Ineptidude at certain type of games


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
I think I'm faaaaaaaar better at 3rd person shooter games than I am FPS, might be a special awareness thing
Oct 2, 2012
I suck at strategy games.
I'm a slow, careful, paranoid type pf player that always turtles like crazy and only gets aggressive towards end game.
I can usually handle the AI in turn based games even on the higher difficulties but when it comes to RTS games the AI usually pounds my ass into pudding and then feeds that pudding to its grandmother at a family dinner on anything but easy.
Online matches against people are usually impossible.

I also think I suck at FPS but I'm not sure.
When I go online I get slaughtered and destroyed so often and badly I become embarrassed but I can usually beat all of my decently skilled gamer friends.
I guess I'm just average at them and get my ass kicked by "pros" when I go online?


New member
Oct 9, 2013
Real time strategy. To a lesser extent turn based strategy. Football (soccer) games for some reason. I'm pretty good at some FPS games and pretty terrible at some others, particularly on console.

And stealth. I just do not have the patience not to constantly be caught.


New member
Aug 10, 2014
Well lets see --- I'm terrible at RTS, Fighting games, and Building/Economic based games.... and the only real fighting game I like is Mortal Kombat. Beyond the basic moves and some of the easier special moves, I can never properly use the extra-hard hitting moves that I see some people do with ease... you could be beating a person down to the last edge of their health and suddenly they'll do that 8 to 9 button combo and wipe you out.

RTS? Its always the micro-management of resources that get me. I find my self not having any entertainment in slowly building what ever units it happens to be just to make 5 or 6 troops of some kind then in like 10 min, the AI has an entire armada built and I either hold off one attack or just end up folding in the next. Sins of a Solar empire comes to mind. I would be trying to concentrate on building up some planet when a large fleet of pirates come by and wipe me out....and if I do manage to wipe them out, 2 min later and 100 more ships come at me. Star Craft II? Yep same deal. Resources.

And as same you op --- I love the damn things. This going to be looked down upon but I don't play online for competitive games so I like using trainers and cheat codes to basically take care of the money/resources problem so I can enjoy the rest of the combat mechanics of the game instead. Its even far more fun when you can tweak the AI to be just as crazy --- then I get to build the units, enjoy the graphics, story, and also wage massive bloody battles. I use the RTS's a lot to model scenarios I may have if I'm writing a piece of Science Fiction. I found it a great brain storming tool.

City Building? My GF loves those things. I can never figure how she could manage one and not have it crumble into the ground. If there is anything to do with heavy math or tweaking say, a colony/city's tax rate, economic ect... count me out. I was never a number's man.

Now RPGs? Shooters? Flight Sims? Platformers? --- Oh I'm there.


New member
Jul 29, 2010
Yeah, expecting majority to be RTS as well, would be awesome if this was actually a poll which had a choice of what game you are worst at.

+1 on RTS, which is pretty damn annoying, because it seems there was a certain turning point in life where I fell off the rails. Since I was a kid, my dad and I played Dune 2, I was hooked on them. Through the whole C&C series, Red Alerts, Total Annihilation, Star Craft, I was even slightly competitive in Warcraft 3. I dabbled in other points-based games like Ground Control, Dawn of War...Then sometime around the time Starcraft 2 came out, I just became totally useless. Then I tried C&C3, and realized that I couldn't play them to save my life anymore, even in single-player campaigns. They got to become stressful, and the last thing I wanted to play after work. So, that's my failure story....

+1 also on fighting games. Which is another big disappointment. I used to love Street Fighter series, Mortal Kombat (esp 1-4), even Neo Geo classics like KoF, Fatal Fury, The Last Blade, and to more recently Blaz Blue. But since SF4 came out, I couldn't even string a 3-hit combo together no matter how hard I tried. It's like a fuse was just blown and that part of my cognitive skill disappeared. Which is more than frustrating, because I used to watch and emulate those insane combo vids of In SF Alpha, I could string super combos on unsuspecting friends with the slightest of warning. About 2 months ago, another group of my friends dusted off the old PS2 and said "let's have a game for old time's sake", after which they proceeded to give me the most grandiose ass-whipping of a treatment I've ever faced.

Yep, gonna go have a cry now...

The Heik

King of the Nael
Oct 12, 2008
Fighting games, and really any game that require me to memorize a lot of stuff to do simple actions.

I'm a "make it up as you go along" type of person, so having to remember and execute specific combinations to do an attack tends to feels annoying and tedious for me.

Of course it doesn't help that those games usually swap move sets between characters, so either I need to grind with just one character to get a good handle on them, or I'm constantly mixing up one character's move set with another.


New member
Jul 15, 2014
I'm pretty bad at point and click/adventure games, mmos and rpgs

you can't be bad at stealth games. That's not a thing


New member
Sep 26, 2010
I suck at platformers I cant aim my jumps for **** used to **** at FPS games but I am improving by pure stubbronness but still there is a reason I main Pyro on Tf2 (my aim still is rather shoddy)


New member
Jun 19, 2010
Fighting and action games, including a lot of shooters, come naturally to me, especially after spending a little bit of time familiarizing myself with the specifics of the system because I have good instincts for that kind of game. I'm fine with RPGs, too, since I'm good at planning out strategies beforehand and implementing them. I am not good, however, at micro-managing; RTS, large-scale strategy (i.e. Civilization) and other economy-based games are my most major weakness when it comes to game genres. Prediction is also a major weakness of mine; I think chess, for example, is absurdly boring because of how many moves you have to think ahead in order to get the upper hand. I mean, that's not a game, that's an algorithm. Chess can be procedurally "solved", so to speak, much like how Tic-Tac-Toe can be solved such that one can never lose, and can only draw, at worst.

Racing games are also pretty bad for me; I hate constantly needing to move forward, since I can never get into my "natural rhythm", so to speak. I can never calm down and simply do my thing in a racing game because I never feel like I'm aware of where my opponents are, due to the fact that I always have to stare straight ahead to avoid obstacles.

My skill at platforming games tends to fluctuate depending on the game, too; I beat "Touhouvania 2"[footnote]Koumajou Densetsu II: Stranger's Requiem, which is a Castlevania-themed Touhou fangame[/footnote] on normal, without ever touching easy, in a single sitting, but the mechanics of most Mario games make it difficult for me to get 100%.

Luck-based games are completely hopeless for me. My luck tends to be pretty terrible, though I do occasionally have small bursts of really good luck sometimes. If I can play conservatively, such as in Tales of Xillia 2's poker minigame, then I'm actually really good at gambling, but when it comes down to sheer luck, I almost always end up drawing the short straw.

I'm also bad at stealth games, for the sheer fact that I have absolutely patience for that kind of thing. Of course, there are exceptions; I happen to like Sly Cooper and Dishonored a lot because of how creative they are, and how you can move around the levels extremely freely. Most of the time, however, I feel like it'd be easier and more rewarding just to shoot everyone.


New member
May 15, 2012
I'd have to say horror games, as the fear often makes me feel physically bad, followed by tekken style fighting games(Insane amount of memorization, my brain just can't handle that) Probably city management games but i have no experience in them.

Most other type of games I feel I'm at least decent at.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Pretty much any sort of epic fantasy turn-based games, like Heroes of Might and Magic, Fallen Enchantress, Warlock: Master of the arcane, or the Age of Wonders games. I love the games, but I'm terrible at them. I always think I'm doing well, and then I run into my opponent and their army is 5x the size of mine and 3x more advanced. I think I have a bad tendency to play too conservatively and not expand fast enough. God bless difficulty settings.

I'm not THAT bad at them, but fighting games as well. My problem is that I always decide to make my main be someone who I find interesting or cool, not someone I'm actually good with. For example, Solomon Grundy was my main in Injustice, even though I generally hate playing as grappler type characters. But hey, he was a cool super-strong indestructible zombie, what's not to like?

Pete Oddly

New member
Nov 19, 2009
RTS games, definitely.

The combination of strategic prowess and lightning fast reaction time, as well as multitasking and micromanagimg, is my gaming kryptonite.

Also; rhythm games. I don't suck at them, but I'll never be able to play them on any difficulty higher than medium.

The Madman

New member
Dec 7, 2007
Fighting Games.

I like em, but I ain't no good at em. What I'll usually do if there's one fighting game I enjoy is pick a character and try to master that one character, because there ain't no hope in hell I'm going to ever become good (Or even decent) at all of em.

Leonardo Huizar

New member
Jul 1, 2012
Fighters. I used to be good but all these fighter hards online with infinites & exploits leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

I think I might be the opposite when it comes to strategy & puzzle games. I think I could actually be very good at them, hell I figured out how to play the mess that was FF8 Triple Triad game without the supposed "struggle". My problem though is i dont have the patience for anymore.

Ima Lemming

New member
Jan 16, 2009
Another for one-on-one fighters. The only two I've really been able to get into are Waku Waku 7 and Guilty Gear X, and even those I spend mostly mashing buttons.

I haven't played too many, but I haven't had much luck with rhythm games. A few minutes into a Guitar Hero song and I have to stop and ask "Wait, what?"


Senior Member
Jan 28, 2011
Anything that requires me to out-predict an opponent, so basically fighters, Strategy, and multi-player shooters to a much lesser extent.

I'm a fast learner, but a horrible loser, so I lose any motivation to learn most competitive games. This is also why I have taken to going support in most multi-player games, as now i can piggy back off of other people's skill while still contributing.


Until I get thrown out.
May 16, 2011
Shooters or anything that requires twitch reflexes. I'm bad at adapting to unexpected situations.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
I'm pretty average in every genre. Except when it come to competitive multiplayer games, then I'm pretty bad in every game (specially shooters). I can't cut it even in Pokemon matches...


New member
Jun 9, 2014
In an exception in this thread, I actually like/am decent at large-scale strategy like civ. However, most shooters and whatnot are far too difficult for me-I just don't have the reflexes needed. The only FPS I regularly play is Borderlands.