I'm sick ;_;

Kolby Jack

Come at me scrublord, I'm ripped
Apr 29, 2011
Yes, for the first time in a couple years, I have come down with a fairly severe case of the common cold. What started as a simple tickle in my throat grew to me wincing every time I swallowed, not being able to swallow properly anyway and swallowing a little bit of air each time instead making me queasy at night and making me throw up once (best part: I started puking just before reaching the toilet, slipped and fell right on my ass in a puddle of it), runny nose, headache, and of course, coughing. Lots of coughing. In fact, now that my sore throat is finally starting to fade, my cough seems to be worse than ever.

Point is... poor me! Waaaaagh! Someone make me feel better! Share your cold or other sickness stories, offer home remedies (if they actually work), tell a joke, whatever! I could really use a pick me up right about now.


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
Well, 3 people have died of flu here in Saskatchewan and my family made me get a shot yesterday...

So there's that.

It might be annoying and you might be feeling like crap but at least you ain't dead!

My personal remedy for cold is a cocktail of OJ, a multivitamin, vitamin D and C tablets all mixed in and dissolved overnight. If its really bad I'll have a shot of that every morning. If its just a minor bug, I'll have one every few days.

Drink lots of water and OJ and get some sleep. You'll be better for it. ^.^


New member
Apr 3, 2010
I laughed far too hard at someone slipping on their own vomit and falling into it...

I remember hearing from my grandma that some unholy mix of honey, milk, and baking soda works, but I've never tried it so I can't say whether it works or not.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Share your cold or other sickness stories:

I was sick during finals one year during college. Severely sick. I could probably have gotten an extension for my finals, but to do that I would have had to have proof of sickness, ie, a note from a doctor, and since it was just the flu I sure as hell wasn't going to waste my time and money going to a doctor. So I showed up to all of my finals sick as hell, tried to sit as far from people as possible, and finished all my tests. I had to leave in the middle of one final because of a coughing fit that almost made me pass out, and I had to leave another final twice because of a bout of diarrhea. Still ended up with the highest final exam scores in most of my finals despite the fact that I barely remember actually taking them.

Offer home remedies (if they actually work):

For sore throat I make a concoction that's a mixture of aloe, honey, and lemon. Mash those up and eat a couple of spoon-fulls every half hour or so (or whenever you think it's necessary). It coats the back of my throat and soothes it so that coughing isn't quite as bad.

Tell a joke:

How about a dirty limerick from the 1940s instead?

There once was a young lady from Cue
Who filled her vagina with glue.
She said with a grin,
"If they pay to get in,
They'll pay to get out of it too."

Hope you feel better.

Scolar Visari

New member
Jan 8, 2008
I once came down with a particularly potent case of the flu... or food poisoning. I'm not entirely sure.

In short, I spent an entire night alternating between violent vomiting and even more violent bowel movements. I couldn't even keep a sip of water down for more than a few minutes. My at the time room-mate couldn't have possibly done any less to assist me or ensure that I was not dieing. I counted about 23 cases of vomiting (one of which involved me falling over from weakness as I tried to run to the toilet and just puking on myself as I sobbed) and 16 bowel movements.

I'm fairly certain I eventually passed out in the bathroom, because that's where I woke up the next morning in a puddle of my own fluids. I dragged myself to the shower and after a half hour or so worked up the energy to turn it on. I then went to work that same morning and continued as if nothing happened.


New member
Jun 26, 2011
Redlin5 said:
My personal remedy for cold is a cocktail of OJ, a multivitamin, vitamin D and C tablets all mixed in and dissolved overnight. If its really bad I'll have a shot of that every morning. If its just a minor bug, I'll have one every few days.

Drink lots of water and OJ and get some sleep. You'll be better for it. ^.^
Vitamin C doesn't really have a daily value because its half-life is very short, also you won't need that much for an effective dose of the C. So unless your cocktail is pleasantly tasty, I'd recommend you just have a cup of OJ.

While on the subject get some ginger root from your grocery store. Ginger tea is a fantastic way to cure congestion, and whatever is left over will make some wicked Asian food.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Strictly speaking, Eeyore wasn't sick. He was depressed. However, that's neither here nor there. Here's Dara O'Briain on doctoring, medicine, and such-like.


Kolby Jack

Come at me scrublord, I'm ripped
Apr 29, 2011
FalloutJack said:
Strictly speaking, Eeyore wasn't sick. He was depressed. However, that's neither here nor there. Here's Dara O'Briain on doctoring, medicine, and such-like.

True, but I'm sure he was sure he'd get sick eventually.


New member
Nov 14, 2010
I don't get sick very often, but the last time I was really ill was 5 years ago when I was doing work experience at a tropical pet shop. I'd been there for about 6 days before I got severe abdominal pains and disgustingly large amounts of diarrhoea. That lasted a good 5 days before I sprung back and finished the remaining two days of work experience. It was either caused by me accidentally drinking murky, month-old fish water, cleaning out a very poopy snake tank and not washing my hands, or the subway sandwich I'd eaten the day before (my money is on the Subway, bastards...)

At the end of the work experience I received mixed feedback from my employer since I had the nerve to be ill on 3 of my 10 working days at the shop, but it was a terrible place so I count my illness as well-timed.


Jabbering Fool
Mar 31, 2010
I remember the time i had a mild week long flu thing that then triggered my immune system in to attacking the capillaries that supplied blood to my retinas.

Good times.

Mid Boss

Senior Member
Aug 20, 2012
Drink lots of water. It dilutes the bacteria in your system so your body doesn't react to them so strongly. It's the reason why you feel like SHIIIIT in the morning. You're dehydrated. It has the added benefit of causing some of those bacteria to go down the toilet. Also, take vitamin zinc. All the "Air Guard" and "Your cold will be two days shorter!" products are all just massive doses of vitamin zinc. Read the back of the boxes if you don't believe me. And a bottle of Zinc is a hell of a lot cheaper than what they charge.

Also, buy Zinc, and all vitamins, in the cheapest generic form. The brand names don't have anything special in them. You're just paying twice as much for pretty bottle and the brand name.

Lastly, just as a side note, tooth whitening products and anything that claims to "clean with the power of oxygen!" it's all just hydrogen peroxide. You can get a bottle of it for a buck. Swish your mouth with it for whiter teeth. Also, 5 Hour Energy, just a large and EXTREMELY!! over priced dose of vitamin B.


New member
Dec 23, 2013
So am I! Not that severe though, just coughing a lot, little shivering, big headaches.
Fast recovery to both of us! ^^

Would you like a cup of tea?


New member
Mar 25, 2009
Kolby Jack said:
In fact, now that my sore throat is finally starting to fade, my cough seems to be worse than ever.
Every time i get a cold it goes like that: starts in the nose, gets down to the throat and ends in the lungs.


New member
Jan 8, 2011
If it's the flu or a common cold I'm afraid you'll just have to ride it out until your immune system finishes it off. You can't kill viruses, they aren't even technically alive.

Treating the symptoms so you feel less miserable is easy at least: painkillers, decongestants, something with ginger in it to settle your stomach. Stay fed and watered.

Still, the best option is just to sleep as much as possible. You can't really hasten your recovery from a cold or flu, but you can be blissfully unconscious while your body sorts itself out. Take something that'll knock you out if necessary; my sister uses NiQuil, my parents use Motrin, I put a cat between my shoulder blades.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
FalloutJack said:
Strictly speaking, Eeyore wasn't sick. He was depressed. However, that's neither here nor there. Here's Dara O'Briain on doctoring, medicine, and such-like.

Strictly speaking, Depression is an illness too. :p


New member
Jan 6, 2010
A little bit of vodka mixed with honey. Yes, it might taste odd, but it will cure (almost) anything throat related.


New member
Jun 30, 2012
AdrianCeltigar said:
If it's the flu or a common cold I'm afraid you'll just have to ride it out until your immune system finishes it off. You can't kill viruses, they aren't even technically alive.
You could technically take anti-viral drugs which block a cell's ability to produce viruses, and so rapidly stops the progression of syptoms... but that shit's expensive and doesn't provide immunity or anything.

OT: I haven't had a cold or the Flu for like 8 years

Yay! Hooray! *confetti*

But I do remember being so sick once when I was younger that I couldn't sit up or move my head suddenly because I would pass out from light headedness and a headache.

Got up to try and see if I could crawl to the sink and get water (no one was home) and I fell over hard onto the floor, then threw up all over myself.

Fun times!

I just crawled back into bed very slowly.


New member
Feb 19, 2009
Okay here is a silly story.

Last summer, I failed a test. I had to redo it in the final week of august. The stupid thing about that is that I was in entirely the wrong coutry for the greatest part of that month (vacation, family visits, etc). So I spent the majority of my time there studying. When we eventually boarded the plane home, I already didn't feel well, and I proceeded to not sleep for the 14 hour flight. In hindsight, I think I had a fever.
Point is, when we got home I couldn't sleep either, and spent another 14 hours wide awake. By this point I was a gibbering mess of phlegm and tea. My exam was a few hours away, so I just went and took it without sleeping at all. I nailed it. and promptly fell asleep on the way back from the university. I slept for a good 15 minutes with a bike still between my legs. I just remember the smell of grass, and slowly waking up to realize what the hell happened. after that I got home without incident, and singlehandedly kept the tissue industry afloat by extracting foul mucus from orifices I didn't know could leak.