If your Marvel and you get the webhead back how do you introduce him?


New member
Feb 4, 2009
Let's say your Marvel and you've just done a deal with Sony that gets your friendly neighbourhood Spiderman into your Cinematic Universe how do you introduced him? For me personally I don't want to see his origin story again and would be happy for it to be dealt with as an easter egg and his reveal in a credits stinger.

I'd quite like to see Iron Man helping Spidey battle robots created by a rogue employee but that's just my inner geek. Any other ideas?


New member
Mar 6, 2012
At this point, based on watching the Agents of Shield show, it seems like there has already been a pretty big number of superpowered weirdos jumping around the world for the last few years. You really don't need to do any origin story (please god, let's not rehash Spidey's origin story again), you just need to have a Spider-man who has been swinging around rescuing people in New York for the past few years get pulled suddenly into the larger-scale stuff against his own will.


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
Start in media res or do his origin in a montage like the beginning of Norton's Hulk. Basically anything but another movie where half of it is the origin story again.


Jun 9, 2010
As jademunky said, another origin story rehash would not be needed. With the SHIELD tv series, I think that would be a great place to at least introduce him, and then have him play a part in Captain America 3 if it is going to be about the Civil War.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Post credits scene. The Avengers are getting their picture taken. The photographer's face is hidden by a large camera. He talks to the Avengers, maybe makes a pun about spiders. RDJ says something funny. Then Sam Jackson comes into the room clapping and saying something like "Out-fucking-standing Avengers, you did it again". Then he asks the photographer's name. The kid turns around and goes - Parker. Peter Parker.


New member
Apr 5, 2011
In a post credits scene for Avengers 2. Something like:

A young man returns home after class, backpack slung over one shoulder. He enters the living room to find an elderly woman having tea with Agent Coulson. Coulson stands and introduces himself. "We've heard a lot about you and we're quite impressed, Mr. Parker." Close up of the backpack, a mask is partially visible from one of the pockets!

In terms of backstory and fitting into the MCU, Spider-man's been running around since the events of The Avengers. SHIELD has been too busy with the fallout from Winter Soldier so they've only been observing him until now. Hint at a better origin story while they're at it.


New member
Sep 11, 2012
I don't think they will do an origin story not just because Spidey's origin is up there with Batman's origin when it comes to general awareness, but also I think Marvel even said they are trying to lay off the origin stories.

If they were to introduce him I think it would be something like in the start have the Avengers all talking and have someone make a joke about the "The Spiderman" followed up with Cap asking the who? and have one of the others explain that it's a New York urban legend about a half spider half man who beats up muggers, who tabloids occasionally publish blurry photos of.

Post credits someone walks up to the Avengers and asks for an autograph and one of them go sure and asks his name he says Peter Parker.


New member
Mar 17, 2011
How about he just shows up and everyone pretends that he's been there the whole time?

I mean, why reinvent the wheel? Sure, Sony created some steaming piles of wheels, but who the hell doesn't know who Spiderman is by now? We don't need another introduction/origin story.


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
I'd say have some of the Netflix series in pre production have a few scenes written in where criminals are mysteriously tangled in spider webs. Then, in a movie no one sees coming that isn't his own but is set in New York Spiderman out of nowhere! No origin story, just him messing around in someone elses movie.


New member
Jun 14, 2013
Had two different ideas, decided to combine them:

1) Make Peter Parker a "legacy" hero like Hank Pym's Ant-Man. He had his adventures, but he was never in the spotlight, and eventually he had to retire, leaving Spiderman to become a bit of an urban legend, if a popular one. Maybe have Spiderman referenced in a couple of the Netflix series, since they're all set in or around Spidey's territory, to help build the lore, and maybe even have an older Parker himself make a token appearance.

2) Make the "new" Spiderman an Inhuman, because that's the current way to get away with not explaining a hero's powers since mutants aren't on the table and because it opens up the Inhumans movie as a convenient way to introduce him; I'm still betting that movie covers the Inhumanity story line from the comics at least by the end of it, releasing the Terrigen Mists across the world and creating thousands of new "capes." A few of those could take up the mantles of heroes, past or present: Kamala Khan as Miss Marvel...Miles Morales as Spiderman. Could do a small scene with Peter Parker tracking down the new Spiderman and offering to show him the ropes or something. Then bam, Spiderman for Infinity War part 2!

(I really just want Marvel to use the Miles Morales Spiderman: if nothing else, it would be a good opportunity to tell a different story.)


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Either reboot the whole thing with Miles Morales as the new Spiderman or just pretend he's been in the universe all along.

First a special episode on Agents of Shield, focussed on Spiderman, him keeping his secret identity from the world and a C-list Spidey-villain to stop from applying for a position with Hydra. Second cameos in the Netflix series that are coming up. A reporter named Peter shows up for a interview with attorney Matt Murdock, Luke Cage has a run-in with another costumed vigilante, etc. Then you pop him into Civil War and the third Avengers Movie, giving him time for a Venom-focussed solo-outing in between Infinity War movies.

Bonus points for Toby Mcguire and/or Andrew Garfield cameo (depending on whether or not he gets to keep the role).


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Eh, they hold auditions for heroes, and a bunch of Marvel characters try out and Spiderman gets the job.

Alternatively, Spiderman is at a party with one of them, and gets really drunk, and the established hero gives him a lift, but gets called away on hero business and has to take Spiderman with him/her.


New member
Aug 1, 2009
I'm highly skeptical that the whole "hey, here's Spider Man out of nowhere" thing could work, and I fail to see how that could be satisfying even if it doesn't introduce narrative problems.

The other idea of- and I do hope I'm mistaken and this isn't actually what's been meant by Marvel and Sony "sharing" the character- incorporating Sony's Spider Man into the MCU is much worse. I haven't seen those films, but I've heard they suck and I have no reason to doubt that. I'll content myself with no Spider Man over this option.

That leaves me with the long game- a new reboot completely under Marvel's control. Getting the movie rights back isn't likely, and even if that does happen it will be several years before production can even begin, given the long list of films already on Marvel's plate. I know people are sick of Spider Man getting rebooted. I don't care. As soon as Marvel makes the film and hits the ball out of the park you won't either.

The bottom line is that doing a shoddy job of introducing Spider Man to the MCU is worse than not introducing him at all. As much as I like Spider Man, there's no burning reason for him to be there. I don't want them to create the contrivance of "Spider Man's been swing around all along and was just never mentioned at all before now because... potatoes" and I don't want to see an inferior version take the air out of what's thus far been a stellar film series. Give the web-swinging hero the introduction he deserves.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Have him show up.

I have no grand plan, nor do I think one is needed. Spider-Man needs no real introduction to the viewing public, as he's one of the, THE big names in comics. The only possible issue here is explaining why he's in a Marvel movie--something that's best handled outside of the actual movie itself.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
I would like if one of the Avengers showed up to hire him for the Avengers. Or he appears and helps during an action scene at the start of the Avengers movie.

Jiggle Counter

New member
Sep 18, 2014
He comes in half way through the movie, during a scene where the Avengers are getting their butts kicked.

A tiny toy rocket ship comes down from the sky, Spiderman steps out and says, "Hey guys, I'm back from defeating those evil space ninjas"

The Avengers cheer and throw their hands in the air, screaming "Have my babies!"

The bad guys moan, "Oh no, not Spiderman" And retreat behind a building.

Spiderman gets covered in confetti and girls.

John Jonah Jameson poops his pants.

The end.


New member
May 19, 2009
Zontar said:
I'd say have some of the Netflix series in pre production have a few scenes written in where criminals are mysteriously tangled in spider webs. Then, in a movie no one sees coming that isn't his own but is set in New York Spiderman out of nowhere! No origin story, just him messing around in someone elses movie.
Actually this is perfect given Daredevil and Spider-Man share characters. (Example: Ben Urich works for the Bugle and figured out Peter's secret to take him to crimes as they happen or provides a cover story for him.)


Shark Girls are my Waifus
Jan 9, 2012
Let's SOny create a clone of Spiderman. It is after all a canon part of the story. A major one also.