If you were to create the game you wanted what would it be?


New member
Jan 10, 2009
If you were to create the ultimate game that you wanted what would it be?

What game type would it be? What would it be about? How awesome would your character be? That sort of thing.

captain awesome 12

New member
Dec 28, 2008
An open RPG on the Escapist Forums. You'd be an avatar living in a virtual website world, who's only way to survive in the hostile waters would be to use a devastating weapon called the Search Button. Truly epic.


New member
Jan 10, 2009
captain awesome 12 said:
An open RPG on the Escapist Forums. You'd be an avatar living in a virtual website world, who's only way to survive in the hostile waters would be to use a devastating weapon called the Search Button. Truly epic.
Sounds epic.


New member
Nov 25, 2007
I would make something along the lines of the Megaman Battle Network series. Ya know, before it went to crap *cough cough numbers 4 through however many they have out now cough cough*.

*cough cough what is it, like, ten now? What the hell?! cough cough*

captain awesome 12

New member
Dec 28, 2008
RaRaLoco said:
captain awesome 12 said:
An open RPG on the Escapist Forums. You'd be an avatar living in a virtual website world, who's only way to survive in the hostile waters would be to use a devastating weapon called the Search Button. Truly epic.
Sounds epic.
You have no idea. The story line would be about one man's fight against a horde of Nazi's that hate people who post things that have been done before.


New member
Jan 10, 2009
captain awesome 12 said:
RaRaLoco said:
captain awesome 12 said:
An open RPG on the Escapist Forums. You'd be an avatar living in a virtual website world, who's only way to survive in the hostile waters would be to use a devastating weapon called the Search Button. Truly epic.
Sounds epic.
You have no idea. The story line would be about one man's fight against a horde of Nazi's that hate people who post things that have been done before.
Is this a hint to this topic has been done before?

Ace of Spades

New member
Jul 12, 2008
captain awesome 12 said:
RaRaLoco said:
captain awesome 12 said:
An open RPG on the Escapist Forums. You'd be an avatar living in a virtual website world, who's only way to survive in the hostile waters would be to use a devastating weapon called the Search Button. Truly epic.
Sounds epic.
You have no idea. The story line would be about one man's fight against a horde of Nazi's that hate people who post things that have been done before.
This could make you millions!


New member
Jul 30, 2008
I hate to point this out to you, but buddy, use the search button pls.

...and if you are really interested, I wrote a few game plots some time ago, out of boredom. Here's a short one:

Title: Punishment Sphere

Tag-line: ?Let me tell you about democracy. Imagine you are in a room full of lowlifes, criminals, the dregs of society, and you must all vote on something to do. You vote to watch TV, everyone else votes to rape you in the ass.?


You wake up in a dark room with a number of other people. All of you has totally lost all memory. You are told all of you are criminals, but neither the state nor other people have the authority to pass judgement on your crimes, so you must judge yourselves. Rules of the game:

1)You must democratically elect one person, this person will walk out of the room alive, everyone else dies.

2)The exit of the room will not open unless a person has been elected, so if no decision is reached then everyone starves to death.

3)Every ?in game day?, the Game Master will tell everyone some information about one person's life outside of the room. The GM can lie.

Theme song:

"Red Cloth" -- CuiJian

Here's a longer one:

Title: G.C.A.T.

Real time squad based RPG/Action game (Turn based combat, but no radom encounters, what you see is what you get), like Baldur's gate, Fallout 1 and 2, and Jagged Alliance. Sand box map, you go anywhere you want right from the start. The world is dying from a virus, like Ebola, and you have to survive amidst the chaos; i.e. the fear has lead to disintergration of society and is killing many many more people than the virus itself.

The main storyline set of missions surrounds the protagonist, who was brought up in a foster family because you were an orphan. The missions you get will be different in nature depending on what you do in the game. Your family disappeared into the chaos before you could get back home from college: you start searching for them because you have nothing better to do. The basic idea is like "Rain Man", where you start off as a completely dispassionate and un-emotional person, but through your quest to find your adopted family, you slowly discover your emotions. You eventually discover you are not actually an orphan, your foster family is in fact part of your real family...

Your foster mother (FM) was a "feme fatale" style character in a terrorist organisation, she was given the mission of extracting secret information from your father. Your FM then tries to seduce your father, who was at the time married to his high school sweetheart, so he was very tempted, but unmoved. Slowly FM becomes intrigued, then frustrated, then emmotionally touched by his faithfulness, then she falls in love with your father. while she could get the information she wanted because the two of them became collegues and close friends, she could not however get your father's heart, yet it's precisely the fact she could not move your father's heart that made her fall in love with him in the first place...

...Then she receives orders to kill your father, she is torn, and wastes a few opportunities to kill him, but finally, after some delibrations she decides to kill him. Just as she is sitting beside him with a gun in her hand slowly pointing at his heart, a masked man bursts into the posh restaurant with a sub machine gun and sprays bullets in your father's direction. FM is startled by the new development and jumps on your father, and uses that pistol to kill the masked man, thereby saving your father's life. However your father's not appreciative at all, and in his anger he reveals he in fact knew she was a spy and was using her to feed false information to the terrorists. He shouts that she is a manupilative ***** who drew up the entire plan, then he draws a gun and says she should leave before one of them shoots the other.

It turns out the terrorists believe FM became too attached to your father and could not be relied on to kill him, so they sent another assassin (the SMG man) to do the job. FM then re-evaluates her position... the fact that she really believes in the terrorists' cause, and that there is no way your father could love her...

... So, FM finally decides to kill your father for good. She couldn't stand meeting him again, so she sets up a sniper rifle overlooking his apartment, "You think I'm just a cold blooded manupilative ***** planning all along to kill you, alright! Maybe I 'll kill you then!" In front of his wife no less... As she was shooting from about 600m, it takes the bullet 1 second to reach the target, in that second his wife hugs him to kiss him. So the bullet goes through her head, and is deflected before it hit his head...

She dies, he lives, but suffers from some form recognition problem. The nurses brings in flowers each day sent by a mystery female, he then thinks the only person who would do that is his wife, and he believes his wife is not dead. When she enters one day with white lilies in her hands, he recognises her as his wife. FM is overwhelmed. The two of them begins a new happy life based on this lie, FM adopts his ex-wife's newly born child (you) as her own child, she quits the terrorists to follow him in a normal life...

...But he was still a valuable researcher for a secret (but loosely guarded) government biological research program. a couple of months down the line as the program began to yield results, and the program's importance became clear, the government tightens security on this program. So in a routine security check the CIA finds out his real wife is already dead and FM was in fact a former terrorist. He didn't believe the truth, and sees it as a conspiracy by his perceived FM. CIA begins to question whether or not he is in fact a terrorist as well. The two of them go on the run and fights the CIA, who then becames convinced he really was a terrorist because they ran. During the stress of being fugitives, FM comes clear with the whole story, after some denial and stuff like that, they finally see that they have loved each other from the start, but because he was married and she was a terrorist, they couldn't have gotten together, but they are together now, and all they have is each other...

They were caught by the CIA, and goes through some tough interrogations. But because your father is still pivotal to the success of the program, and the terrorist organisation (Fundamentalist Christians Against Biology) was in fact sponsored by the Republicans now in government, so they were assessed to be no longer a threat. They were allowed to continue the work under close supervision, But the CIA held the life of their child (you) as hostage for their loyalty, to do that, CIA sends the child (you) into the foster care system as an orphan to be adopted by a specific but undisclosed family. Using some ingeniety, your mother switches babies, so you and the actual orphan was not actually switched. So your mother is the only one who knows you are really the child of your father, but because of the danger that your family can be labeled as terrorists at any time, so for your safety, you were brought up as if you were actually the orphan.

You goes through the missions discovering the preceding paragraphs ^ thinking you are actually the orphan, untill your dying mother (FM) tells you that you are the child of your father, and his first wife. I.E. the woman you called mom for 18 years was the woman who killed your actual mother. Your search is heavily facilitated by old members of the "Fundamentalist Christians Against Biology", so you are uncovering facts that say Your father was one of the creators of the zombie virus in that biological program, and a evil man in every sense of the word. There are two possible endings to this....:

captain awesome 12

New member
Dec 28, 2008
Ace of Spades said:
captain awesome 12 said:
RaRaLoco said:
captain awesome 12 said:
An open RPG on the Escapist Forums. You'd be an avatar living in a virtual website world, who's only way to survive in the hostile waters would be to use a devastating weapon called the Search Button. Truly epic.
Sounds epic.
You have no idea. The story line would be about one man's fight against a horde of Nazi's that hate people who post things that have been done before.
This could make you millions!
Copy Right 2009 "The Search Button: Use it or Die" the epic game from Captain Awesome Studios. Soon to be adapted into movie form by Uwe Boll.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
A sand box super hero game were you make you own story be good be evil, be a dick, shoot flames, fly etc. And it would take place in Toronto Canada hehehehe.

captain awesome 12

New member
Dec 28, 2008
RaRaLoco said:
captain awesome 12 said:
RaRaLoco said:
captain awesome 12 said:
An open RPG on the Escapist Forums. You'd be an avatar living in a virtual website world, who's only way to survive in the hostile waters would be to use a devastating weapon called the Search Button. Truly epic.
Sounds epic.
You have no idea. The story line would be about one man's fight against a horde of Nazi's that hate people who post things that have been done before.
Is this a hint to this topic has been done before?
I originally planned on just telling you outright, but then this unique game opportunity popped up and I just couldn't resist. But yes, this has been done many times in the past. You did help me though, because if you hadn't made this thread I never would have come up with "The Search Button: Use It or Die." I'm selling the idea to Media Molecule so they can make DLC for LBP off of it.


New member
May 24, 2008
A fully customizable superhero/villain game, part RPG and part over the top action. An entire world to explore, filled with thousands of completely different stories depending on your place of birth and how your powers manifest themselves. Cities and towns are as structurally accurate as possible, remaining true to their real world counterparts. Everything is fully destructible, from people and buildings to the moon and the planet Earth itself.

For instance, if a character with Superman levels of super strength were to punch the ground with enough force, he could potentially level a city block. Buildings would crumble realistically, and the ground would cave in to reveal the sewers or subway stations below. One could potentially dig their way to the liquid mantle of the planet in this way, and provided the character does not need to breath and can stand the temperature, swimming to the center of the Earth would be possible. Additionally, all buildings could be accessed in their entirety. If you were thrown into a skyscraper, you would likely burst through the window and land inside.

Your character and his or her origin would be customizable to a significant extent, including appearance, place of birth, origin of powers, type of powers, how those powers manifest themselves (right down to their color and brightness, when it comes to energy based abilities), and even their suit, should they decide to create one. Powers would run the full gambit of comic book abilities, from super strength and telepyrosis to illusions and matter manipulation. The player can also opt for the technological approach, though this option would be very difficult for a younger, poorer character to pull off. They can also choose from a wide variety of languages and voices for their character to use, which change as the character grows from a teenager to an adult. Alignment does not change your appearance, but your actions will effect how people speak with you, react to your presence, and your own dialogue options. However, being good does not necessarily mean that the public will always like you (See the Daily Bugle's treatment of Spiderman), especially if your actions cause collateral damage. Without proper preparation and PR management, the government will be quick to label you as a vigilante instead of a hero.

Furthermore, there will be no "plot armor" in place. If your secret identity is to remain secret you would have to be very careful. All it takes is one person seeing you return home after an intense firefight with a gang of bank robbers in the middle of town to bring the cops down on your ass. Unless, of course, you were lucky enough to be seen by someone willing to keep your secret. Often luck and timing play a large role in shaping the player's destiny, as they do in real life. Additionally, don't expect a domino mask and hair style to hide your identity from people who know you.

Of course, who really wants to be a hero nowadays, when it's so fun to be the villain? The circumstances under which a player becomes a villain are often more complex than someone creating a good character, though the line between them can be hazy. The game would support plans that would make Rube Goldberg, Oxymandias, and Yagami Light jealous, though contingency plans are advisable in the event that something should go wrong. You may not even be a villain in your own mind, but a champion of the "greater good." And, of course, the option to monologue when you've captured your nemesis is an option, though don't expect it to end well for you without the proper precautions. Perhaps a bullet in the hero's head would be more efficient.

Around the same time the player begins, thousands of randomly generated NPC across the globe (or perhaps even right next door!) will also receive powers and begin to shape their own lives independently of yours. Your eventual interaction with these individuals will create story arcs that remain entirely unique to each game. Perhaps you and some other like-minded heroes will somehow find each other and create a secret League, or a Legion of Doom for those with less savory aspirations. There would be several long possible plots for your characters to deal with, though these too begin at random. There's even the chance that you just begin to manifest your powers when an alien invasion threatens the globe, and it's up to you to save your city! Should you somehow prove successful, the public's opinion of you is sure to skyrocket. Use that to become a champion for the people, or as a cover for your dastardly plots. It's up to you!

Lastly, experience levels could be gained, though not purely from "killing enemies." Like any good hero or villain, practice makes perfect. When your powers first manifest (or your first robo-suit comes online), you'll have to work out the kinks. Superstrength will take some getting used to, so that you avoid accidently crushing your sibling when you give them a hug, and lightning may prove difficult to direct and control at first. Practicing in a remote location would be encouraged. Over time, experience would be gained as you gain a greater mastery over your powers, improving them or unlocking new abilities. Though these would be selected from a menu, all powers would have different uses not immediately listed. Experimentation could yield surprising and unexpected results, perhaps even allowing access to abilities not shown on the menu at all!

Welp, that's my dream game in a nutshell! Lofty aspirations...


New member
Jan 13, 2009
A game where your goals are to screw history up and save Jesus in one mission from being crucified and have him and Abe Lincoln to join up with you(among other figures) on a mission to rid whatever threat of Pseudo Nazi Republic has invaded the land you live in.

It's a shooter with puzzle and Rpg Elements and followers


New member
Jan 10, 2009
Svenparty said:
A game where your goals are to screw history up and save Jesus in one mission from being crucified and have him and Abe Lincoln to join up with you(among other figures) on a mission to rid whatever threat of Pseudo Nazi Republic has invaded the land you live in.

It's a shooter with puzzle and Rpg Elements and followers
Now i would play that!


New member
Dec 8, 2008
JingleheimerShmidt said:
A fully customizable superhero/villain game, part RPG and part over the top action. An entire world to explore, filled with thousands of completely different stories depending on your place of birth and how your powers manifest themselves. Cities and towns are as structurally accurate as possible, remaining true to their real world counterparts. Everything is fully destructible, from people and buildings to the moon and the planet Earth itself.

For instance, if a character with Superman levels of super strength were to punch the ground with enough force, he could potentially level a city block. Buildings would crumble realistically, and the ground would cave in to reveal the sewers or subway stations below. One could potentially dig their way to the liquid mantle of the planet in this way, and provided the character does not need to breath and can stand the temperature, swimming to the center of the Earth would be possible. Additionally, all buildings could be accessed in their entirety. If you were thrown into a skyscraper, you would likely burst through the window and land inside.

Your character and his or her origin would be customizable to a significant extent, including appearance, place of birth, origin of powers, type of powers, how those powers manifest themselves (right down to their color and brightness, when it comes to energy based abilities), and even their suit, should they decide to create one. Powers would run the full gambit of comic book abilities, from super strength and telepyrosis to illusions and matter manipulation. The player can also opt for the technological approach, though this option would be very difficult for a younger, poorer character to pull off. They can also choose from a wide variety of languages and voices for their character to use, which change as the character grows from a teenager to an adult. Alignment does not change your appearance, but your actions will effect how people speak with you, react to your presence, and your own dialogue options. However, being good does not necessarily mean that the public will always like you (See the Daily Bugle's treatment of Spiderman), especially if your actions cause collateral damage. Without proper preparation and PR management, the government will be quick to label you as a vigilante instead of a hero.

Furthermore, there will be no "plot armor" in place. If your secret identity is to remain secret you would have to be very careful. All it takes is one person seeing you return home after an intense firefight with a gang of bank robbers in the middle of town to bring the cops down on your ass. Unless, of course, you were lucky enough to be seen by someone willing to keep your secret. Often luck and timing play a large role in shaping the player's destiny, as they do in real life. Additionally, don't expect a domino mask and hair style to hide your identity from people who know you.

Of course, who really wants to be a hero nowadays, when it's so fun to be the villain? The circumstances under which a player becomes a villain are often more complex than someone creating a good character, though the line between them can be hazy. The game would support plans that would make Rube Goldberg, Oxymandias, and Yagami Light jealous, though contingency plans are advisable in the event that something should go wrong. You may not even be a villain in your own mind, but a champion of the "greater good." And, of course, the option to monologue when you've captured your nemesis is an option, though don't expect it to end well for you without the proper precautions. Perhaps a bullet in the hero's head would be more efficient.

Around the same time the player begins, thousands of randomly generated NPC across the globe (or perhaps even right next door!) will also receive powers and begin to shape their own lives independently of yours. Your eventual interaction with these individuals will create story arcs that remain entirely unique to each game. Perhaps you and some other like-minded heroes will somehow find each other and create a secret League, or a Legion of Doom for those with less savory aspirations. There would be several long possible plots for your characters to deal with, though these too begin at random. There's even the chance that you just begin to manifest your powers when an alien invasion threatens the globe, and it's up to you to save your city! Should you somehow prove successful, the public's opinion of you is sure to skyrocket. Use that to become a champion for the people, or as a cover for your dastardly plots. It's up to you!

Lastly, experience levels could be gained, though not purely from "killing enemies." Like any good hero or villain, practice makes perfect. When your powers first manifest (or your first robo-suit comes online), you'll have to work out the kinks. Superstrength will take some getting used to, so that you avoid accidently crushing your sibling when you give them a hug, and lightning may prove difficult to direct and control at first. Practicing in a remote location would be encouraged. Over time, experience would be gained as you gain a greater mastery over your powers, improving them or unlocking new abilities. Though these would be selected from a menu, all powers would have different uses not immediately listed. Experimentation could yield surprising and unexpected results, perhaps even allowing access to abilities not shown on the menu at all!

Welp, that's my dream game in a nutshell! Lofty aspirations...
That's FREAKIN' AWESOME man, it would be the worlds largest and most expensive game ever though,
the thing would need a special console from the year 3000 or something. And i would still buy it. One question though, what about Multiplayer?


New member
May 24, 2008
paragon1 said:
That's FREAKIN' AWESOME man, it would be the worlds largest and most expensive game ever though,
the thing would need a special console from the year 3000 or something. And i would still buy it. One question though, what about Multiplayer?
Of course, multiplayer would be a huge aspect of the game, for those who want it to be. We already have enough hero-related MMOs, but the ability to "host" a world for up to 50 or so individuals would be a feature. Once the world has been created the players can go back to it whenever they please, even if the host player is not online. The host would be able to set certain limitations, to prevent the world from being destroyed while he or she is offline, or even to prevent global catastrophe as a whole. The world would seem every bit as big as our own (though the option to speed travel between destinations up is an option so one doesn't have to spend a few hours on a train or something.

Players could either port over their heroes or villains from another file, or create new characters. The option to choose preexisting relationships (such as family, friends, bully, etcetera) between player characters would be available.

And yes, I do expect it would take at least ten more generations of systems to be able to pull something like this off.


New member
Aug 6, 2008
JingleheimerShmidt said:
And yes, I do expect it would take at least ten more generations of systems to be able to pull something like this off.
I'd say it sounds perfectly doable on a certain console and computers, it will be ten more generations before you can do it justice though.

My perfect game idea is still a bit hazy and far too large to write out here, but it would still be awesome (in my mind at least).


New member
Mar 24, 2008
RaRaLoco said:
If you were to create the ultimate game that you wanted what would it be?

What game type would it be? What would it be about? How awesome would your character be? That sort of thing.
I love your example! It's totally awesome.

I know what I wouldn't create. Bob 's game.