Is Gaming Dead?


New member
Sep 17, 2008
Many people have thrown out upcoming games so I wont repeat those lists, but just look at them for proof that gaming isnt dieing, instead its more just in a mid year slump, as we enter into the later year, particularily as people aim for a Christmas release to boost sales (yes shockingly companies want to make money) it will all pick up.

I do find it odd though when people say "X clone", "Y clone" etc. as if thats inherently a bad thing, I mean take the Call of Duty series, sure its being milked and it seems to be popular to hate on it these days but really the reason people "clone" these things is because they work, they are popular and if you take a step back from the hate and look at them, they are pretty decent games.

Sure "cloning" a game isnt the most exciting or innovative approach to game creation, its very much the safe route, but it can still give us good games by taking formulas, game play, design tips etc. that we know work and are fun.

Then again when it comes to the escapist it seems admitting having fun with a game thats "safe" is taboo (I say that last line in jest before anyone tears me a new one over it)


New member
Aug 1, 2008
I wouldn't say it's dead, it's just caught a horrible, horrible disease called profititis, or something. With the massive success of the Gamecube, PS2, etc., people realized that games could be profitable and, well, the industry has been sick ever since. We just need to build up our antibodies, that kind of thing.

King Toasty

New member
Oct 2, 2010
The industry's a wee bit safe, bit this is the biggest Gaming's ever been. Seriously. Never before in our history have games sold so well.


New member
Dec 15, 2008
retyopy said:
Just look at the new games coming out. A Halo clone, a God of War clone, a Call of Duty clone, and countless sequels. The indie game market seems to be the only place with orginal games, and that's dying too, because more and more clones are coming out to capitalize on the succes of other games. (I'm looking at you, fortresscraft! And a ton of zombie games that are somehow released on the indie market, my other eye is on you!)

So is gaming dead?
"Oh no, nothing I like is coming out! Gaming must be dead!"

No, the industry is doing perfectly fine.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
...have you played any games from the 80s or 90s...?

99% of them are shit copies of other successful games. just look at all the goddamn platformers.


Positively Neutral!
Feb 18, 2011
Skyrim, Rayman Origins, Zelda Skyward Sword, Ratchet All4one Assassin's Creed: R (sequels aren't a bad thing if they're good!),

recent "game changers" for the industry like Minecraft, League of Legends, tons of indie titles I haven't tried but intend to.

and That's off the top of my head. If I wasn't too lazy to go find my wishlist I'd have dozens more for you.

No, gaming isn't "dead" and to think so would be overzealous doomsaying.
Jun 11, 2008
No just no on so many levels. Really you need to open your eyes go to google and find a list of new games coming out as you have been looking in all the wrong places. Just to reiterate a big flaming flamboyant no.

Hamish Durie

New member
Apr 30, 2011
umm sly 4, skyrim, arkem city, battlefield 3 (has gameplay quiet different from CoD), etc
sequals aren't bad things so why do you see them as piles 'O crap


New member
Oct 2, 2010
Dead implies that it will never come back, which isn't necessarily the case. I'd definitely say it's unconscious, though.


New member
Feb 3, 2011
I'll ask you this, are movies dead?. Are books dead? Is artwork in general dead? Because all of those suffer the same problem. Innovation is still coming forth in all of those genera and will continue to do so. Remakes and slight iterations on previous titles being dominant is the natural course of any medium.

New things are still happening regardless of that.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
retyopy said:
Just look at the new games coming out. A Halo clone, a God of War clone, a Call of Duty clone, and countless sequels. The indie game market seems to be the only place with orginal games, and that's dying too, because more and more clones are coming out to capitalize on the succes of other games. (I'm looking at you, fortresscraft! And a ton of zombie games that are somehow released on the indie market, my other eye is on you!)

So is gaming dead?
Which games coming out are the clones? I'm not doubting that there are clones, but I'm wondering which ones are the clones.

OT: I don't think so, I don't even think it's dying.


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
Jesus, can people stop making this damn thread?


Gaming is not dead. If you could've taken one second to look at the releases this fall, you'd know that. Although I kinda have to agree with this-

Radoh said:
Oh I get it.
You keep making these threads so you can get a flamewar going.
After some hot topic badges are we?

StBishop said:
Which games coming out are the clones? I'm not doubting that there are clones, but I'm wondering which ones are the clones.
None of them. This is either flamewar bait or OP is really short-sighted.

Or both. I could see that.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
If games are death like you say, now might be the time to go play all the games you still haven't played and want to, since like 1980, and that way you have games to last you 3 o4 life times .