t be arsed to try Skyrim; he doesn?t have the patience for Mass Effect; I figured Portal might be something we could appreciate as a family (his mom doesn?t play games at all;) no dice, not interested. He finally manned up and went and saw the ?It? in the theaters, so I guessed he might like a good scary game; Bioshock anyone? Nope. Ugh, all he wants to do is shoot shit, preferably other players in multiplayer, and bug his dad for money to by DLC and Season Passes (his mom and I refuse) for the newest crap, operative word being ?crap.?

Yeah, I hope I wouldn?t game if I was raised today; it?s borderline child abuse.


Get out while you still can
Sep 22, 2011
If I were raised today I think I'd still be at least somewhat savvy with video games and their prices. In fact, because AAA is so unappealing nowadays I'd probably skip my Xbox phase and go into PC gaming at a younger age.

So, uh, yeah, I'd still be into gaming. I'd lose my wisdom when it comes to Call of Duty, Halo, etc. But that wouldn't be huge loss looking at the state of them now (stopped at Block Ops II and Halo 4).

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Honestly, I feel like if I was raise in this mordern time, I would had complained alot on how primative the 80's games and console were!

Seriously trying to played the olds games now that I'm fully expose with the current time is so hard! I'm supised how I had the paitence and the endurance to played those games back then!


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Scarim Coral said:
Seriously trying to played the olds games now that I'm fully expose with the current time is so hard! I'm supised how I had the paitence and the endurance to played those games back then!
I wonder if we'd be sitting there like 'Let me get this straight, lootboxes and paid DLC are totally anti-consumer, but 1 life per $.25 on an arcade machine was totally legit?'


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Psh, at this point I wonder how anyone can NOT be into gaming.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Sure I would, because I wouldn't know any better.

"What do you mean there were Star Wars Battlefront games that previously released to universal acclaim?"


New member
May 7, 2016
Possibly, but my perspectives and tastes would likely be wayyy different, and not shaped by near 3 decades of gaming, both video and tabletop, behind it.

Jamcie Kerbizz

New member
Feb 27, 2013
Silentpony said:
Scarim Coral said:
Seriously trying to played the olds games now that I'm fully expose with the current time is so hard! I'm supised how I had the paitence and the endurance to played those games back then!
I wonder if we'd be sitting there like 'Let me get this straight, lootboxes and paid DLC are totally anti-consumer, but 1 life per $.25 on an arcade machine was totally legit?'
If you were good, you only needed that $.25. If you sucked you paid to give yourself another chance to get better. If you sucked at getting good, you hated video games. Most people hated arcade video games.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Well, I wouldn't know about mid 90's shooters, or Sierra adventure games, or the Infinity Engine RPGs. So sure, if I were raised today I'd be an over indulged, too much positive reinforcement baby that didn't know any better and I'd be slurping up whatever poorly written, loot boxed and microtransacted bullshit the industry threw up.


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
Boardgaming is better than ever, so yes. As for videogaming ... meh? I guess. Define 'gaming' and how far 'in it' I need to be?

I played through the Gateway to Caen historical campaign. Not impressed, it just makes me want to play A Bridge Too Far. And I finally got MechCommander Gold to work on my student laptop. That's keeping me busy.


Censored by Mods. PM for Taboos
Mar 1, 2009
I don't think I would, frankly. I've been thinking hard about this and come to the conclusion that my viewpoints haven't changed that much with regards to gaming. Games and gaming itself have.
Unless I stumbled upon niche and indie games, since AAA games requires too much investment (accounts everywhere, to buy stuff online, to buy and download game, to have stable and fast internet, etc).

I don't game all that much today, despite having ample time and money. In the current "what are you playing" thread I wrote that I hadn't gamed in a few weeks and would start playing Lost Empire - Immortals soon-ish. I still haven't started playing that one.
That's more than a month now, I think, without gaming.
I would just focus on reading/writing more instead. and watching movies/shows.


Elite Member
Jun 30, 2010
Gaming is everywhere and free. The thing is, I see that kids are less into gaming as the 'be all, end all' thing that everyone wants to do. When I was a kid and there was gaming and nothing else, all I and everyone else wanted to do was play games.
But on the other hand, it seems like it's so accessible is that kids will choose one of their crappy free games that they can play on phones or anywhere else instead of ever using their imaginations or 'being a kid.'

An observation made for me is that kids don't play outside anymore. It's nice that they're off the streets but they're physically inactive so they can crane their necks over a phone. I really liked the generation I grew up in and I don't know that I would want to be born later. Maybe earlier? In ways that "stuff you can't do anymore" because of SJWs and all that, the golden age(es) are behind us, it seems.

A "back in my day" story. The internet once had no pop-ups, spam email filters (or a need for them), ad blocks (or a need for them), and people were generally polite in chat rooms like you'd be having an actual conversation with strangers like you could in real life.
People were mad at ebaum's world for a while because "All his site did was steal from everyone else" by creating a hub of memes and viral videos... and maybe a few original pieces?

I forget what people did before youtube. Watch real life TV instead maybe? But early youtube was awesome. Basically every TV show was easily found and never removed. Then they ruined it with some big change. And then they ruined THAT by another big change. Then they ruined it worse with another big change which was only ruined further still with another big change. I can certainly wait for the next big change where they ruin everything worst of all.
Youtube homepage; Just your subscribed channels' new videos in order of upload from most recent to oldest. That's all anyone needed or wanted and everything you used was right there then they moved everything you used, hide everything you needed, removed things you wanted and added crap you never asked for. I remember posting a non-troll feedback post where I was able to highlight the things I didn't like, so I covered the entire screen because everything was worse. It was nice to rant and nothing was done about anything.

Gaming, back to gaming. Games used to be awesome. Limitations of what could be done invented ingenuity of ways to make things fit. The good stuff was great, stuff was only released if it worked and was finished, "DLC" was basically hidden secrets already in the game you could end up missing until you read a magazine or got the info from a friend with it.
Anyone remember a time before load-screens? SOOOOOOOOO nice. What ever happened to no-load-screens? It was a pretty bad transition to the PS1 that had them all the time and you'd think that developers would realize "This is awful, let's make the next console NOT have that." but instead they added load screens to EVERY game, cut content, dumbed down on the quality and increased quantity and all games started to focus on graphics: The least valuable thing in gaming. It used to just be a FPS problem because they just recycled the exact same game, mechanics and weapons into a decent campaign with their own unique graphics and characters. But then they removed characters and good story and sometimes even story.

Gaming didn't become the great thing I expected out of the industry when I wanted to predict the future and what awaited me (and us) in decades yet to come. Mind you, I bet people are still miffed about the lack of flying cars (but if they existed, terrorists would just hijack a car and 9/11 stuff, wouldn't they?)

There's some good. There's a lot not-so-good.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Jamcie Kerbizz said:
Silentpony said:
Scarim Coral said:
Seriously trying to played the olds games now that I'm fully expose with the current time is so hard! I'm supised how I had the paitence and the endurance to played those games back then!
I wonder if we'd be sitting there like 'Let me get this straight, lootboxes and paid DLC are totally anti-consumer, but 1 life per $.25 on an arcade machine was totally legit?'
If you were good, you only needed that $.25. If you sucked you paid to give yourself another chance to get better. If you sucked at getting good, you hated video games. Most people hated arcade video games.
To be fair lots of those games were deliberately designed to be hard to get more money. Imagine say...Cuphead, with only 1 health, and every life cost you a quarter. Or Dark Souls.
That's what a lot of those games were like

Sigmund Av Volsung

Hella noided
Dec 11, 2009
I was born in a small village. I was still a child when we were raided by AAA execs. EA execs. Torn from my nostalgia, I was made to play their videogames. With each new post, my masters changed along with the games they made me play. With each change, I changed, too. My thoughts, personality, how I saw right and wrong. Games can kill.

Probably not as much. A lot of AAA gaming nowadays is shit. I spent my teenage years playing through ME1 & 2, some KoTOR and a whole bunch of other shit, but the stuff I played as a kid was stuff like Battlefront II, Jedi Knight and GTA San Andreas. Shit like that doesn't really exist anymore, everything is 'cinematic', overly serious and dour. And if it isn't, it's incredibly shiny and nostalgia baiting.


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
Well, I'd be a gen behind, and basically own no games. As was the case until I got a paper route around 12 or so and started being able to buy games (secondhand ones, so still a lot of back-gen really).

Of course nowadays, paper routes aren't a thing for kids. Actual adults do that now (whether this is a symptom of rampant unemployment and desperation or an increased sensitivity to unsupervised children on the streets is a toss up).

Also rentals effectively don't exist. Outside of a few credit card based services. Certainly nothing like walking to the corner place on a Saturday (again often unsupervised, literally illegal now most places).

So I'd have at best a drastically limited and behind the times exposure. Multiplayer would be a non-entity playing a generation behind. PC games would be off the table entirely (because digital distribution also requires credit cards). The semi-premium internet required to actually update and patch games nowadays would probably be a no-go to in rural area I grew up in).

So I'd be playing a tiny selection of games, prone to ill informed choices, and possibly running into glitchy messes. Which I daresay would not dispose me well to the medium.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Can we accept "gaming" isn't this rare letter from Hogwarts you either get or you don't and that most of us were introduced to it as kids because mom and dad threw a console our way like so many other toys? What kid would possibly give a fuck about all the bullshit our generation complains about and not simply play whatever comes their way?