Introduce Yourself! (or: Better Know Your Fellow Members)


New member
Nov 1, 2008
Why not? (Though with this being on page five, it's not like this'll be read...)

Hi there, I'm Jharry5, real name Jon. I'm 21, currently unemployed (shock!) and a recent graduate of an English with Creative Writing degree. I'd like to be a professional writer.
I've been a member for 3+ years, signed up after a friend showed me a Zero Punctuation episode, and I've been a frequent vistor ever since.
I like the usual stuff; music (almost anything), films (favourite being either The Godfather or Machine Girl, can't decide which). I also enjoy watching anime and reading... doesn't really matter what, from regular novels to the backs of cereal packs.
My first game was Sonic the Hedgehog on the Megadrive, when I was four; I've been gaming ever since. Favourite games include Valkyria Chronicles, Timesplitters 3, Mass Effect 2 and the two inFamous games. Currently lovin' the hell out of Dynasty Warriors 7.
If I'm not on here, I'll most likely be on the PSN (shameless self-plug) or ... outside!

Carl The Manicorn

New member
Jun 16, 2009
iLazy said:

I hoping to get a career in Graphic Arts as a designer or printer, or in the video game industry as a level designer/ character designer/ writer. I'd love to be able to do voice acting as more of a hobby or part-time job.

I am friendlier on the web than in real life. If you were to meet me in the classroom, you're first impression would likely be that I'm either shy or anti-social. However, when I feel comfortable, I'm quite easy-going but quite sarcastic.

Cartoons and the Comedy Network are my main use for the television.

I'm currently reading Game of Thrones.

Fun fact(s):
-I enjoy baking. Fuck yeah, cookies and banana bread!
-If I get excited, angry, nervous, or if I speak too long, I tend to swear. A lot.
Sounds creepily like the girl version of me. The parts I left in are the parts that freaked me out because they sounded like I wrote them.

Also, indeed. Fuck yeah cookies and banana bread. Fuck yeah.


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
Alright, here we go. I'm EHKOS, real name...well it's not bad but I like keeping the mystery about it. I'm 18, I show promise as a computer hardware technician. Dropped out at 10th grade because I don't conform and have a very rebellious spirit. I am unemployed. I work on using Virtual DJ in my spare time and I am on the internet all the time. I'm also bipolar and being broke triggers the depressive side to me so I'm usually depressed.


New member
May 23, 2010
Oh hi there, nice to meet y-
TheTygerfire said:
...2008, back when De-Rez and Yahtzee were the only things worth watching.

[sub]You're dead to me.[/sub]​

In any case:
I'm Jonluw.

I live in As if I'd let you know. It's an okay sized town in Norway.
I grew up in a town with a little less than 1,300 people though.
I play the bass and trombone and watch anime all afternoon. During the day I go to a special building where I have to listen to people talk for a while before I go home.

I've been lurking since ca. 2007, but I didn't join until recently. This is pretty much the only forum that I hang on.

There really isn't a lot else to say.
I guess you could read my bio if you feel like reading this all again though. It's not entirely a waste of time: I have a gif of a cute catgirl (azu-nyan) on my profile.

Toaster Hunter

New member
Jun 10, 2009
I'm Rob, 25 year old male from New Jersey. I work Customer Service in a grocery store, and just got accepted for substitute teaching yesterday, (just need to wait for the paperwork to go through).

I love gaming, which would be awkward here if I didn't. I also am a 2nd degree black belt in Jungki Hapkido, a martial art no one I met has never heard of. I also Scuba dive, and am an avid weight lifter.

I like fantasy and sci-fi, especially those military in nature. Actually, I just have an unhealthy obsession with weapons and violence.


New member
Jan 1, 2012
Josh here. 21, Male. From around London.

Post daily YouTube videos up at I tell jokes. They aren't good, at all. Otherwise, full time gamer/university student.


New member
Sep 8, 2009
My friends call me Two Pants mostly because I often wear 2 pairs of pants as I am currently doing. This is mostly to protect me from the cold Canadian winters. I'm 30 and work in oil and gas production. I spend most of the day sitting in an office way out in the middle of nowhere surfing the internet and lurking on forums or playing games, but today I'm more bored then usual since I've been at work roughly 17 days now.

I rarely ever have a companion in fallout games and wish you could play as a deathclaw. Seriously if anyone can make that a reality...


New member
Nov 7, 2011
Hello, I'm Philol

My real names Philip, though everyone calls me Phil.

I'm 18, from Britain (more specifically Beverley in England), I love gaming (PC takes preference, but I have a PS3 too), browsing sights, spending time with mates, drinking, spending time with my family, I enjoy music coming from 40s - 50s Britain and America, such as Vera Lynn and the Ink spots, but I also enjoy classical music such as Pachelbel's Canon in D major.

I'm a quite person around most, unless I know you well enough to be able to talk to you, although if I'm pissed the words just flow out... I have slight OCD, everything has to be in the perfect spot and maintained to a sufficient level.

I'm currently studying History at Teesside University to get my Honours degree, and afterwards I'm thinking of going for a Doctorate in History. (It's my passion in life, if you hadn't guessed)

I hope to one day have a wife and kids and live in the North West of England somewhere in the country where it's nice and quiet.


New member
Jun 4, 2011
kouriichi said:
:D Hello everyone. Im Kouriichi. Im married and have no children, i enjoy long walks on the beach.... in skyrim, loud music played at a moderated level, and building things in minecraft to flaunt my ever-growing stacks of diamond blocks.

My favorite bands/people of all time are:

Gnarls Barkley, Rob Zombie, The Gazette ((
for those of you who havent heard of them)), Ville Valo, Dani Filth, and of course Dick Valentine.

I think the Might Morphin Power Ranges is one of the best series ever produced, and the Power Rangers movie ((1995)) is one of the greatest masterpieces of modern cinema.

I have to many hobbie, ranging from Wannabe videogame programmer, WH40k collector, Interior decorator and of course, Professional womanizer. (( Hay babeh, whats got a dozen tentacles and loves to be watch? ;D My pronz collections.)) <--Works every time, give it a try.
Oh, and horribly tasteless comedian/troll who follows his own bad advice.

And thats about it. Relieving anything more would violate my confidentiality agreement with the Lobster Republic of Freespeech based in Lake Michigan. They dont care about me talking about them, they just dont want me telling to much about myself.
I just thought I'd say, seeing as you're (sort of) here that your Skyrim anecdotes have been one of my favourite things about the forums for the last month or so... You should definitely set up a blog or the like....


Sep 19, 2010
Hello, hi, how are you?

I'm mParadox, you can call me Para. Or mPara. Or mParadox. Whichever works.

I'm a college student, lurked here for 6 months prior to joining this illustrious site. Currently doing medical, the cynical reason being that I can inflict pain legally and the innocent reason being to inflict pain on people for their protection.

During my time here, I've written about 30 reviews concerning Anime, Games and movies. I've also scribed the Rules of the Forum Games. I've also had the honour of hosting one of the most successful games on the Forum Games. The Ban Game. It is dead now, sadly enough. Oh well.

I mainly listen to rock, although I've started taking a liking to dub step. Or metal dub. Korn's doing it with their latest album and it's actually coming out good.

I enjoy playing video games, although at the time of this writing I have gamer burnout. i.e. I don't want to play any game of any kind. I love to read books, book of any genre is fine with me. Although, I have a soft spot for thrillers and horror novels. Even though, admittedly, I haven't too many of either genre. Must rectify that.

Anyway, it was great to meet you, the person reading this. And know this, I'm watching you. Oooohhh yeees. o.o

Did I mention I enjoy humour to a very large extent? :3


New member
Jan 11, 2012
Ok, I'll bite, since I'm new to these boards. Well I just lately registered, but I have been lurking here for at least couple of years.

Hello, I'm Jukedex. My real first name is Jukka and I'm a Finn. I'm 32 year old Software Designer.

My hobbies are gym, guitar playing, gaming and reading. I also like other sports, but my recently acquired disability prevents me to doing most sports that requires heavy leg usage. Still, even with one wrecked leg I can keep myself in shape with gym training.

I used to listen lots of metal. Finnish band called Mokoma is maybe my favorite in that genre. Lately I haven't found anything interesting new metal to listen, so I have started to listen also different music. Mostly maybe classic style music.

In gaming I play games of almost all genres. I specially enjoy games with good stories, but I don't shun away from occasional mindless shooters or other similar games. Only genres I haven't played lately are sports, racing and beat 'em up games. Currenlty I'm not interested in any games though. Although this should pass again soon and I will pick up some interesting game again.

Terry Pratchett is my favorite author and I have read almost all of his books.

Pleasure to meet you all


Young punks, get off my lawn.
Jun 9, 2010
Name: Legodudeguy

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Location: Coquitlam, Canada

Interests: Video Games (duh), Lego (double duh), Science-Fiction Anything and has a taste for Italian food

First joined when my friend introduced me to ZP, and it sort of went from their.
Was inactive for a year or 2, then came back in mid-2011.

TF2 diehard and will name my Son Dell and my Daughter Chell (Hey, it rhymes!).


New member
Sep 18, 2011
Hello there, fine ladies and gentlemen, my name is Mike, I am 17 years old. I live in Israel and am due to be conscripted no later than early 2013. I can't tell you much about my personality, since people tell me it changes a lot. I don't live my life, I act it, and everything I do I do for the hell of it.

Only 5 things about me stay the same:

I would go gay for Freddie Mercury

I love philosophical debates

I will die before I let a government take my personal freedoms.

Dishonor a woman around me and I throw pacifism out of the window.

Don't offer me chocolate. I love chocolate. I will assume you are trying to seduce me.


Do the buttwalk!
Mar 11, 2009
Eh, might as well.

Name's Lorenz. I'm German, 25 years old and an aspiring teacher; at the current rate of progress I'll have my 'Master of Education' degree by the end of 2013.

I discovered the Escapist back in 2008, when someone on the 'Dawn of War 2' forums linked me to one of Yahtzee's videos, and after a few months of lurking I joined the forums and have been a happy member of this great community ever since.
Aside from games (unsurprisingly), my hobbies extend to playing the guitar (and some dabbling in bass guitar), pen&paper RPGs, reading (mostly sci-fi novels) and writing game reviews; if anyone would care to read some, send me a message and I'll PM you a link to the site that publishes my reviews - as it stands I'm not 100% sure if I'm allowed to post the link openly here.
On top of it being fun, I write reviews for the same reason I watch Zero Punctuation - it boosts my English skills and keeps me well ahead of about 96% of my fellow university students. On the whole I guess I'm a bit obsessed with the English language... I don't presume to have the same vocabulary as a native speaker, but within the boundaries of my abilities I've actually been thinking and dreaming in English for several years now. Don't ask me why or how, it just happened, I'm flummoxed at this development myself.

Oh yes, one more thing: I'm a Warhammer 40.000 nut. It's probably my biggest hobby by now; I don't play the tabletop game, but the Black Library novels have me hooked - I've got well over a hundred of them on my shelf by now.

As for myself as a person... well, it depends on my mood somewhat, but for the most part I'm a jolly big guy. I'm a cynic, granted, but the nice kind; my views on the world and humanity may not be favourable, but I figure that doesn't mean I have to be an ass about it. According to my friends I'm also fun at parties and nights out... so if you're ever in my area, drop me a line and we'll have a beer or twelve. ^^


Supreme Evil Overlord
Jan 21, 2009
TheTygerfire said:
Vault101 said:
TheTygerfire said:
Vault101 said:
....stuffed toys? :/

get out...NOW
Hey, I just happen to have a few of them, and I never bought any of them for myself.

thats what they all say

(Im watching you)
Shit...that makes 5 parties conducting surveillance on me this week... >.>;;;;
not counting people like me who have already had surveillance on you for a while?


I'm April Marie (first and middle name which is what I go by) or Bunny depending on who you talk to. Or Blo(w) Pop if you talk to my Haunt family.

27 tomorrow
Aspirations to move out of this hell hole they call California and hopefully move out to the UK. Ideally I'd like to be near Glasgow but I'll move to wherever I can find work out there once I get my work visa.
Unemployed at the moment still looking for work.
Complete ***** but once you get to know me I'm a really nice person underneath it all, just tired of dealing with a lot of the shite I deal with.
I have a shite ton of posters around my room...and books....and some games....and collectible stuff.
and I really have no fucking idea what to say when introducing myself.
extrovert online but offline very much an introvert.


New member
Jun 27, 2011
Sure, I can drop in on this.

Hey there, my name is Kevin, male, 19 years young and was born in the Netherlands.
Got myself into college at the Technical University in Eindhoven, and its currently my freshmen year. Doing a study called Software Science. As you might have guessed from that name I'm quite into gaming and movies, as long as its tech-savvey I'll join in on the conversation.
For some reason I cant really get myself to concentrate on most of it though, as I'm a bit lost within myself for now. These are the moments in life where you choose who you'll be and quite frankly I have no idea who I am or who I want to be. For now I'll just go with the flow and hopefully find myself a girl in the near future. I'm someone who's very open-minded, I'm not one to judge quickly.

That's pretty much it ;)

Nice to meet you all and have a good one over at the Escapist Forums!


New member
Jun 4, 2011
aprilmarie said:
TheTygerfire said:
Vault101 said:
TheTygerfire said:
Vault101 said:
....stuffed toys? :/

get out...NOW
Hey, I just happen to have a few of them, and I never bought any of them for myself.

thats what they all say

(Im watching you)
Shit...that makes 5 parties conducting surveillance on me this week... >.>;;;;
not counting people like me who have already had surveillance on you for a while?


I'm April Marie (first and middle name which is what I go by) or Bunny depending on who you talk to. Or Blo(w) Pop if you talk to my Haunt family.

27 tomorrow
Aspirations to move out of this hell hole they call California and hopefully move out to the UK. Ideally I'd like to be near Glasgow but I'll move to wherever I can find work out there once I get my work visa.
Unemployed at the moment still looking for work.
Complete ***** but once you get to know me I'm a really nice person underneath it all, just tired of dealing with a lot of the shite I deal with.
I have a shite ton of posters around my room...and books....and some games....and collectible stuff.
and I really have no fucking idea what to say when introducing myself.
extrovert online but offline very much an introvert.
Out of curiosity, why oh why oh why Glasgow?