Is it good to never play WoW?


New member
Mar 23, 2009
My opinion of WoW has been that its just a huge grindtastic game... But talking to my manager at work who loves WoW she tells me that im wrong.

Me, I've always been a "console-tard" and not part of the "pc-gaming master race." I grew up playing nintendo until the Wii came out and the xbox360 is now my gaming of choice but i think i would like mmos a lot though I've seen what it has done to people.

In the distant past when i had some friends who played runescape i joined mostly because we worked together but when they quit i played it for a while longer cause it was free but then i found it to be so horrible that i had to quit.

So my question is WoW really worth looking into? and why?


Who are you?
May 6, 2010
I played WoW for 5 years... wait I just made this post last night. I'll try to shorten it ;P

WoW can be pretty fun, but its largely dependent upon who you end up playing with once the novelty of the game fades away. If you end up with bad people, it will ruin your gaming experience, but if you end up with cool people you can have alot of fun with it.

As far as grind goes, it's not as bad as some other games, but its still grind business that can get really old really fast. There's enough opportunity to give yourself variety, but its all still a grindy sort of business.

Oh, and as for what "warcrack" does to people... it only really does that if you let it. If you have some other important thing in your life, then it probably won't happen to you though. It's just a matter of taking things in moderation, as with everything else (except forum posting!)

If you are into MMO's, i'd check it out. If not, don't.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
I'll tell you this...she is wrong. There is a lot of grind in WoW. It's the main thing that really keeps people paying those monthly fees. However, I still really enjoy playing. Be it leveling up a new toon because it's been a long time and a chance to see how the other classes play or hitting the latest raid with my guild of friends. Is it worth checking out? I say yes. Just be prepared to fork over $15 a month for a long time once it gets its claws in you. It's even worse if you have friends that play.


Jul 31, 2008
I formally held much the same opinion as you do. Then I decided to actually play it for a month or two, seeing as I'm not a big fan of hating on a game I haven't actually tried myself...

Turns out my intial impression was correct. It's certainly a very well polished game and I congratulate Blizzard for that, but after a short time I just found it dull and repetitive.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
the 10-day trail is free, so go and see what the fuss is about before you delete it again.

Vitor Goncalves

New member
Mar 22, 2010
Well, I can tell you it can get quite addictive. Not to everybody, but I guess blizzard made some voodoo doll of myself and keeps torturing me everytime I let my account expire and the pain just stops when I renew it again.

Billion Backs

New member
Apr 20, 2010
Why not? WoW is fun as long as you find it fun, and it'll only steal your time if you let it.

Sooner or later you'll burn out. I usually do about 2-3 months in. Then I simply quit and stop paying until I feel like playing again, usually some half year later.

There is a good amount of grind in WoW, sure. But don't ignore grind you face in other games.
Just about every game require you to complete the same thing over and over again - and it's not necessarily the reason to hate it. It can be enjoyable.


New member
Sep 23, 2009
Haters be hatin' .. wow isnt a bad game .. and it doesn't have to be grindy, i've only recently started grinding properly on my lvl 80 for honor and arena tokens .. plus a bit of reputation .. but thats all optional .. if you want to try the RP scene there is approx no grind. Thinking about it actually, its not really a grind if you enjoy it, its just something you like doing.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
yeah, it's worth checking out, even if it's just the trial.
How much fun it is depends on who you play with, if you've got friends who play, play with them, if you're lucky you'll find a guild that's fun to play with. yes, there is grind, but I don't mind that much when I've got people to chat with.
as for the addiction... it's can be addicting, but it's definitely not as bad as people say. I think the 'zombie' players don't have much of a life to begin with, I'd much rather hang out with friends than play WoW, so as long as you actually have a life, you don't have to be afraid you'll lose it to WoW.


[-Militaires Sans Frontieres-]
Aug 12, 2009
Having friends to play with is probably the big factor in it. There's alot of interesting concepts, alot of fun stuff to try, and a HUGE lore story if you ever played or heard about Warcraft I to III. Grinding has a big part, like in a number of other games, but it isn't the whole game. There's PvP, Exploring, Making stuff like with Engineering and Blacksmithing, Dungeoning, collecting mounts, etc etc. I'd say give it a shot, and if you find something your interested in, try and stick with it.

Dark Sup3rn0va

New member
Jul 14, 2009
I'm going to renew my account again for a free week, just because I want to try it out again, I probably won't pay for it tho.


New member
Apr 12, 2010
Take the ten day trial, thats what I did. Made me weep for people who found WoW fun, then again I just don't have the personality type I guess.


The Gambler of Fate
Oct 25, 2008
There is no right or wrong here, gaming is always been open to interpretation. If you feel that you might enjoy what WoW brings to the table, then do some research yourself, download the free trial, and find out. If you have other friends who want to play, or are already playing that can also effect your decision. Personally I love both my various consoles and my WoW account, and sometimes have a hard time balancing them. The only problem with getting into the game now is soon there will be 85 levels to grind through, and it will be a grind. If you can get another friend to join you the Recruit-a-friend option helps things go really fast.

There's also the cost to think about. If you keep the game past the 10 day trial you have to pay $19.99 for the game, $29.99 for Burning Crusade, $39.99 for Wrath, and another $39.99 (probably) for Cataclysm. Add a 30 day game card, if you don't have another payment option, for $29.99, and the total comes up to be around $159.95. Needless to say that's a lot of cash to put into ONE game.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
If you manage to get into a great guild, it might be justified.
But by the same logic, I can have just as much fun socializing, let alone paying 16 bucks a month for the possibility.

Hmm...there's an analogy about WoW and a topless bar in that statement but I can't quite place it...

Either way. If you really must throw your hours away doing exactly nothing, do it on something that's actually fun, or that you can at least put down for a time. WoW is not that; if you do not grind, you don't actually get to "play the real game".


New member
Aug 17, 2009
Yureina said:
I played WoW for 5 years... wait I just made this post last night. I'll try to shorten it ;P

WoW can be pretty fun, but its largely dependent upon who you end up playing with once the novelty of the game fades away. If you end up with bad people, it will ruin your gaming experience, but if you end up with cool people you can have alot of fun with it.

As far as grind goes, it's not as bad as some other games, but its still grind business that can get really old really fast. There's enough opportunity to give yourself variety, but its all still a grindy sort of business.

Oh, and as for what "warcrack" does to people... it only really does that if you let it. If you have some other important thing in your life, then it probably won't happen to you though. It's just a matter of taking things in moderation, as with everything else (except forum posting!)

If you are into MMO's, i'd check it out. If not, don't.


Tamer of the Coffee mug!
Feb 17, 2010
Zeithri said:
No it isn't worth checking out even if you are into MMO's.
If it was Pre-TBC, then I'd say yes. But after that? No, don't.

And yes, it is Grindtastic.
Not as bad as many others but your manager is wrong if she says it isn't.
Funny you say that, Because Pre-TBC was FAR FAR more grindtastic then WotLK is.
In fact, a lot of grind has been removed.


New member
Feb 13, 2009
I would say it's bad for your soul!

But as a gamer, you must at least try it. Its like a rite of passage now.

But yes, grindtastic is the word for the game.

There's so much grind, you'll have more fun with an actually grinder.
There's so much grind, you'll forget what an orgasm feels like and learn the feeling of a grindasm!


Okay I'll stop now.