Injustice: Gods Among Us


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
Injustice: Gods Among Us demo dropped this week on PSN, and I'd assume XBL, so I thought I'd see what ya'lls first impressions are.

For me?
Not very.

The characters look kind of stupid, especially in the face, like someone was playing clay and made a boo-boo.

The game play isn't all that fun, at least for me.
I don't like how the directional buttons being the focus of creating combos.
The whole 'super moves', while looking pretty cool, seem a too easy to pull off.
And Lex Luthor, who's suppose to be a 'tank' character doesn't feel to different than Batman in terms of movement.

If the demo is any indication of the final game...
It feels like it's going to be another MKvsDC.


New member
Mar 12, 2012
I`m not fond of the techlook of the characters but i have no problem with the faces.
Guess i check out the demo. Lobo is missing, haven`t seen him so far in any of the preview vids. Would be a shame if he isn`t in the game at all.


New member
Jul 8, 2012
Tanis said:
Injustice: Gods Among Us demo dropped this week on PSN, and I'd assume XBL, so I thought I'd see what ya'lls first impressions are.

For me?
Not very.

The characters look kind of stupid, especially in the face, like someone was playing clay and made a boo-boo.

The game play isn't all that fun, at least for me.
I don't like how the directional buttons being the focus of creating combos.
The whole 'super moves', while looking pretty cool, seem a too easy to pull off.
And Lex Luthor, who's suppose to be a 'tank' character doesn't feel to different than Batman in terms of movement.

If the demo is any indication of the final game...
It feels like it's going to be another MKvsDC.
I enjoyed the demo from what I played.

I do disagree with the directional buttons being focus of combos, to me it is a million times better than quarter circles. Also, I think Lex Luthor is supposed to be more of a zone character, rather than a tank.

My complaints are with how they have only one intro, outro, and super cutscene for each character. It seems like it would get annoying watching the same thing after a while. Also the clash system seems silly.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
The looks are great more in line with the current new52 and far more logical than spandex. Don't really see the problem. Far as the game will get a chance to play later during the week.


New member
Mar 11, 2011
OldDirtyCrusty said:
I`m not fond of the techlook of the characters but i have no problem with the faces.
Guess i check out the demo. Lobo is missing, haven`t seen him so far in any of the preview vids. Would be a shame if he isn`t in the game at all.
You're not the only one fretting over this.

OT: Demo was alright, nothing ground breaking, but I expected as much. Could be good, but I'll wait until the final product is available to pass judgement.


Not entirely serious, maybe.
Mar 24, 2011
I liked it quite a bit. In fact, I just went over to Gamestop to upgrade my pre-order to the Battle Edition. []

It's mechanics are fairly simplistic, not nearly as complicated as other fighting games might be. But I can see quite a lot of depth buried under the surface of the game. They're drawing a lot from MK9, which isn't a bad thing since MK9 turned out to be a pretty good fighting game. Lots of my friends are getting Injustice, which is another reason I'm excited for it. To have a set of friends that I can reliably play the game with. (So many nights spent beating the snot out of each other in KotH on MK9.)

While I still enjoy other fighting games with much more technical and elaborate move inputs, I do like Netherrealm's more simplistic approach as well.

I don't see what's wrong with the artstyle, either.

CaptainChip said:
My complaints are with how they have only one intro, outro, and super cutscene for each character. It seems like it would get annoying watching the same thing after a while. Also the clash system seems silly.
Characters will have different intros and outros, I believe based on their costumes (We've already seen different ones in the Battle Arena videos.) What's wrong with the clash system?

Also, there's going to be accurate banter between fighters. For example, if you find yourself in a matchup of Joker vs Joker. One Joker will say something like "You look really handsome.", while the other responds "You look good too!". Apparently, there's "thousands" of these banter combinations. Probably not as impressive as it sounds, but amusing nonetheless.

I guess I'm just a sucker for superhero themed fighting games, while being simultaneously fucking sick of the words "Marvel" and "Capcom" within this genre. The demo put to rest any skepticism I had for this game, and I'm pretty excited about it now.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
Waiting to see if an LPer I watch is going to pick it up. They'll probably do a thing where the look at it, so it should be interesting.
I'm not that into fighting games so I might pick it up when it's cheap to try out the story and muck about with friends, but it certainly won't be a release buy for me.


New member
Sep 4, 2008
Downloading the demo now, but all of the gameplay I've seen hasn't really impressed me. We'll see if actually playing it changes that.


New member
Jan 24, 2012
CaptainChip said:
My complaints are with how they have only one intro, outro, and super cutscene for each character. It seems like it would get annoying watching the same thing after a while. Also the clash system seems silly.
Agreed. That was my same problem with MvC3.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
I enjoyed the teaser at the end of the demo more than I enjoyed the game, to be honest. It looks like the demo was just the barest of bare bones. The combos were kinda dull and Batman, of all people, wasn't that fun to play as. BATMAN! Wonder Woman was more fun! Lex Luthor was more fun! But it looks fun. Besides lacking Lobo, the roster looks pretty nice.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
They sort of hinted that Lobo would be a DLC character in one of the interviews.

OT: I like it personally, but I agree with ninjaRiv. The demo is very barebones, I would have preffered at least a few more characters in order to better gauge how different they play. Still planning on getting it though, I enjoyed the combat enough to warrant more time spent on this game.


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
I think it was a bad demo, there were only a couple of characters and stages available and to begin with the combat felt a bit clunky. But towards my second run through with Wonder Woman, I actually started to be able to string combos together which made things easy. Plus the trailer following the demo looked kick ass.

I'll probably lick it up when it gets cheap, I am not a huge fan of fighting games, like racing games, I usually end up getting bored of them pretty quickly.

Sack of Cheese

New member
Sep 12, 2011
I loved it!! I only tried Wonder Woman though because she's my favourite. It plays a lot like MK2011 which I also loved very much.
It's gonna have so much singleplayer content, not gonna lie but I buy my fighters for singleplayer only. :(

Super hyped for this game now! If only Power Girl and Poison Ivy make it to the DLC roster...


New member
Jun 7, 2010
I just don't enjoy the MK engine. The game lacks impact and feels to floaty for me. Also didn't like how they are probably going to handle Hyper armor (shield which neglect 1 or more hits). If you play Lex, you just have to press one button and suddenly you have one stack of HA. You can have more stacks, so suddenly you have lex walking through your stuff and wrecking you. HA always has been hit or miss with me, but it is acceptable when a character has a certain move that has HA with its own animation, but this just seems to kill the flow in the game.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
I enjoyed the demo, myself. It did feel pretty barebones, but I just wanted to try the combat out a bit, and while it's not my favorite, I can definitely enjoy it.

I'm kind of on a superhero kick right now, and I've always loved DC more than Marvel, so I'd get it for the ability to play as Nightwing and Deathstroke alone.
But it also has TONS of content! It's gonna be AWESOME!

The only thing I'm worried about is the boss character. I REALLY don't want another Shao Kahn. He's just so frustrating, boring, and cheap. Everything I hate in a boss battle. Especially fighting games!
You can't make a boss harder by taking away gameplay mechanics! Which is essentially what you're doing when you give bosses unlimited unblockable attacks, stagger protection, and immunity to throws! It's stupid!

But yeah, I'll probably still enjoy it.


New member
Dec 22, 2011
Well for me the demo feels like crap, plays like crap and looks like crap, ugh like someone said above hate the MK engine, as much as I love DC comics, I'm hating them right now cause this crappy game, the "DCtalities" are awfull, and good lord Wonder Woman looks like a drag....... I hate you capcom why did you chose marvel?.

silver wolf009

Jan 23, 2010
I was left confused by the lack of any obvious block button.

Was I just being stupid with that one?

Other than that, it didn't strike me as all that good. The characters seemed to move pretty slow, and I just didn't get a good vibe from it.


New member
Feb 8, 2008
I like the MK feel for it but the movement doesn't feel as fluid and the clash thing just sucks. I mean really, they incorporate a rock paper scissor mechanic. What the?