GTA with swords is innovative?durge said:Like Assassin's Creed. Ubisoft Montreal took a chance. They veered away from the legions of Halo clones and created a game that was so FREAKING UNBELIEVABLY GOOD!! And now there's going to be legions of Assassin's Creed free roaming "flower box" third person action games like Saboteur, inFamous, and Hulk. When someone does something different and takes a chance, developers will start making clones of said game. Every once in a while, a developer takes a chance and does something different or adds some innovative features a game, but if it works, everyone else starts copying them. Halo was an amazing game when it came out, but now practically every game that comes out is a Halo clone with a regenerating health bar and the same kind of level structure. Innovation is rare and short lived. That's how it works. Company A makes a game. Game sells and people like it. Companies B-Y copy idea and start making clones of Company A's idea. A few years later, Company Z takes a chance and does something different. People like it, game sells. Process repeats.
Ok, ok. Assassin's Creed deserves some credit for ripping off both GTA and Thief and mating it with a truly nonsensical sci-fi plot. That has certainly never been done before.