In Brightest Day


New member
May 17, 2010
I'm not looking forward to this. I was more of a marvel boy, so I am biased but this movie looks less a bit like a rip of Iron-Man. Now I believe that Green Lantern was created before Iron-Man but some of the shots looked a bit too similiar ie the girl in the bed.


New member
Aug 6, 2010
Wow, it looks like the effects were rushed, hopefully they really polish it up before it comes out. Just something about it looks off to me.


New member
Jan 23, 2010
anian said:
T-004 said:
Um....He IS doing the Deadpool movie :D ;d
I know he probably is doing the Deadpool movie, I meant it as just the Deadpool movie now and not in Green lantern at all...
Not probably he is Deadpool, he is a major Deadpool fan.

Cosplay Horatio

New member
May 19, 2009
The CG really needs some cleanup work and whether or not they cut the "I know right!" scene from the actual movie I prefer they do and at least the line itself because showing how Hal puts on the suit to his friend should be in the movie.


May 1, 2008
I have always proffered John Stewart as Green Lantern, but as Hal Jordan is more well known ( and Kyle Reynor being 2nd I guess I can live with it...) It would be awesome if in a sequel they have Jordan become Parallax at the very end and then have a third film where Stewart beat the %#%#! out of him, and then brings him back to the core. Probably won't happen but I'd like it too, the question is will they go with Sinestro and Parallax thus bringing Stewart into the core, or will they have Star Saphire become the sequel villain? ( this is all obviously predicated on this first film NOT SUCKING) In Batman Begins they made it pretty clear that the joker was gonna be villain #2.... But the success of The Dark Night I think proved that audiences are willing to see heroes become villains in these films. what was the line? "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." Wrong DC hero I know, but when I heard that in theaters my brain screamed Parallax


New member
Feb 17, 2010
When I was a kid I remember talking to my Brother (who is 7 years older than I am) about the Green Lantern. GL was one of my favorite characters at the time if for no other reason than all of the cool things I could think of doing with that ring. (Then again, just about any character my brother liked became an instant favorite.)

I don't even remember if I'd hit double digits in the age department, but my brother was explaining how Hal Jordan started as a test pilot and so he was a loose cannon compared to Super Man or Batman. As a test pilot he was either a daredevil or crazy. Possibly both.

We have to think of this movie as it stands alone - is it any good. However we also have to be ready to contrast it against all of the other comic book movies; we don't want them all to be the same. If they were all as stoic as Super Man, or broody and emo as Batman, the formula would get very stale indeed and the genre would once again become less relevant and marginalized by every reviewer except Movie Bob.

Without a doubt Tony Stark from the Iron Man movies is the first larger-than-life personality we've seen as a comic book icon in a movie that made a ton of cash. That doesn't mean Stark owns the "Hero with more personality than a broomstick" concept. That they've give Hal Jordan a lust for life, and is the kind of guy you'd see in a bar just about anywhere in the USA, is a good thing.

Hal can harden over time, and become the dark and brooding... green-light and brooding no-nonsense space cop over the next couple movies. It sure looks like they are setting us up for at least three movies.

Do the effects stink right now? Perhaps, but I thought the same thing about the Hulk before I saw it in the theater. Also, his suit looks really bad in still photos, chronically stupid to tell the truth, but I think it looks pretty good when in action. They just need to darken up his mask a bit.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
why Reynolds, why? any one else would have been better....
I take that back, I just imagined Nic Cage in it!


New member
Aug 22, 2010
cWg | Konka said:
Nathan fillion would make a great green lantern
You aren't the only one who thinks so:

The official Green Lantern trailer was a debacle from start to finish. Ryan Reynolds is playing Hal Jordan for a chump, the special effects are very unimpressive and some of the humour is aping Iron Man, but Reynolds doesn't have RDJ's charm and wit; he comes across as a douchebag instead of a debonair Casanova.

You know, I hope Sinestro kicks his arse handily across deep space, forcing them to recruit John Stewart who should be played by Michael Jai White.

And Pro Tip design team, when your overall effort that costs thousands of dollars looks shit compared to this one done by a single talent artist on his own; you've goofed it.

Go to for more of this guys amazing work.