I'm being stalked by a horse on Skyrim..


New member
May 20, 2009
Better then that epileptic dragon i fought he starting to have a seizure, which lagged my game so badly he almost crashed it! But i was ok in the end since he retreated into the upper atmosphere, never to be seen again.


New member
Oct 8, 2010
Yes, it's quite a common problem with horse programming in Skyrim. See, this particular type of horse is whack with poo brain.



Good Coffee, cheaper than prozac
Aug 20, 2010
Sean Hollyman said:
Wherever I fast travel to, the horse is there. It's always there. It follows me around. It's not even my horse wth..

I can ride it underwater too :s
What kind of horse is it? Just curious thats all.


New member
Aug 16, 2009
The horses of Skyrim seem to have attachment issues. If they spot you within 150 yards of them you are now besties, unless you are with another horse, of course.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
undeadsuitor said:
Octorok said:
I think it's the next level of the Dark Brotherhood strikes against you.

You know how, if you annoy an NPC, they try to have you killed by the Dark Brotherhood? And you always easily dispatch the lone assassin? Well, that's two assassins in a horse costume.


Naw, its just a horse.

..yes, a horse is a step up from a Dark Brotherhood Assassin. They're that evil.

And, honestly I don't even know what happens when you buy a horse. Does it appear whenever you fast travel? I just always steal mine, and they walk away the moment I get off. And then I steal another. Seems like a waste of 1000 gold to buy something that easy to steal.
When you buy a horse in skyrim its the same as in oblivion. go to the stable or the 1 horse that has a saddle and ride away. but with Skyrim if you get on a horse thats not marked as owned it will be there everytime you fast travel. If you own a horse and get on another your horse will go back to the stable you bought it from and wait there and you will have the new horse. I think stolen horses wont fast travel unless you are riding at the time but still sets the other horse to go back home. so try that, steal a horse.


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
undeadsuitor said:
Octorok said:
I think it's the next level of the Dark Brotherhood strikes against you.

You know how, if you annoy an NPC, they try to have you killed by the Dark Brotherhood? And you always easily dispatch the lone assassin? Well, that's two assassins in a horse costume.


Naw, its just a horse.

..yes, a horse is a step up from a Dark Brotherhood Assassin. They're that evil.
What about the Dark Brotherhood horse, Shadowmere? :p


New member
Dec 2, 2011
Fraps this, now.

use this as the soundtrack, youtube it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2P2XmMl7CY

bonus points if you can somehow get Brother Hoss to be riding the horse.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Acrisius said:
You must have stolen or taken a horse at some point. This happened to me too, I never bought a horse, yet suddenly I had one just like you describe. The only time I ever sat on a horse's back was in a Stormcloak camp, and as I recall the horse did not count as stealing(no red marker when looking at it). So I got on it, decided I was on "Stormcloak business", and rode off. Then I guess the horse started to like me...
I found that horse (well...one, I think there were two of them). Considered it my lucky day and wandered off with it, even though I have no intention of joining the Stormcloaks (on that character).

Turns out, the horse is an absolute bastard who will attempt to wander off the first chance he gets. I also found out that there is no way to catch up to the horse if you're overencumbered (the reason I like having a horse), it walks faster than you walk.

And when I dropped some stuff, went to get the horse, and got down to pick up the stuff? The horse glided at full speed back to where it was. I guess I interpret that as a glitch, but I think the horse is just a giant troll.

The Diabolical Biz

New member
Jun 25, 2009
Jonny1188 said:
Yes, it's quite a common problem with horse programming in Skyrim. See, this particular type of horse is whack with poo brain.

I chuckled. Oh, Adventure Time. Definitely my favourite Children's Cartoon these days...

And yeah that happened to me, when I took a horse. Just have to live with it. The only annoying thing is that if it's not yours it wanders off all the time.


New member
Sep 29, 2011
jthwilliams said:

Honestly, I'm not sure how useful they are. I guess their real use is to quickly discover new places without engaging in combat. Just quickly run from one end to the other.
I have found a much more interesting use for them.
They can carry you and you can fasttravel without any weight-limit.
So once I got overburdened because I felt in love with all that junk in a Dwemer ruin. I couldn't fast travel (because overburdened) but then I saddled up. Don't ask me how! With 4x maximum weight capacity it probably involves magic. A LOT OF MAGIC. But one the horse, I could fast travel again...


New member
Oct 8, 2011
I had the same problem. I found some horse in the wild, and decided to ride it. After that, it would appear whenever I used the fast travel, but it would immediately wander away. Eventually it wandered over to a group of bandits, and I never saw it again.