Is it good to never play WoW?


Who are you?
May 6, 2010
Ranorak said:
Zeithri said:
No it isn't worth checking out even if you are into MMO's.
If it was Pre-TBC, then I'd say yes. But after that? No, don't.

And yes, it is Grindtastic.
Not as bad as many others but your manager is wrong if she says it isn't.
Funny you say that, Because Pre-TBC was FAR FAR more grindtastic then WotLK is.
In fact, a lot of grind has been removed.
Maybe so, but then again BC didnt have achievements out until the very end.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
I played wow since release. Quit about a year ago. I played a lot.
I had a huge amount of fun exploring the world in vanilla (1-60), and almost as much fun leveling different classes finding out what I liked.

I loved instancing, most of all with my friends. I liked gathering gear and watching my toon get stronger...but after a while you've seen all the classes, done all the instances, got to max level, maxed your professions...and whats left? 2 things.

PvP: Which I will never touch because I like a more or less level playing field. Winning in wow is about having better gear (mostly). I like to win because I'm best, not because I have spent 10000 hours grinding the latest pvp gear.

Raiding: Which amounts to the same as doing the same instance over and over again, only its harder and more time consuming.

The story is weak and terribly presented compared to almost any other gametype, and it is well hidden between mountains of crappy "go here kill 20 wolves" type of quests. The gameplay is the definition of repetitive and in the end, its not really a game its just another job THAT YOU PAY FOR.

It is completely not worth looking into, you can have as much fun in other games that dont require a monthly fee and will not eat your social life.

There is ONE thing I miss about wow, and thats not wow its the people. I had a load of fun with my guildies and I miss the socializing, but on the other hand its nice to have the week off instead of having at least 2 nights planned for raiding EVERY WEEK.
Jul 11, 2008
WoW gives me mixed feelings, It's grind filled has an ever deteriorating community and has consumed blizzards time and effort (admittedly theres been a dwindling amount of that as far as making the game and expansions actually interesting as oppossed to pretying up excessive grind).
On the other hand the basic mechanics and the visual style are quite well thought out (or they were at release at least).
The virtual economy is broken almost beyond repair, making gold buying a necessity to progress through the mid - end game.

I only got into the game myself to follow the narrative of the previous games only to find a convoluted mess of storylines and fetch quests most of which went nowhere.


New member
Oct 18, 2008
Ive always avoided mmos until recently but ive been playing the wow free trial for a week or so and its pretty enjoyable. Might pick up the full game at some point. Id recommend you download the trial if your considering it as its very little effort.

Yeah its grindy but tbf i dont mind grind too much and the game world is gorgeous considering the engines age. Shows what good art design can do for basic graphics.


Elite Member
Jun 4, 2009
You shouldn't have a strong opinion on anything you know nothing about first hand.

I hated WoW until I played it with friends, found I enjoyed it and now play on and off every now and again. But I don't have a constant subscription.

It's not good to slag something off you've never tried, so get on the free trial and see if your manager will help you out. If she refers you, you both get bonus stuff.

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
I think it's absolutely worth trying. It really is a fantastically put together game, and anyone who calls it a "grind" doesn't know what grind actually is. It's a very cool world, and the impact that it's had on the industry cannot be underestimated.

Contrary to popular belief it is perfectly possible to play WoW casually, get stuff done and still maintain a life - it only consumes you if you let it.

It's something you should experience if only for its impact on the industry, for the same reason you should play, I don't know, Half-Life or Portal. I love it to death, I get that others don't, but it's something you should at least TRY.


New member
Apr 30, 2010
personally i wouldn't but i only played for 4 hours......but i know what happens when you get addicted...i found a place about a year ago that lets you play mmo's for $15/hr. The guy running the place had his 2 kids over (one was 8 and the other was 9),they knew more about it than i did. After 3 hrs (and $45 wasted) the kids mom brought over some A BUNCH of groceries and some kfc (my guess: $200) and the kids said "leave me alone" and the mom put the groceries on the counter and said (quietly) "okay" and left. their dad said they've been playing for years......SINCE THEY WERE 5. they had multiple accounts and got up to lv. 80...TWICE. Maybe they were just assholes but i left after hour 4. My advice: stay away.


New member
Dec 12, 2009
Don't listen to what anyone tells you about the game, go play it for a bit and decide for yourself. It isn't grindtastic if you enjoy it, leveling up my first character never felt like a grind because I was having fun, and when I hit 70 (and now 80) I had raids n shit to do.

Go try it and get to level 20-25 or so, if you feel bored, just stop and say "I tried it and didn't like it".


New member
Aug 26, 2009
Its a video game.

It isn't good OR bad to never play it.

Is it worth checking out? Try the trial. Don't like it? Don't play it. Like it? Give it a try.

Don't ask for opinions on it on these forums. Your going to hear the same two things over and over.

Its great!


Omg its so stupid and horrible! Its a total waste of time! Monthly fees are evil and blizzard is taking advantage of the sheeple!

This is usually followed with how blizzard is trying to take over the word, are a bunch of Nazis, communists, demons, crack dealers.

Then there is LordNue. Who seems to think any game has more of an accomplishment value past those who play it. Not realizing since its only a video game any sense of accomplishment derived differs from person to person. Most importantly that ultimately ALL video games are pointless wastes of time. There video games, not university courses. Christ.


New member
Oct 4, 2007
It's like drugs. Maybe there's some benefit to it, but there's way too many risks involved.

I don't like my games laced with "risk".


New member
May 26, 2009
Of course it's grind-tastic it is an MMO after all that's pretty much what they do. However if you have good enough people to tag along with you on Super Adventure Grind it should be manageable. Also do you like paying 15 bucks a month for things because is another feature there.


New member
Jun 4, 2008
crimsonshrouds said:
So my question is WoW really worth looking into?
Give it a go, dude. I haven't played it in about a year, but assuming it hasn't completely changed, it's easily the most complete MMORPG out there.

Not sure what you mean by "what it has done to people", but if you mean the addictive nature of MMOs... well, that depends on the player. It has parental controls. Or you could just uninstall if you feel you're playing too much - you won't want to re-install all those patches again.


New member
Jun 19, 2009
I got a 14 day trial for the game when I purchased StarCraft but I haven't activated it yet and am not sure if I ever plan on because I have a feeling that I won't be able to stop playing for quite a while because it looks pretty damn fun.


Tamer of the Coffee mug!
Feb 17, 2010
Zeithri said:
Ranorak said:
Zeithri said:
No it isn't worth checking out even if you are into MMO's.
If it was Pre-TBC, then I'd say yes. But after that? No, don't.

And yes, it is Grindtastic.
Not as bad as many others but your manager is wrong if she says it isn't.
Funny you say that, Because Pre-TBC was FAR FAR more grindtastic then WotLK is.
In fact, a lot of grind has been removed.
The issue isn't the grind.
It's the lore.
What about it?
Sure, the lore is advancing. But what?
It's not going the direction you like....or?


New member
Aug 29, 2009
played 2 trials.

i had fun, mostly because it was still new and fresh after those 20 days with 3 characters.
although it was boring i kept playing those 20 days.

without a mount that game is a pain though.