King Aragorn said:
The Wykydtron said:
silver wolf009 said:
I was left confused by the lack of any obvious block button.
Was I just being stupid with that one?
Other than that, it didn't strike me as all that good. The characters seemed to move pretty slow, and I just didn't get a good vibe from it.
It uses the tried and true "hold back from your opponent" Capcom blocking system now. CROSS UPS AHOY! I prefer that to an actual block button to be honest.
OT: Ehh I just preordered it on Amazon, if only because I need something to tide me over 'til May 10th when P4A FINALLY shows up in the EU.
This actually made me more interested in the game, the trailers of just characters fighting were just boring. There's no impact I swear. It has the MK9 problem of people getting their spine broken (no really) then backflipping back into combat no problem. Fucking what?
We could argue that's a problem with every single fighting game, then. Being shot 20 thousand times by Dante or being shot with rockets with Iron Man, then getting back up like it's perfectly fine.
All video games have that, and I don't see what's wrong with it.
I get that but, and this is a big one, in MK9 you are CLEARLY shown that bones are splintered beyond repair yet people just keep going and it's really annoying. It makes all impact just disappear because WOO I JUST SPLINTERED HIS SPINE! BADA-oh wait he just got back up and did some backflips. Oh.
It's the same thing with Injustice but thankfully on a smaller scale. People get thrown through buildings and stuff, superheros or no make them look like they're taking damage at least. They recover WAY too quickly, give them an extra two seconds on the floor for effect THEN restart the fight for example. They literally just bounce right back up again.
UMVC3 has the comic type, non gorey aesthetic to get away with that kind of stuff. Could you honestly picture a character hit by Million Dollars coming out of it ripped to shreds and all bloody? It's just not in the game's nature, whereas that stuff is more appropriate in MK9 and Injustice because of the setting and overall aesthetic