iPhone Owners No Longer Shaking Babies


New member
Jan 14, 2008
Sarah Jane Brain, hehe it rhymes

Sorry brain getting off track


Wait... I sense a Doctor Who reference in there (searches)


New member
Jan 6, 2009
Syntax Error said:
Michael Grimm said:
The app in question involved a drawing of a sad baby that would cry until finally shaken by the iPhone user, at which point the baby would stop crying and receive two red "X"s over its eyes. Despite the app's "gameplay," it includes the message: "Never, never shake a baby."
And how does that encourage Shaking of babies?
That's exactly what I came here to post. I suppose you could use the twisted reasoning that the only way to make the baby stop crying in the app is to shake it, but then the baby dies. That's not encouraging to anyone besides people who want to kill their baby.


Resident Morrowind Fanboy
Aug 10, 2008
Pipotchi said:
How is Shaken Baby Syndrome a disease or syndrome. Its not like these babies are born with a gene thats makes them shake about like jackhammer. All it means is you killed your own child by shaking it which is assault, I find it curious there is a group set up about it. very odd indeed
That would be so, so awesome.


Random Lurker
Jun 6, 2008
CapnJack said:
Syntax Error said:
Michael Grimm said:
The app in question involved a drawing of a sad baby that would cry until finally shaken by the iPhone user, at which point the baby would stop crying and receive two red "X"s over its eyes. Despite the app's "gameplay," it includes the message: "Never, never shake a baby."
And how does that encourage Shaking of babies?
That's exactly what I came here to post. I suppose you could use the twisted reasoning that the only way to make the baby stop crying in the app is to shake it, but then the baby dies. That's not encouraging to anyone besides people who want to kill their baby.
Likewise. It's just another case of ill-informed outrage groups getting outraged over completely the wrong things.


The Noble Nuker
Dec 22, 2008
Sigh...I was looking forward to playing that on my brother's iPhone...Why did they have to crush my dream?
<color=white>I'm all for shaking the little creatures. That way, their brains are already scrambled, and they might be able to deal with the insanity that is already built into this world once they gain more comprehension.

In all honesty, though, maybe it's a good thing in the long run...I think somebody down the line would be stupid enough to actually try shaking the hell out of a baby to make it shut up.
But asking Steve Jobs for an apology is just retarded. That's like asking the inventor of the DVD to pay court fees for any underage girl caught on a Girls Gone Wild video.
Apr 28, 2008
I'm probably going to piss people off for saying this, but to hell with it, the shaken baby syndrome name is just funny. I mean come on, couldn't someone have made up a better name, because the "Shaken Baby Syndrome" name is just funny, and it doesn't even fit with a baby who has been shaken, its not a disease, its the parents who are stupid enough to shake a baby. Andwhen I read that there is a National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome, I couldn't stop laughing. I'm probably going to get flamed for saying that but whatever.

But, my insensitivity aside...

The fact that saying that app that lets you shake the baby "promotes" shaking babies in real life is retarded and anyone who thinks otherwise is a dumbass. Sure, its a pretty stupid app, but thats all it is.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
It is as stupid an idea as using an egg to demonstrate your brain on drugs. Inevitably the point is lost and the concept looks all the more stupid. In this case, heartless and unimaginative. At the least the twit who came up with the idea needs to be avoided for further ideas for a while.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
Frankly it sounds like a rubbish app, but it is basically a game. What part about playing this is going to make someone shake a baby? If anything it will educate idiots who don't realise it's a bad idea to shake a baby. Apple are basically saying that we will repeat anything we do in a game in real life, which is rediculous. You might as well ban as FPS's because shooting people is bad and causes death, just like shaking a baby.

Basically everyone has just gotta chill out and stop taking everything so seriously.


New member
Feb 28, 2008
I'm sorry, but the app. is a minor manifestation of sadism.
Its blatantly offensive, and every aspect of it -gameplay, visuals, concept- is a disgrace to real video games.
I'm happy its gone.