Is Anyone Still Excited For Evolve?


New member
May 30, 2013
At first it looked cool but the more they revealed about it the less i wanted it. I dont mind dlc but to much walled off by dlc or stupid online only crap is pushing it to far.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I like the concept of a squad-based shooter wherein you have to survive and/or hunt specific creatures. A first-person Monster Hunter would be freaking awesome and adding in Lovecraft-inspired monsters to the mix sounds absolutely freaking awesome. The problem is that I don't have an Xbone and don't plan on getting one so even if I get the PS4 version, I don't know how much content I'll be missing out on. Then there's the issue of my internet connection which is absolutely garbage. Even if I had the best internet connection in the world though, I don't really have many friends who I could coordinate with to get a good game going.

Oh and yeah, DLC garbage too I guess...this game is just so far off of my radar that I can't even get angry about the DLC thing. I'm still more annoyed at Catwoman being excluded from Arkham City unless you can prove you bought it new and, The Prothean being excluded from Mass Effect 3 unless you bought an extra-special version of the game and/or pre-ordered it.


New member
Jan 2, 2012
I took one in depth look at the game and was like, yeah, no. I really dislike the idea of having so much content put into DLC for a full release game, especially when they're charging $100 for it, screw that. That and with the poor internet connection I have here, it's just not worth it. Even if this game came right down' in price, I probably won't get it, just for those reasons.


New member
Jun 10, 2009
Played for about 30 minutes last weekend for the closed Beta test, wasn't moved.

Looks good, monsters a cool idea, I'm really just not into Mutiplayers. If it was a single player game focused around the idea of you as a predator getting stronger, bigger, etc, then I'd be on board 110%, as is though, it's got a half life of a couple of weeks.
The DLC controversy was just an extra fat nail in the coffin, even if it was to just add more content later.

Besides not like I really need to add to the Christmas backlog, at the point where I'm begging people to not buy me games (for like Christmas and Birthdays, etc).

If you've got a good bunch of buddies to play with or are just really into Muliplat then that's yo thing, I'm gone reserve my drunken fervor for Ori and the Blind Forest (March 11th, *squeee).


Elite Member
Jun 21, 2012
I thoroughly enjoyed the beta, they're getting too much shit. The beta did not showcase all the gamemodes and maps, which is why people think there isn't much to it. Granted, I wouldn't pay $80 US for the base game, nor even $60, but most PC Gamers are aware of the alternative stores by now.
I could pick up a pre-order for less than $50 AUD right now, for example. And I still might.

Turtle Rock seem like a dev that really loves what they do, it's just a shame 2K are a bunch of fuckwits hanging them out to dry


Elite Member
Jun 21, 2012
Caramel Frappe said:
........... Then came the business practice that totally shut down my interests for the game.

The DLC is insanely expensive, plus to preorder the game just to unlock stuff that should of already been in the game? I mean, the game hasn't even came out yet and they're withholding characters + monsters from us. That's not right whatsoever. They should release all they've got, in good faith that their game will be good enough to have us wanting more... not us having to buy the scraps to make the game more complete.
They've said that everything planned as DLC hasn't been created yet, so there's nothing else to release.


Note to self: Prooof reed posts
Sep 4, 2013
Eh, I like the concept of it but I won't buy it. It is an online multiplayer game only so it wasn't really for me to begin with.

L. Declis

New member
Apr 19, 2012
THe idea is cool, and I was excited...

But I don't want to pay £40 for a full game, and then be expected to pay DLC on top. Free to Play, fine, or £50 with all the monsters included, fine.

Combine this with the fact it is ONLY a multiplayer game, which means an online connection and very little story content, and I am sure it will get boring after a while. I mean, I loved Space Marine, but I only played it for a bit online (until a bug wiped my Level 39 character and I was expected to grind my way back up).

Finally, the internet in China sucks, so it's not like I can play such a bandwidth intensive game.

And once the price does drop, no one will be playing it so what's the point then.

Looks like the DLC has put me off enough that I will effectively have to miss this game.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
Ugh. I wonder how many games that -could- have been good have already been ruined because big game companies want to squeeze us for every cent they can with their DLC's. Why won't they get it through their heads that DLC like Evolve will have will most likely net them less profits than just selling the game without all the DLC bullshit? =/


Forever Gonzo
Sep 10, 2008
Story said:
Eh, I like the concept of it but I won't buy it. It is an online multiplayer game only so it wasn't really for me to begin with.
it has offline single player with bots.

OT: I'll wait for the inevitable "definitive edition" that'll come out in a year, and then wait even longer so I can pick it up on sale for cheap.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
I've never really been excited for it. When it goes on sale, I might pick it up (provided that it gets reviewed positively), but I feel like it will get stale really fast. I'm also not a really big fan of how they handled the advertising and the DLC practices.

"Hey, heres our new game! Pre-order now to get this big monster DLC!"
But we don't even know what the game is about, and we haven't even seen a single screenshot of the game yet.


New member
Feb 16, 2011
I was never interested in Evolve to begin with, mainly because I mostly play singleplayer games. I will have one, maybe two active multiplayer games to jump into when I'm in the mood. Having played Killing Floor for 441 hours so far, its safe to say I'm really excited for KF2. No idea when it will release, but any other multiplayer game is going to have to absolutely blow me away.

I watched a 20 minute video of Evolve on PC Gamer's Youtube channel, and it just looked like "Annoying Boss Fight: The Game", where 4 guys absolutely beat the crap out of the boss, but it has approximately 17 bazillion health points and takes forever to die.

If I was interested before, I do think the excessive DLC would have changed my mind.


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
Not particularly. Any way I look at it, it's overpriced.

It's either a $100-120 game (full game plus the basic DLC to have all the characters), which is just silly, or it's a fairly feature-poor $60 game. Either way, it's not worth the money in my opinion. This is without bringing in anything regarding the overall business practice of the Developer/Publisher, simply looking at what the game is according to the prices listed.

Taking a somewhat broader look, at best it would appear that Evolve is being marketed as a premium product, which should in theory justify such prices. But nothing about it feels "premium". Everything I've seen of the game looks fine, but ultimately unspectacular. I'm alright with the idea of some games costing more, but then they should have something to back that up, otherwise I don't see why I should invest in them, as opposed to other similar and better priced products.

And finally, as a completely personal and utterly biased opinion, it seems to me that the game is desperately trying to double-dip when it comes to the revenue, with both a full retail price up front, followed by a DLC model more suited to a F2P game, and then exacerbating the matter by trying their hardest to confuse the customers with various editions, a season pass that doesn't include everything, etc.

All in all, it's my money in the end, and Evolve seems like it isn't likely to give me my money's worth...

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I haven't been excited since day one, but then I'm not into multiplayer focused games at all... unless it's some sort of Little Big Planet type game or something.

There hasn't been one microsecond since it got announced where I could've given any less of a damn about Evolve.


New member
Aug 19, 2008
Eh. They're a company, and companies have long ago given up on 'giving stuff away and hopefully they'll be so grateful as to give us spare change' model of business. They need to make a profit on it somehow. I don't see the DLC model they have as terribly onerous.
The game itself does not appeal to me. So no, I've not now, nor have I ever, had a ton of interest. I play solo, and this isn't for that guy.

Chaos Isaac

New member
Jun 27, 2013
Hahaha. Not even.
I wasn't even interested at the beginning, and man it just got worse.

Wasn't this the same guys who did Left4Dead or some zombie thing like that?
'Cause that sucked after pilot game.

Robert Marrs

New member
Mar 26, 2013
After the beta I am looking forward to buying this when it gets a bit cheaper to enjoy with friends. None of them are keen on buying it full price and I can't completely blame them. It will be just as fun in 6 months during a steam sale. I just don't feel like it does enough for me to NEED to play it right now as opposed to just playing what I have for the time being and getting it later.