Is it just me ... or do women make terrible comedians?


New member
Feb 11, 2010
Most female comedians iv'e seen aren't funny.

Notable exceptions include : Phyllis Diller, Kathy Griffin, Olivia Munn, and occasionally Sarah Silverman and Chelsea Lately


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Well comedians these days are all about observational humor, and the more you can relate to the observations, chances are the funnier they are to you, and seeing as I'm a guy, chances are something another guy says will be easier for me to relate to, not always mind you.

But most comedians these days are just content to say the same gender diffrence, race difference etc. style jokes, and I don't really find them funny coming from either gender.


New member
May 18, 2009
Some are decent but what peopel are stating above it's hard to catch a female comedian most of the time it's just male comedians I mean some I'm sure we could seriously do without and I know people with agree like Lisa Lampenelli throw her out of there ah there was one other but I've only seen her once and don't recall her name.

On an unrelated note the people from Joesey Shore should not do stand up ever. >.>

II Scarecrow II

New member
Feb 23, 2011
Hell no! There is a ton of funny female comedians here in Australia, and some of them are a helluva lot better than the guys! Google Kitty Flannigan, she is awesome :)
Sep 13, 2009
TheEndlessSleep said:
The Almighty Aardvark said:
*snip* quote]

I don't know what country you're in but here in the UK they only tend to put the best on tv, or at least many more good than bad.

Also, I don't know who dane cook is...
Okay, well that would make some sense. I live in Canada and there's only one or two comedy shows that actually show good comedians, and even on those you need to weed out the bad ones. Interestingly enough, a fair few of the good comedians shown in Canada are actually British.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
did you go looking up comedians on youtube too? I know there are funny women comedians, but the ones I have been seeing are just... well, bad.

Ellen of Kitten

New member
Nov 30, 2010
Inchronica said:
Seriously, I've yet to see one funny female comedian. I don't mean to sound sexist but, It's like they try too hard to compete with they're male counter part. Again, Don't get me wrong, I'm not sexist it's just the impression I get.
It's just you. If you haven't been entertained by a female comedian, then it's because you are not their audience.

Laser Priest

A Magpie Among Crows
Mar 24, 2011
Plenty of great comedy writers are women.

Still, I have yet to see a female stand-up comic who was actually funny.


New member
Jul 1, 2009
I find it very strange that judging from the responses, people seem to be almost exclusively taking stand-up comedy into account when measuring humour. Hardly any individual stand-up comedians, male or female, have made a lasting impression on me but for example the best sketch comedy programmes I have seen have been female-lead or comprised of around equally many males and females.

Also, when it comes to ordinary people who aren't comedians, I admit that I do laugh at males more often than females, but a lot of the time I feel like I'm only laughing because I would feel rude not laughing when a person is trying so hard to make people laugh. While it's a close call, I think I know more fluently funny females than males.

For the record, I'm neither a man or a woman myself. While I can't claim to be unbiased, I'm not rooting for "my team" here.

Andy of Comix Inc

New member
Apr 2, 2010
Oh, I'll tell you who's funny, Ellen McClain - voice of GlaDOS in the Portal games. I mean technically she's an actor, not a comedian, but there you have it.


New member
Jan 12, 2011
Jonluw said:
michael87cn said:
You realize women don't use their body to think, right? You also realize that the male and female brain are basically the same right?
It annoys me how this is supposed to be accepted with no basis at all. Every single cell in the female brain contains an x-chromosome instead of the y-chromosome males possess.
Isn't it possible that this might cause some differences?

Everybody accepts that there are differences in men and women's bodies, but if you insinuate that there might be differences in their brains people look at you like a madman.
Guess what: the brain is a part of the body, and it's just reasonable that there would be some differences between the sexes. For instance, most women are attracted to men, and most men are attracted to women. Attraction is controlled by the brain, not the genitals, believe it or not.

Now, I'm not saying that a person is incapable of being a comedian because they happen to be a woman, but I'm guessing that if you pick a random woman, the chances of her being able to be a good comedian are lower than if she had been a man. There have been studies on it.

Like someone else said: it seems male comedians tend towards universal comedy that appeals to both sexes, while female comedians have a tendency to focus on female issues.

Personally, I have never senn a female comedian that has made me laugh out loud Wuups, scratch that. There have been instances where Linn Skåber has made me laugh.. I remember watching some John Oliver stand up show, and his first guest was a woman. It was horrible, and I imagined the audience only laughed out of a sense of duty. Then a man came on next, and he was just as bad. Really crappy show overall.
I applaud you sir for your very well thought out, scientific post.

However, you're missing my point.

X-chromosome brain cells don't prevent you from telling a joke.

Think on that for a moment and you'll see my post start to make sense.

Good day.


New member
Mar 29, 2011
Heh, this reminds me of a female friend of mine telling me that all women are funnier than men.

OT: I try to avoid blanket generalizations like "all X aren't funny," because someone inevitably comes along and proves my closed-minded ass wrong.


New member
Mar 16, 2008
You know I've seen people say that women rely on vagina jokes and period jokes, they connect mostly with the women...but that doesn't mean that men don't make tons of dick jokes and connect with the men.

Do you know how many "my wife is such a ball buster" jokes I've heard? How many times I've heard male comedians saying something to the effect of "women are supposed to suck dick?"

And guess what, if it's funny, I still laugh. I don't get upset or offended because "I can't relate to that because I don't have a penis."

So when I do hear a woman comedian, which is unfortuantely rare, I laugh my fucking ass off because yes, I can relate to it and it's nice to hear from a wife, instead of a husband. It's nice to hear about my own reproductive organs rather than having to picture what it's like for a guy.

Guys, get off your high horses. Male comedians are no better than female comedians just because you've never dealt with a period. If you can't find the humor in it because you're not a woman, then fine, but that doesn't mean they're bad comedians.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
Verp said:
I find it very strange that judging from the responses, people seem to be almost exclusively taking stand-up comedy into account when measuring humour. Hardly any individual stand-up comedians, male or female, have made a lasting impression on me but for example the best sketch comedy programmes I have seen have been female-lead or comprised of around equally many males and females.

Also, when it comes to ordinary people who aren't comedians, I admit that I do laugh at males more often than females, but a lot of the time I feel like I'm only laughing because I would feel rude not laughing when a person is trying so hard to make people laugh. While it's a close call, I think I know more fluently funny females than males.

For the record, I'm neither a man or a woman myself. While I can't claim to be unbiased, I'm not rooting for "my team" here.
Unless you have no Chromosones or are in possession of both sets of genitals, you are biologically male or female.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
There aren't too many female comedians that are actually funny but I find Kitty Flanigan absolutely hilarious. She's probably the only one though that makes me laugh all the time.


Elite Member
Nov 7, 2007
Most of the female comedians I've seen make the majority of their jokes about two things: sex from a female perspective, and motherhood. Men seem to have more range.


New member
May 23, 2010
michael87cn said:
X-chromosome brain cells don't prevent you from telling a joke.

Think on that for a moment and you'll see my post start to make sense.
Or do they?
What studies, exactly, are you taking that claim from?

Because it seems to me that several times in this thread, studies have been cited that conclude that men are biologically "funnier" than women, since men need to be funny to court a woman, while women needn't be funny to draw the attention of a male. Natural selection takes care of the rest.

Now once again: I'm not saying the double x-chromosome means you're unable to do a stand up act. But I am saying that it might mean you're less likely to be good at it.