Is a career in game design worth it


New member
Mar 29, 2010
The story so far: Im a high school student(currently in 11th grade) and as far as a path after high school theres a fork in my road. Ive narrowed it down to 2 careers because all of the ones I was interested in besides these two were either to difficult for me or just not worth my time. Anyway one road leads to a career in game design (and yea of the many fields of jobs that video games offer iv'e chosen design). The other leads to a career in music, possibly music education or being a DJ. I saw this mostly because both careers require specific colleges that are close enough to me but I want to make sure im chosing the right one. Heres my actual point; What are the pros and cons of being a video game designer and is it worth doing if you love video games?


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2008
I don't know that much so I'm just going to point you to this [] and see if it answers some of the questions.


New member
Aug 15, 2008
Consider briefly that you may someday be working a Justin Bieber or Hannah Montana or Farmville game. get into a company, they're not just going to throw you at the latest AAA title, if the given company even has one in the works. Like any career, you'll have to start at the bottom and hope your hard work slaving away at stuff you don't like gets recognized to the point where you can do something you actually want to do.