Is it just me or will American troops' stupidity never stop?


New member
Nov 5, 2008
Looked more like being incredibly bored then being incredibly stupid. Though, that we have people whose only job is to police the military has to say something, but that doesn't make the American military unique.


New member
Feb 22, 2008
Okay, obviously I'm sure some of us have actual friends in the military, (or sadly... had...). I personally find the degrading stuff on our internet stupid. I don't care what's on it, and I don't care what people have against or for it, but what I do know is this.

1. Those troops are dying for what we love everyday, even though it doesn't seem like we're in a war.

2. I've seen what war does to people first hand. It's not fun, and it's not pretty. People do crazy things. People do strange things... it's... it's hard to explain, considering I have never experienced the actual war zone before. My Dad was in Desert Storm for a while in my childhood, and when he came back he was different. I could tell even at my young age. In the end he turned out just fine, but not a lot of people do.

3. What one man does, doesn't mean everybody does it. You can't blame everyone for one man's actions.

4. What makes you think people didn't do stuff like this in WW1 WW2 or Vietnam? I admit that our army has done pretty bad things, but it was all becuase of a choice an individual made.

Over all, I'm dissapointed at how people forget that we are in a war, and it's serious. I'm reminded about it everyday with my dad, and though he's in the airforce, it doesn't mean he doesn't feel the effects. I'm worried every day that he might come home, feeling like crap.

Sorry, I'm getting a little off topic here.

The point is, I can't blame the guy for what he's doing. After all the crap, blood, and bullets he's seen going through people's heads has got to affect his jugement a little. Wartime isn't fun, so he's gotta make something that is. And I bet that kid doesn't think it's fun either. Having a little laugh is good for both of them.

Rajin Cajun

New member
Sep 12, 2008
Why the hell is this bigoted thread still alive? How about I make thread about how Stupid Jews are and see how fast I get the banhammer?


New member
Dec 11, 2008
fix-the-spade said:
Offering a child live ordnance, hmmm...

Do the US military teach discipline at all nowadays?
Maybe it would have been better had he strapped explosives to himself and walked into a market or restaurant. I believe that is more acceptible to some.


New member
Sep 17, 2007
zombiepandaman said:
I'm still mad about the one Marine who threw a puppy off a cliff.
I agree with this statement. Seeing that made me sick. And I watched the BME Pain olympics without flinching.

edinflames said:
I'd consider myself a pacifist but I can't help but feel sorry for soldiers that are put through the worst kind of shit; then come home and find out that they are being made to look like collectively like jackasses by their comrades like this.
I also agree with this, however, not this statement for this video. For lesser jackassy videos yes, but not this one. The soldier was kind of being a jackass. A CO would come down on that like hellfire. That soldier would see so much shit as to never be allowed in the armed services ever again. Offering a child a hand grenade, even in jest... dishonerable discharge.


New member
Aug 20, 2008
psico666 said:
I saw this on youtube earlier and started to think 'What depths will American troops not sink to?'

Watch the link and you will see what i am talking about.
Im sorry but isnt this thread kind of ignoring or at least miss directing its anger? Shouldnt we be more mad that we are still at war? Shouldnt we be saying "Why didn't we look at the situation a little better before we did what we did?" And then learn from our mistake?


New member
Sep 17, 2007
Mudora said:
I'm worried every day that he might come home, feeling like crap.
yeah, I feel you. This war was compared to vietnam, and it basicly is. Esspecially in how people at home respond to it. It's not popular in any respect. In vietnam, they promoted patriotism for your country. In modern times, it's "support our troops." It's the same song sung to a different tune. With as much wrong with the current state of things, it's still a constant reminder to not turn our backs on those that put their lives on the line for the people.

Still though, it was pretty messed up to offer such a powerful kill device to a kid. War might change a person, but that was still messed up. There's a link to a vid where a soldier is getting kids to agree they're donkey fuckers. That's quirky fun I can at least understand from a screwed up perspective. It's basicly harmless. But there are things that get leaked to the net that I cannot agree with in the slightest. Lines are crossed by individuals.

Offering a kid a grenade, tossing puppies off of cliffs, and other inhumane acts that get leaked. It's these individuals that make people forget that they need to support their troops.


New member
Nov 2, 2007
sabotstarr said:
I'm sorry, but he played a joke. It may of been with high explosives but still, a joke. Relax on the war vets, we should be praising them for fighting for us, not yelling at their stupid antics.
And yes although they may not be really fighting for "Freedom" they signed up to, or something similar to that.
Trust me. These soldiers' higher ups are not laughing and not going to take it easy on them for doing something like generating an opportunity for something to be taken the WRONG way with the Iraqi (or any other people anywhere) people. I'm sure there was a reprimand.

Anything you do that can be misconstrued reflects back on your uniform. If you have to ask yourself if it could be taken the wrong way if other people see it, then the answer is always, "Don't do it."

Sane Man

New member
Feb 24, 2009
keyton777 said:
Lukeje said:
keyton777 said:
Sane Man said:
I suppose if the original poster is going to make blanket statements on a group of individuals based on a few of said individuals, I'll do my own.

All liberals are homosexual, each and every single one without exception. The only woman that any of them have ever been close with is when their boyfriends dress up in drag for them.

now your just being a generalistic you know all liberals?
i seriously doubt it, so where do you get the ground to insult all of them, hmm, where do you get it dickhead

christ sometimes i wonder if some people actually think about something b4 they open their cake hole and start talking shit.
I think he was making an attempt at sarcasm.

huh, poor attempt, least i hope it was an attempt at it.

kinda hard to get sarcasm accross on a screen
Yes of course I was making an attempt at sarcasm. Hence the beginning of the statement about blanket statements. That is why I put that there, because it is hard to convey sarcasm through this medium.

Otherwise I would of just said the bottom half of my post in person, in a sarcastic tone. Reading is fun by the way. (that was sarcasm, as it implies you cannot read or have a decent enough reading level to observe what I had posted earlier).

Harvey Danger

New member
Dec 11, 2008
Optimus Prime said:
Whoh! Hold on, I explained that I didn't mean bad, just silly. I intend to enlist soon so don't start
Lyiat said:
psico666 said:
I saw this on youtube earlier and started to think 'What depths will American troops not sink to?'

Watch the link and you will see what i am talking about.
... Seriously? I'm actually a little offended that your taking that video at face value. The soldier was joking, through and through, and the kid UNDERSTOOD THAT and took it as a joke. God, I've seen parents and family do far worse to their own children. Like when my uncle kept threatening to drop my beta fish into his piranha tank (and then DID IT), or threw me around in the pool. The kid was under absolutely no danger, nor would have the soldier actually have given him the damn grenade. Use your bloody head, kid, before you start making fun of the ENTIRE AMERICAN ARMY because of what one GI found entertaining.

Optimus Prime said:

There's so much of this. It make all American soldiers look bad.

EDIT: - There's more of it.
And your not much better, mate. Have you ever been in an area with a bunch of kids screaming in your ear? You tend to get a little snappy. Especially when your job is to be fighting people who shoot at you. As for the other one, thats called a training session. They are just screwing around for the camera.
Whoh! Hold on, I'm enlisting soon so don't call me out for that. I'm saying that yeah you NEED to joke around in war but a) the second one is set up. They filmed him ready to shout. And as for the training, why would you film it? Jumping at a door in full combats is going to damage your gear. Normally soldiers don't do silly things but that was just stupid.
I just had to comment on this. Normally soldiers don't do silly things? Have you ever known anyone in the armed forces before? They HAVE to do silly things, otherwise every single one of them would come home with PTSD.

The things that give the US military a bad image are accidental civilian deaths and invading countries for little-to-no reason, not drop-kicking a door. That just shows that soldiers are actually human.


Bound up the dead triumphantly!
Jan 7, 2009
The grenade thing - eh, I can see everyone thought it was a joke, but at the same time fooling around with easy-to-arm ordnance is generally not a good idea. Especially these days with cameras, video-editing software and vindictive media on both sides of the military divide going after the US troops.

Drop Kicking a Door - hella funny. It's clearly a training exercise (probably with live rounds, hence no yellow stoppers on the guns), and those usually get filmed (so the teams can review their form and positioning and check they aren't making mistakes. They do lark around a bit when doing this though - Andy McNab describes in one of his books about how his counter-terrorist team was working on plans on how to board a plane effectively, when one joker suggested that they abseiled over the roof and through the cockpit window - so they tried it out, as they had nothing else to do for the afternoon. Light-hearted things like this show the troops are still human, and even with the pressures of war/training can still have a bit of fun.

The guy getting kids to agree that they violate donkeys though is going too far - that's the kind of thing that really, REALLY does harm to the US's image (and, unfortunately given the differences in how well Hearts and Minds is working between US and UK troops, reflects badly on the coalition too) - the kind of thing Al Jazeera (sp?) wil pick up and broadcast to try to destabilise support for foreign influence in Iraq. And makes people back home wonder why they *should* support the troops like that (as it's usually presented in such a form it suggests all soldiers are like the ones exemplified).

Same with the "puppy off a cliff" video. Yes, it's only a puppy (nothing to a man who kills people all day), but then think about what it showed to the local communities - the US troops didn't give two shits about thir possessions and perhaps even their lives, and thus were no better than the extremists. That's hardly going to be the way to bring people to your cause (and not only that I imagine the youngsters in the area will grow up with a stronger hatred of the US than they might have otherwise had).


New member
Dec 3, 2008
Not the stupidest act I've seen an American soldier do, but it's pretty close. He held that grenade with the pin side towards the kid... if he had pulled the pin i'm sure it would not have been nearly as "funny."

Rajin Cajun

New member
Sep 12, 2008
Bullfrog1983 said:
Not the stupidest act I've seen an American soldier do, but it's pretty close. He held that grenade with the pin side towards the kid... if he had pulled the pin i'm sure it would not have been nearly as "funny."
Grenades don't arm by just pulling a pin. You have to pull the pin and let go of the handle thus arming the device.


New member
Dec 3, 2008
Rajin Cajun said:
Bullfrog1983 said:
Not the stupidest act I've seen an American soldier do, but it's pretty close. He held that grenade with the pin side towards the kid... if he had pulled the pin i'm sure it would not have been nearly as "funny."
Grenades don't arm by just pulling a pin. You have to pull the pin and let go of the handle thus arming the device.
Yeah, well I don't make a habit of arming grenades... sorry I don't know the technique :p

Rajin Cajun

New member
Sep 12, 2008
Bullfrog1983 said:
Rajin Cajun said:
Bullfrog1983 said:
Not the stupidest act I've seen an American soldier do, but it's pretty close. He held that grenade with the pin side towards the kid... if he had pulled the pin i'm sure it would not have been nearly as "funny."
Grenades don't arm by just pulling a pin. You have to pull the pin and let go of the handle thus arming the device.
Yeah, well I don't make a habit of arming grenades... sorry I don't know the technique :p
You are fine I was just saying people keep saying they could have blown up but as long as the spoon is kept down the device can not arm and the pin can be reinserted. Just stating it isn't as dangerous as it seems.

Lord Krunk

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Mar 3, 2008
SargentToughie said:
That's the last straw...

Singling out American troops as stupid is absolutely the most mindless thing I've ever heard. Yes, the military does employ idiots... everybody employs idiots.

The only difference is that you don't see McDonalds employees on the news every day for something like burning a dog.

Scratch that, you do see the employee on the news, but they don't bring up the fact that they work at McDonalds when they talk about the stupid moves that they make.

I'm more than a little angry about this, because I have 3 friends in the marines, all 3 of them are in the middle east right now, fighting for Bush's stupidity.

I will not tolerate people talking bad about the bulk of our military over what an extreme minority of the soldiers do.
I agree. The same is going on with the Kovco case in Australia, which I might add was obviously resultant of him being an idiot.

Although, those two guys who bombed some British troops (and only cared about the fact that they were going to jail rather than the revelation that they just committed murder) was going way too far for me.

The thing is, there are a lot of idiots around. Just look, they are definitely not all on the front lines. I mean, just look at the reason why they are there in the first place. A pointless fight for a useless cause, and absolutely nothing to do there except let the businessmen steal their resources. Of course you would get bored, and of course you would try to amuse yourself while the politicians are still deciding whether or not they should be complete dipshits in a world increasingly intolerant of stupidity.

I have to respect France for that. They were the only western country that wasn't brown nosing America at that point, and aren't wasting good taxpayer money because a herd of morons want some oil at the moment. Plus, they hated the term French Fries. They even laughed when the Americans renamed it, because they were changing the name in spite of them.

I'll stop now; I think I've gone on enough of a tangent.


New member
Feb 27, 2009
this one is worse, sorry if someone has already posted.