Infinity Ward Says No to the Wii


New member
Oct 1, 2009
They're right. I don't think the Wii could deliver the graphics and control that other consoles could. They are just using their heads here.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
"We don't feel tied to making Call of Duty games. We still make Call of Duty games because we're having fun doing it. And when it stops being fun, we'll move onto something else."

Need I remind you, IW, that the last studio which focused on one game franchise tried to do "something else" ended up locking their creation in a dark basement with security guarding the doors 24/7? (Creative Assembly)

Little Duck

Diving Space Muffin
Oct 22, 2009
Pyromania192 said:
Little Duck said:
The wii does offer less in graphics, but what kind of world do we live in, if people ask if a game's quality is affected by graphics?

Was castle crashers bought by millions because it's graphics were revolutionary?
Do people frequently demand more from No More Heroes?
Did anyone find 'splosion man any less fun because it didn't look realistic?

People need to stop ragging on about what the Wii can't do and instead ask look at what it can do. Look at games like Matroid for inspiration, that looked stunning despite being on a less powerful system. A game IS NOT fun or better because of graphics. So long as you can see the man and the fun, then there will be no problem with gaming. It's when you go for the realistic aproach on a less powerful console do you get problems. Make the graphics a bit more artsy, or use a slightly different approach to get your desired result instead.
No, but graphics help a tiny little thing called immersion. Its something that big, engrossing story's need to make you care about the characters. If those characters are 3 blurred pixels on a screen (when their not meant to be) then the whole thing is shattered, like the 4th wall in a play.

I'm no programmer, but i'm willing to bet some of those action scenes in MW2 are really going to crank up the cooling fans for the consoles and the PC. The Wii would probably just catch fire trying to do the same sort of thing.

I don't know, maybe its because I hate they Wii because its been made a casual thing that grandmothers play. Maybe it's because I think that things that have the potential to look beautiful should look so, and don't join the hordes of people who go 'GRAPHICS R NOTHING BCAUSE ITS WAHTZ ON TEH INSIDE THAT COUNTS, not including processor or GPU or anything'. Sure, graphics arent everything, but why all the hate on them? I don't see any hate towards the musical score in games (dont get me wrong i love every single game composer ever :D ) saying 'Its not that important!'.

People need to stop the hating of graphics and just let the Wii be what it was designed to be, something to broaden their consumer base beyond the 'cellar dwelling social rejects' (I'm roughly paraphrasing here what they said, back when they condemned their own major demographic) and stop trying to let it play up with the Big boys.
What is it with this whole "Big boys" thing of the 360 and the PS3. The wii has outsold them horrifically. And it's technically inferior. Don't say graphics helps immersion either. It certain didn't help me get close to Ayumi.

YES graphics give a more realistic environment, YES it will make everything prettier most of the time, but in the same instance, is not a game such as the original Metroid just as immersive, if not more, than Halo 3? Is not a game like Silent Hill 2 as immersive, IF not more, than Resident Evil 5? I didn't say the person should look like 3 pixels, but the graphics on the last generation were pretty neat then and still are pretty nifty now. Don't forget stuff like Quantum of Solace, where everyone looked like a human, shadows and all. Don't just ignore and put aside games like Doom 3, which the wii can more than run.

Like I said, don't ask what it can't do, but what it can do. You won't get the most realistic view on the wii, but you can sure as hell get a decent one. Any major cutscene can be video shown and physics can be employed on it, to a definate degree of realism.

Emperor Inferno

New member
Jun 5, 2008
Meh, doesn't surprise me. The Wii doesn't seem to me like a serious console, it certainly doesn't have the power or graphics capabilities of the 360 or PS3. Can't really expect it to deliver a serious next-gen game all that well. Hell, I'm surprised the original did release on the Wii.


New member
Sep 8, 2009
They'll stop making CoD games when it stops being fun?

I thought Robert Kotick didn't want them to have fun while they make games?