I'm a thirteen year-old gamer.Don't hate me for it.


New member
May 12, 2010
Oh I remember the fact that I only play games either when I'm not at work and drunk, and my voice is always as high as " an extremely bored 15 year old " whenever I'm drunk, which I take offense 'cause my mic's 2 meters away from me and that my 15 year old nephew is not extremely bored whenever he plays video games, and he don't yell whenever they die either. But then he's not exactly a normal 15 year old either, I mean he plays the harmonica while blowing stuff up (Or getting himself blown up). That fact always makes me jealous only because I can't do both at the same time without failing or having to grow 2 extra arms and another mouth. I know that this is now way off-topic but realize that not all 8 year olds are loudmouthed, silly, drunk. Well, I am loud, silly and drunk but hey, it's a habit.

Lunar Shadow

New member
Dec 9, 2008
I generally don't mind as long as they aren't ear rapingly loud or chatter on incessantly. This is mostly an issue in Trouble in Terrorist Town ( a GMOD game mode) where it can keep me from hearing a person being attacked/ saying their attacker's name. Then I get pissed cause it's keeping me from playing the game.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
I'm sure there are a whole bunch of genuinely alright american players out there....

.....But they are drowned out in a sea of racist, foul mouthed, homophobic, paranoid, self centred, hill billy, turrets stricken arseholes that will bite off your head and take great pleasure in spending the following matchs blaming their own ineptitude at playing a game on:

* You.

* Your gamertag.

* Your country.

* The way you play the game.

* The fact that you took the time to set up a decent ambush.

* The way you find running straight into the other team and letting them kill you silly.

* The fact that you can snipe well and they can't therefore proving that you are not only hacking the game but you have advertised to the world that you are a noob, a ****** and can't play the game without cheating.

* The fact that you don't take the game seriously when there are players that dedicate their lives to it thus making you unworthy of owning the said game.

And then somewhere along the line, the fact that your country tolerates gays and that your going to hell for not excepting their opinion as the word of God.


New member
Jul 21, 2008
Snotnarok said:
toastmaster2k8 said:
similar.squirrel said:
You shouldn't be playing shooters at that age to begin with. It says so on the box.
when did anybody care about whats on the box? I was playing Goldeneye at the age of 5 and everything then and after that had guns and a decent story and I haven't had the urge to kill when my bro touches the xbox. its just crazy people who do.
Not that I listened to the box either but I think a lot of people cared when they made an
official organization and a rating system covering video games. Just sayin'.
I think they just put them there so parents cant say where not doing anything to stop underage kids from playing violent videogames.


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
HG131 said:
Because all human beings are identical. No individuals exist. There are no children who are just more intelligent than others, we're all special.
No, but at the same time there are specific periods of social development. For example, all babies 'palm' objects before they 'pincer'.

Yet again, nobody differers from the group, we're all clones, right? Also, I like the well hidden belittling, calling me a child and saying it's not my fault. What, did you think I wouldn't notice that?
Quite defensive aren't we? Settle petal.

Prove to me that this paper exists.
Are we talking Piaget's model of developmental psychology or a friend's paper? I'm pretty sure you can look up Jean Piaget yourself.

Because love does not cause people to make decisions based around things other than pure logic, right? You seem to think we are Vulcans and Clones. Love is much more powerful than logic, but it seems you have never experienced love before. I would slaughter millions to save someone I cared about. That is love. Love is doing things that go beyond normal ways to help. Love is putting your life on the line for another. Love is what would drive someone to steal a cure for the one they love. After you've loved someone, you can have a say in a love-related decision.
Fair enough. This is why you don't seek advice from children. Thank you for proving my point precisely. Point is that most people are mature enough to realise that 'life sucks'. Loved ones *will* die and alot of the times loved ones will die despite being completely avoidable matters of circumstance.

At the same time you get over it. You learn that your problems are not above those of others. This is not a case of being a 'Vulcan' ... it's a matter of common sense. If you wish to create a system where the loved one shouldn't have died, then you do so with community support, not as an outlet of the passions.

Mr Freeze is still a criminal despite him ultimately doing it to find a cure for his terminally ill wife. As I said, moral maturity is the knowledge that 'life sucks' ... just because life deals you a poor hand doesn't give you a right to act in opposition to a common good.

It's not a case of love ... it's a case of obsession if you decide that others must suffer to preserve what you have. Most people with half a brain understand this.

It's on the case, and Gamestop employees already do that. Using developing minds will sound pretentious to most, and will be met with responses of "Just sell me the damn thing!".
'Children' then. "This game is not suitable for children". Regardless there's going to be less parents buying ill suitable games for their kids than more. Warning labels on cigarettes don't increase the number of people who smoke.


New member
Apr 4, 2010
I have a microphone for my PS3 but I hardly ever use it unless the team mates I'm playing with are team oriented. Then, I pop my microphone on and join the fray. Otherwise, I always turn the other microphones off.I don't really run into children, though.


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
HG131 said:
Well, not ALL babies...
Yes ... all babies show reflexive and muscular development at a generally even rate with set stages that mark new periods of greater control.

The friend.
Well that's not exactly reasonable. Why would I scan or photocopy a friend's paper from 2 years ago?

Of course life sucks, but you don't have to take it lying down. You can at least TRY to help. If someone doesn't deserve to die, should we just let nature take it's course? NO! You should try to beat it! Nobody else is suffering but their loved ones, including yourself! Society is clearly fucked up if money is more important than peoples lives, and to alot of people, it is, and I'm starting to think YOU are one of those morons!
You still don't get it do you? Allow me to simplify what I wrote. Moral maturity is not a matter of convenience. If there is a way to circumvent a loved one dying, and realise that you cannot actually obtain the material necessary to do so, then you cannot just jump up and pretend to have the moral high ground by stating "well SOCIETY is at fault! Therefore to Hell with it!".

As I said, life sucks sometimes, but if you cannot operate with the support of the majority in society, you cannot have the moral high ground to enact social change. This is why democracy is such a wonderful concept (in theory ... not so much in practice due to the level of bureaucracy and the problems with politicians). The idea of social change through the actions of the majority of people.

"You cannot improve society by burning it down" in essence. People suffer as a recourse of your actions ... the social contract requires you to act with good will otherwise society collapses.

For example, if you do decide to throw a brick through that chemist's window to steal that drug you need.... These are two things that you must confront yourself with;

1: I can justify why I steal, but I cannot condone EVERYBODY steals. (Categorical Imperative ... albeit I recognize people can challenge prescriptivism on other grounds in meta-ethics)

2: Everybody should just steal what they need if the situation is dire enough. Which is moreso a further justification of number 1 ... but a logical step in the process of coming to terms with your problem.

But these do not represent the moral high ground. One can empathize that someone's actions might be tarnished by the passions. But at the same time a mature person also must realize that a 'wrong' has been committed, not continually justify the idea of theft.

But that is a blanket, and therefor incorrect statement. It is not suitable for some children, not all.
Blankets exists for a reason. Like would you argue that a family shouldn't have to install fire alarms because they have never had a housefire? Or the fact that kids under 16 should beable to buy knives given they have never stabbed anybody?

It's about social responsibility, one set of laws for everybody regardless of race or creed.