

New member
Sep 21, 2009
Inb4 mutant babies
hazabaza1 said:
If it gets to the point that they're making babies... well, oh dear.
... never mind.

thaluikhain said:
Define incest, mind. In some places it's perfectly acceptable to marry one's first cousin, for example.

The United Kingdom comes to mind, it's been legal to marry your cousin since Henry 8th.

Kopikatsu said:
Metalhandkerchief said:
I think most people are genetically coded to not be attracted to siblings. Thus, those who don't have this code are judged by those who do. I wouldn't judge someone who engaged in it, but I can see why some others would. In different societies the "bar" for incest is different, here in Norway it applies to siblings only and not cousins. Cousins I have no problem with, as there is no chance of in-breeding etc.

I don't think I have anything more useful to say, other than I was never attracted to a sibling, and wouldn't imagine it happening.
Technically, you're genetically coded to have a strong sexual attraction to blood relatives. I forget the name of it, but there's a thing where if you stay around the same people for the first few stages of life (Either four months or four years), then that drops off completely and it turns into a kind of familial love as opposed to sexual. Really wish I could remember the name of it.
Reverse imprinting, IIRC.
Also called the <url=>Westermarck effect, just to mention that name too.


New member
May 18, 2011
Hey, just keep it under SSC and I'm not going to bat an eyelash at anything.

Now, of course, I suppose we should convince the media to stop equating incest with domestic sexual abuse, at that.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
One wonders why most people seem to be opposed to incest, but fancying twins is a big thing.


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
My opinion would probably be:
Ew and no.

Maybe I'm close minded, but it's just pretty damn gross.
Aug 31, 2012
Kopikatsu said:
Technically, you're genetically coded to have a strong sexual attraction to blood relatives. I forget the name of it, but there's a thing where if you stay around the same people for the first few stages of life (Either four months or four years), then that drops off completely and it turns into a kind of familial love as opposed to sexual. Really wish I could remember the name of it.
I think it's something like the "Westermarck effect".


Quaxar said:
Also called the <url=>Westermarck effect, just to mention that name too.
Balls, beaten to the punch.

OT. Well, 2 consenting adults and all that. Personally, no way. While I may be able to make the judgement that my sister is attractive I am not attracted to her. Same with cousins and 2nd cousins. Not that I didn't play "doctors and nurses" or the equivalent with a couple when I was young, but when you're in single digits I don't think it really counts.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Keoul said:
The whole reason incest was shunned in the first place was because of the genetic disabilities it causes right? that shouldn't be as likely in cousins.
This is kind of blown out of proportion because incest doesn't cause genetic disabilities in children. But if one of the parents is a carrier for a genetic condition then it's likely the other would be as well since they're related, increasing the odds of the child having it. Now mind you, genetic diversity is good for the survival of the species, in part for that reason, but it's a bit silly to use that as the basis of disallowing incest these days given what we know about genetics and what not. Not to mention a few people having babies with family (and I doubt I can stress how rare this would be enough) isn't exactly going to risk destroying the entire human population.

Anyway, yeah, I've got no problem with incest really. As long as it's two consenting adults I don't think it's the business of anyone but those two. Certainly not the government's business. I wouldn't engage in it though in part because I rarely have those sorts of feelings for anyone, least of all family. Helps that I don't really like most of my extended family anyway and my sister brings out nothing but some familial love from me (and frankly, if she weren't my sister I doubt I'd put up with her half as much as I do).


New member
Aug 1, 2009
In general evolution seems to favour genetic diversity. With close relatives breeding you get a higher incidence of 'bad' genetic traits being passed on (disclaimer: I'm not a biologist and one imagines this is a hugely simplified view of what's going on). So it makes sense that in general most people aren't attracted to their blood relatives (there are all kinds of ways this comes in to play, not just the Westermarck effect; one theory I've come across somewhere posits that smells play a large factor in how attracted we are to each other, because we can 'smell' if someone is similar to us genetically, and also if they have a healthy immune system).

What I'm getting at is that I've never been sexually attracted to any of my close relatives (and I have to admit, the idea doesn't appeal to me at all, but neither am I strongly repulsed by it), I get why society disapproves of it, but ultimately, if you've got two consenting adults... though they should still be wary if they want to have children.


Whose Eyes Are Those Eyes?
Oct 15, 2009
What consenting adults do that involves only themselves, is nobody's business but their own.


New member
Jun 24, 2008
incest, a game the whole family can enjoy!

I may have read far too much elicit material but I'm at the point of if they are only related though marriage then I don't care.


New member
Jun 25, 2012
I honestly couldn't give two craps as to what two consenting adults get up to. If said people happened to be siblings or whatever then so be it. Wouldn't do it myself, but then there are a fair few things I wouldn't do so that means nothing in the grand scheme of things.

Evil Smurf

Admin of Catoholics Anonymous
Nov 11, 2011
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Is my sisters name Emma Watson?


No incest for me then.
Emma Watson has the creepiest fans, I would know. I am a fan ;)

as long as it is consensual with both parties the go for it!
Feb 22, 2009
Well you obviously shouldn't have kids with a blood relative, for medical reasons, but I think that's all the taboo comes from - there's no problem with it as long as no kids come out of it, though people are unlikely to want to anyway since they're raised not to feel that way. I dunno, I've never wanted to but other people can do what they want.


This is a placeholder
Aug 24, 2009
United Kingdom
Evil Smurf said:
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Is my sisters name Emma Watson?


No incest for me then.
Emma Watson has the creepiest fans, I would know. I am a fan ;)

as long as it is consensual with both parties the go for it!
Now, is that what you truly think or is it because you're a part of a user group that tries to start flame wars when they notice a potentially flamey thread?

OT: Ew and fuck no are my answers.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
Imperator_DK said:
What consenting adults do that involves only themselves, is nobody's business but their own.
Well, I agree with this to a certain point... if you're adults, do what you want sexually but for crying out loud, don't have kids. A) That kid is going to get genetically screwed because you took it upon yourself to screw your genetics, B) The kid is going to start asking questions when the other kid's dad isn't their uncle as well and C) That kid is going to get bullied. Hard.

On the other hand, it's icky to me. I've never seen my sister as anything more than my sister, likewise my with my cousins. Even from a young age I think I somehow knew that shit was just wrong.


New member
Aug 1, 2011
Well, on a purely emotional level, personally I find the idea reprehensible, disgusting, vile and it ought to be completely illegal...

On an intellectual level however, this is probably how many people feel about homosexuality, and my argument for that has always been if you don't like homosexual relationships, don't have one.

So, to that end, by my own logic I'm forced to simply say people can love who they want, it has no bearing on me, and therfore isn't doing any real harm...

Right up until they try to have children, in which case there's plenty of scientific information out there to support my feelings, and that most certainly should not be allowed, for the sake of the web-footed, many-toed children, if nothing else.

Evil Smurf

Admin of Catoholics Anonymous
Nov 11, 2011
Sassafrass said:
Evil Smurf said:
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Is my sisters name Emma Watson?


No incest for me then.
Emma Watson has the creepiest fans, I would know. I am a fan ;)

as long as it is consensual with both parties the go for it!
Now, is that what you truly think or is it because you're a part of a user group that tries to start flame wars when they notice a potentially flamey thread?

OT: Ew and fuck no are my answers.
No, I really think that. I am a pretty open guy. That user group is not that bad either