At the time of Halo's inception, Doom was a game about a security guard or whatever that ended up killing vaguely defined alien/demonic forces in hell by virtue of being randomly there at time. Sort of crazy sci-fi Die Hard.
Halo (to my admittedly secondhand and probably at least slightly off) has a lot more basis in your traditional military sort of deal. Sure, one dude shoots a lot of space aliens, but a lot of the background context and setup is wholly different.
Ripping off Doom when Doom was basically someone taking some metal album covers chucking them in a blender and throwing the results at a wall to see what sticks at that point is also almost impossible.
Technically speaking to the armour. That's the random cover art. Doomguy didn't even have a helmet on in the actual game.
Halo (to my admittedly secondhand and probably at least slightly off) has a lot more basis in your traditional military sort of deal. Sure, one dude shoots a lot of space aliens, but a lot of the background context and setup is wholly different.
Ripping off Doom when Doom was basically someone taking some metal album covers chucking them in a blender and throwing the results at a wall to see what sticks at that point is also almost impossible.
Technically speaking to the armour. That's the random cover art. Doomguy didn't even have a helmet on in the actual game.
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