Interesting video about used games, DLC, online passes, and the current state of the industry.


New member
May 26, 2010
Very long, very informative video about the issues in today's industry. What do you think of its message?


Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Well he is preaching to the choir when it comes to me, but it is a great video to have at hand when beating some sense into the confused masses.

I can't help but feel some heavy flames coming on when the industry faithful get wind of this thread.


Resident COD Fanboy
Jan 29, 2012
Why does everyone have to go 100 miles out of their way to take a jab at MW3? That has nothing to do with what he's talking about! Activision's not selling on disc day 1 DLC or including online passes with CoD or complaining about used games. CoD Elite subscription is NOT required to play the game. It's just the equivalent of a season pass for DLC. Sometimes things are popular for a reason: Because they're GOOD.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
way2sl0w said:
Sometimes things are popular for a reason: Because they're GOOD.
Alternatively, because they started out good and they picked up legions of sheep (not saying you are, just saying that they exist), along with a few fans of the older stuff, hoping that it'll eventually get as good as they remember it again.

OT: Still haven't watched the video, so I can't make an OT comment yet.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
He's a bit long winded but I almost like this guy.

He's blaming the big publishers, so that's good.

He does commit some logical fallacies, like it's either no new sales=no used sales, or a game selling many new sales, with nothing in between (used $50 sales are lost sales and a game can sell a bit poorly), but he ultimately comes back to the publishers throwing in their own glasses, which is correct.

Very interesting how he's blaming the industry for focussing on casual games, instead of quality, core games.

Retail not making any money on new games is bollocks though. The profit margons on used sales are even higher still, but a +100% markup for new games is just normal for any retail. No need to feel sorry for gamestop.

Later emphasis on borrowing and trading games with gamers is good though.

Not sure what sort of stand he's asking gamers to take at the end of the piece though. A boycott?