In the UK boys of 10 and 11 jailed for...


New member
Aug 22, 2009
axia777 said:
Spaceman_Spiff said:
link please.

Thanks for the link and all I can say is, fuck me. There is only so many people and sources we can blame in this so I'm going to blame our consumerist society in general.
What the hell does a consumerist society have anything to do with kids committing crimes of this nature? That is akin to people blaming violent video games for actual violence committed. It is all a load of crap. Blame the parents. They suck. I have come to the conclusion that most people should never be allowed to be parents. We should have a license for being a parent. If you fail said tests of intelligence and psychological make up then they are not allowed to be a parent.
Whilst a license may be a little far (don't make me go into how the government could use it to edit the gene pool to their tastes) I do think more people need to take a good hard look at themselves and assess whether they can be a parent. For example, I've looked at myself alot, and decided I will never be the type of person responsible enough to be a parent. The thing is, some people are selfish, and will go into parenthood as they merely want to, without thinking about whether they are actually capable of it.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
Great, first I'm paranoid about older strangers, now I have to be paranoid about strangers my age.
Just great.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
JenXXXJen said:
My sister works at the hospital, she was there when the older one was brought in, and apparantly, his injuries were a lot lot worse than the media are making out.
My dad knew one of the police officers involved in the Jamie Bulger case. Apparently, they covered over most of the more disturbing stuff in the media as to not upset either the families or people at home, his injuries were a lot worse.

Stoic raptor

New member
Jul 19, 2009
yea, death is too short.
Those boys should have thier dicks RIPPED off.
That would leave much more impact


New member
Jun 26, 2009
MattW456 said:
If I was around 50 or 60 years ago I would be patriotic, now, there's nothing to be proud of in Britain...
though this is unbelieveably fucked up, it's not the county's fault when something like this act can't really ruin a country, unless it's something where everyones doing it. In America we just found two girls who were kidnapped for like 20 years. That wasnt my fault, just like this isnt your fault. But if you want to keep score the kidnappers gave the girls a wii so...


New member
Mar 10, 2009
ssgt splatter said: faith in the human race drops another 10 points. I mean WTF!?!? What is...I mean...How do they...WHY? Just, why?
well all scores start at zero points of the human race did go up but nowhere near the downwards my current point count is somewhere in the negative bajillions


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
MattW456 said:
Agema you dumb fucker. You honestly think the psychopathic freaks of nature that killed James Bulger even deserve to live, let alone believe that they will turn out okay. These people took a 2 year old boy when they themselves were 10 years old, take the boy a few miles away and beat him to death. You are one of the most stupid, naive people I have ever seen.

The kids that killed James Bulger deserved every torture in the world, they deserved more than death. They were complete and utter sadistic sociopathic freaks. The government should just have told people where they and their families lived and seen what happened.
Hold it there. You just dehumanised two 10-year old children to justify hurting them, advocated torture, and implicitly advocated vigilantism against not just them but their innocent relatives. And then the aggression involved in needlessly abusing me.

That does not put you in a good position to accuse others of sociopathy.

* * *

We humans do have a discipline called "Psychology". We can understand why people are fucked up in all sorts of ways. And the sad truth is that the majority of such people are not born that way, they are made that way by a crummy upbringing. Many can be treated or fixed (or however you want to phrase it) with time and care, and particularly when they are children. They can turn out no worse than any average member of the public.

Think on it this way. Some people kill for the first time when they are 40 or 50, yet never hurt anyone before. Just as a non-killer can become a killer, so a killer can become a non-killer. People change: some good people can turn bad, some bad people can turn good.

I appreciate many people want to vent their helpless, frustrated rage and the horrendous evils of the world, and fair enough. But vindictive retribution against criminals does nothing to understand why this shit happens, nor anything to stop it.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Video link of the boys, later in life.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
lwm3398 said:
A boy of 9 raped a girl of 6...
Another boy of 13 raped a 10 year old girl...
And this.
The fuck is happening?
What is happening? The 21st century is making you miserable. You're connected to everything going on in the world today and because the news mostly tells you about that bad things, that is what you will constantly hear. I will admit, this is bad, but I've heard many more examples of something of this nature. It occurs quite often, sad but true.

OP: These kids shouldn't be killed. That's overreacting. They should receive intensive counciling and medication. Juvenile hall would probably be a good idea to(or whatever the UK equivalent is).

Desert Tiger

New member
Apr 25, 2009
Yeah, saw this, it was incredibly sick.

Turned it off as soon as I heard the words "video games" and "internet" though.


New member
May 8, 2009
kill them by dropping sinks on their heads off 15 ft buildings until they die. sounds good to me...i wish i was the judge. id totally make that call.

and then prohibit their parents from having kids again.

Davey Woo

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Some kind of psycho-rehab-reforming discipline THING.
Just put them somewhere where they can't hurt anyone, ever again.


New member
Feb 13, 2009
. . .

Humanity is twisted....

These boys no, they aren't even human, should be sentenced to fifteen lifetimes, or something like that, and every day, each have to face the same thing they did to the two other boys.

I mean, so what if they're so young. They did horrible things, and they sure as hell won't be any better when they grow up.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
In all honesty, I think this is abosolutely disgusting.
How could children do this?

At the age of 10-11, you should know better than that! And if you guys read further, they said the children did NOT have an abusive upbringing, so there's no reason for them to have that kind of behavior.
For a child to be so mental unstable at that age is just shocking. To feel no guilt or remorse (which they didn't because they were yawning at their hearing) is equally shocking.

Children like these may never be cured, simply because this has happened at such a young age and with out a reason. The boys were never abused, so can the parents' upbringign really be to blame?

EDIT: but she could be blamed for feeding the boys cannibus.. wtf?