Industry Elites Added As Judges for Webcomic Contest


New member
Oct 8, 2007
Lost In The Void said:
Wondering if its Ok to use Gary's Mod to develop a comic. I'm planning on going the dramatic route, and since I can't draw to save my life, but love messing about on GM, wondering if that's ok for submissions or off-limits
It should be okay but I'll have to double check with our legal department to make sure.

UPDATE: Yup, should be good to go. Good luck!


New member
Jan 14, 2010
thecaptainof said:
I think some of the best webcomics I've seen were drawn using a mouse in MS Paint. Now, I'm pretty sure that sort of thing would stand no chance of winning or even being considered on a site that's actually got an audience and standards and such, but I might give it a go anyway because... well, why not. I couldn't draw well even if someone held a gun to my head (no, really, I've seen quadruple amputees with more artistic talent than me), but I'd like to think I can structure a joke.
Give it a shot man! Just remember that Zero Punctuation is simple in it's art and it ended up being a success regardless.


New member
Oct 8, 2007
NpPro93 said:
Does it violate copyright laws if i trace images i find on the internet? because thats kind of the basis of my idea
Tracing can be considered a duplicate of the original and would violate copyright laws.


Is Probably Awesome.
Aug 13, 2008
Spinwhiz said:
Archemetis said:
Spinwhiz said:
Webcomic Contest Now Live!

The Escapist presents its first ever Webcomic Contest!

Beginning today, February 1st, The Escapist will be accepting submitted user-created webcomics and granting one lucky winner a grand prize of a webcomic contract with The Escapist.

If you're an artist, illustrator or talented writer and want to submit a webcomic to The Escapist's Webcomic Contest, click here [] on how to proceed.

The Webcomic Contest will be accepting entries until noon on February 28th. Good luck!


I have no idea if it's been asked already but it's bugging me, What's the policy on art work that's already been uploaded to a site like DeviantArt, which isn't so much publishing as it is an online portfolio?
Will I be allowed to submit such artworks or will I be required to remove it all from that site beforehand? (considering it's all my work)
Or if I'll have to create an entirely new idea all together.
If you have posted the work you are submitting ANYWHERE, you cannot enter it into this contest. While can appreciate what DeviantArt offers to people with an art portfolio, we want your NEW ideas, not stuff you have been working on. We want to show the world for the first time, right here on The Escapist and let everyone we know to come check it out.

The spirit of this event is for new art, which shows us what you are capable of putting together within a month but also shows us if you are able to draw up 2 comics per week and if we can rely on you.

We know there are a ton of great writers and artists out there but bring us the new and awesome from your arsenal. If others have already seen it published anywhere, it's not new enough.
I'm not trying to argue.

And I can understand that you'd want to see something new and interesting, but surely having a portfolio of pre-existing work would be evidence enough that someone is reliable?
I mean I personally put the comics I intended to submit together in just under a month, and with some strips I even managed to make up to 4 in a day to completely consistent (If not improved) quality with each strip.

I just feel it's a little unfair that an already established and fleshed out idea should be excluded just because it's already been around for a month(for purely entertainment purposes without contractual profit).
Especially since I am willing to take them all down prior to submitting.
Also, the comics I have put up on DA have received very positive feedback and already has it's own small following.
(As well as the ones I've posted here on the Art thread already)

like I said I'm not trying to argue and I'd be more than willing to come up with a new idea,
It's just a shame I won't be allowed to use the idea that I'm already so enthusiastic about and dedicated to following up.


New member
Oct 8, 2007
snowfox said:
thecaptainof said:
I think some of the best webcomics I've seen were drawn using a mouse in MS Paint. Now, I'm pretty sure that sort of thing would stand no chance of winning or even being considered on a site that's actually got an audience and standards and such, but I might give it a go anyway because... well, why not. I couldn't draw well even if someone held a gun to my head (no, really, I've seen quadruple amputees with more artistic talent than me), but I'd like to think I can structure a joke.
Give it a shot man! Just remember that Zero Punctuation is simple in it's art and it ended up being a success regardless.
Agreed! Give it a shot. The worst that can happen is that it doesn't win but at least you tried. You never know until you try!


New member
Jan 15, 2010
I'd really like to enter this contest, I can draw, not perfectly but it's a web comic, and I also recently got a wacom tablet so that makes the entire process easier. The problem is that I cannot write my way out of a paper bag.

So if anyone who can write needs an artist, let me know.

And an example of the style I'm most comfortabe working in:


Blatant Narcissist
Mar 31, 2008
Spinwhiz said:
Archemetis said:
Spinwhiz said:
Webcomic Contest Now Live!

The Escapist presents its first ever Webcomic Contest!

Beginning today, February 1st, The Escapist will be accepting submitted user-created webcomics and granting one lucky winner a grand prize of a webcomic contract with The Escapist.

If you're an artist, illustrator or talented writer and want to submit a webcomic to The Escapist's Webcomic Contest, click here [] on how to proceed.

The Webcomic Contest will be accepting entries until noon on February 28th. Good luck!


I have no idea if it's been asked already but it's bugging me, What's the policy on art work that's already been uploaded to a site like DeviantArt, which isn't so much publishing as it is an online portfolio?
Will I be allowed to submit such artworks or will I be required to remove it all from that site beforehand? (considering it's all my work)
Or if I'll have to create an entirely new idea all together.
If you have posted the work you are submitting ANYWHERE, you cannot enter it into this contest. While can appreciate what DeviantArt offers to people with an art portfolio, we want your NEW ideas, not stuff you have been working on. We want to show the world for the first time, right here on The Escapist and let everyone we know to come check it out.

The spirit of this event is for new art, which shows us what you are capable of putting together within a month but also shows us if you are able to draw up 2 comics per week and if we can rely on you.

We know there are a ton of great writers and artists out there but bring us the new and awesome from your arsenal. If others have already seen it published anywhere, it's not new enough.
Along this same premise does that also extend to rough sketches and proof of concept for something that hasn't fully been fleshed out or developed yet but has still been posted elsewhere?


New member
Oct 8, 2007
Vanguard1219 said:
Spinwhiz said:
Archemetis said:
Spinwhiz said:
Webcomic Contest Now Live!

The Escapist presents its first ever Webcomic Contest!

Beginning today, February 1st, The Escapist will be accepting submitted user-created webcomics and granting one lucky winner a grand prize of a webcomic contract with The Escapist.

If you're an artist, illustrator or talented writer and want to submit a webcomic to The Escapist's Webcomic Contest, click here [] on how to proceed.

The Webcomic Contest will be accepting entries until noon on February 28th. Good luck!


I have no idea if it's been asked already but it's bugging me, What's the policy on art work that's already been uploaded to a site like DeviantArt, which isn't so much publishing as it is an online portfolio?
Will I be allowed to submit such artworks or will I be required to remove it all from that site beforehand? (considering it's all my work)
Or if I'll have to create an entirely new idea all together.
If you have posted the work you are submitting ANYWHERE, you cannot enter it into this contest. While can appreciate what DeviantArt offers to people with an art portfolio, we want your NEW ideas, not stuff you have been working on. We want to show the world for the first time, right here on The Escapist and let everyone we know to come check it out.

The spirit of this event is for new art, which shows us what you are capable of putting together within a month but also shows us if you are able to draw up 2 comics per week and if we can rely on you.

We know there are a ton of great writers and artists out there but bring us the new and awesome from your arsenal. If others have already seen it published anywhere, it's not new enough.
Along this same premise does that also extend to rough sketches and proof of concept for something that hasn't fully been fleshed out or developed yet but has still been posted elsewhere?
Yes, that would extend to sketches and proofs as well.


New member
Feb 2, 2010
Is it considered copyright violation if the webcomic is centered around the world that is created by somebody else, but uses mainly original characters, but features ones that are also created by the author of the world. For example, I want to write a comic of which the character lives in the world of Half Life, but is never before seen in the game, but the comic also features some characters that are in the game itself (Dr. Breen).

Now, my idea for a comic is one about five different characters in the Warcraft Universe by Blizzard. Would this violate the copyright laws? I ask because a lot of people make creative content based on the Warcraft games (comics/machinima).

While I'm at it, I need an artist that would be interested in such a project. So if this is allowed in the contest, please write me a private message.

Thank you.


New member
Dec 14, 2008
I got a few questions. First is about the banner/logo thing
It says it should be no bigger then 300x300, then
Webcomics width must be no larger than 650 pixels
Webcomics height must be no larger than 1280 pixels
followed by saying these dimensions are valid for the logo/banner. so I am confused on what the dimensions should be

second question, any restrictions at all on violence and profanity? none was mentioned but figured I'd ask.


New member
Oct 8, 2007
SairexQT said:
Is it considered copyright violation if the webcomic is centered around the world that is created by somebody else, but uses mainly original characters, but features ones that are also created by the author of the world. For example, I want to write a comic of which the character lives in the world of Half Life, but is never before seen in the game, but the comic also features some characters that are in the game itself (Dr. Breen).

Now, my idea for a comic is one about five different characters in the Warcraft Universe by Blizzard. Would this violate the copyright laws? I ask because a lot of people make creative content based on the Warcraft games (comics/machinima).

While I'm at it, I need an artist that would be interested in such a project. So if this is allowed in the contest, please write me a private message.

Thank you.
This is a very grey area. While you are allowed to use images from the Warcraft Universe, doing anything to promote a brand (say a certain soda) or putting them in unflattering situations that could hurt the brand, would get the comic closed before you could blink. So, if you are just using the images or even your characters from the game but your content is not affect the brand, you should be okay. There are a lot of webcomics out there that use parody from games, so the only thing we can do is ask you to try and we'll see what happens.

aeroz said:
I got a few questions. First is about the banner/logo thing
It says it should be no bigger then 300x300, then
Webcomics width must be no larger than 650 pixels
Webcomics height must be no larger than 1280 pixels
followed by saying these dimensions are valid for the logo/banner. so I am confused on what the dimensions should be

second question, any restrictions at all on violence and profanity? none was mentioned but figured I'd ask.
First, thanks for the heads up about the dimensions. The main page has been altered to reflect your concerns and we will stay with the "no bigger than 300x300". Much appreciated.

Second, there isn't really a rule about violence and profanity but if we feel if there is too much of either, it won't be posted. A good rule of thumb is: if you think you may have gone too far, then you probably have.


New member
Feb 2, 2010
Ah, thank you, that's actually wonderful since I'm just going to adopt the environment, I'm guessing nothing bad should come out of that.

So, once again, is there any artist here who is familiar with and would like to contribute to my idea of a Warcraft based comic. I've already got the introduction of all the characters and some future situtations done and all that needs to be done is re-write them in a script form.

WARNING: This is not going to be a comedy story, any and all kind of comedy regarding this would be a filler and most likely Out of Character compared to the original plot.
Also, if you are not a visual artist, but know your way around models then the comic can be done using in-game models (like Flintlocke's Guide to Azeroth)


New member
Oct 8, 2007
SairexQT said:
Ah, thank you, that's actually wonderful since I'm just going to adopt the environment, I'm guessing nothing bad should come out of that.

So, once again, is there any artist here who is familiar with and would like to contribute to my idea of a Warcraft based comic. I've already got the introduction of all the characters and some future situtations done and all that needs to be done is re-write them in a script form.

WARNING: This is not going to be a comedy story, any and all kind of comedy regarding this would be a filler and most likely Out of Character compared to the original plot.
Also, if you are not a visual artist, but know your way around models then the comic can be done using in-game models (like Flintlocke's Guide to Azeroth)
Very cool. Please also remember not to use any storyline that Blizzard is using. That crosses in from parody to fan art/fan fiction and Blizzard will have the right to ask us to take it down immediately.


New member
Mar 17, 2009
>.< i really want to enter this, but my ideas are limited at the moment

i do have a premise though and somewhat competent art skills, i'll probably end up submitting on the 27th but until then time to get to work

Question: are you looking for a humor comic or just a comic in general?

Edit: also does it have to be colour?


New member
Feb 3, 2010
I always wanted to something like this for a living, started some skecthes already.


And im guessing your looking for something funny? I would team up with a writer but I have all these hilarious experiences with games that I can draw from .


New member
Feb 3, 2010
OK I have a couple of web comics that I been meaning to put up. can I only enter one of them or can I send all of them. the thing is I cant decide which one to send and I don't want to mess this up.


New member
Feb 2, 2010
Is there an age limit to this contest? For example, I am 16, does that mean I will be unable to enter?

Also, are we able to use names of games in the conversations within the comic? Like the characters are talking about it? (It is in several comics such as Penny Arcade)

I am excited about this contest if I am able to do it and I will give it my best!

(P.S. Is this contest void in Arizona?)


New member
Oct 8, 2007
Blanks said:
>.< i really want to enter this, but my ideas are limited at the moment

i do have a premise though and somewhat competent art skills, i'll probably end up submitting on the 27th but until then time to get to work

Question: are you looking for a humor comic or just a comic in general?

Edit: also does it have to be colour?
You can enter any type of comic you like, so no, it doesn't just have to be humorous. It also does not have to be in color.

fatape said:
I always wanted to something like this for a living, started some skecthes already.

And im guessing your looking for something funny? I would team up with a writer but I have all these hilarious experiences with games that I can draw from .
Nope, doesn't have to be funny at all. As long as it falls within our rules, we are good to go.

4242 said:
OK I have a couple of web comics that I been meaning to put up. can I only enter one of them or can I send all of them. the thing is I cant decide which one to send and I don't want to mess this up.
Pick your best/favorite and send it in. Depending on what you are trying to accomplish with your strip, you don't necessarily have to use all the same characters every time. The Far Side comics never repeat characters and while Penny Arcade uses the same characters often, they also introduce side stories dependent upon gaming news or anything else that pops in their head. So, send us your best!