Is it worth getting into WoW?


New member
Jun 3, 2010
As said, play the free 10-days trial... That should be enough for you to decide...


New member
Jul 27, 2010
1) This game is highly addictive if you are into RPG
2) This game may eat your pass time and social life
3) Moderation! Set yourself a maximum time spent on it
4) Try to find friend who play already and join them it way more fun like that
My 2 cent


New member
Dec 7, 2010
From someone who is a huge RPG fan, and currently playing the trial, all I can say is MEH. It's not nearly as great as people hype it to be. Controls are iffy, graphics and VAs are good, but to me at least, there's no real driving force to play.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
I've known people that were willing to pay $30 bucks a month so that at lunch they could go into the computer lab and neglect their friends and social lives for a video game, and then do the same when they get home, and the 5 minute passing period between classes, thats right... inbetween classes they would play WoW. But these may be rare cases I don't really know, just thought I'd throw my two cents in.


Senior Member
Aug 5, 2008
Nobody can answer this but you. Personally I was bored by the game pretty quickly, but obviously there are tons of people who like it. Just try it and see if you like it.


New member
Nov 12, 2010
Free trial, just sayin. If you want to look into it there are ways to do that without paying any money for it. If you have the spare time each month to get your moneys worth out of the subscription fee and enjoy playing the game then go for it, as soon as it gets boring and grindy then unsub and save some money.


Circuitboard Seahorse
Dec 13, 2008
In the end, it's up to you, but personally, I'd say yes. Anything is worth a shot, right? I started with a free trial as well, so as has been said, it may be worth you trying the same thing. That's a good way to start off, and there's no real financial commitment there to start with anyway.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Try the trial and if you like it go ahead and get the game. It's more fun if you have someone to play with but soloing is also good fun.
Basically TRY IT YOURSELF and don't let the opinion of others sway your decision.

Obrien Xp

New member
Sep 27, 2009
Take a WoW trial, take a Lotro trial, take a gw trial, take a warhammer online trial, take an aoc trial. Pick from one of those.

Otherwise I'd just wait for gw2 before entering into the MMO scene. Besides, gw2 is marketing around new to mmo people.

The only other thing I'd have to say is why would this new computer warrant WoW, it is very easy to run it with max everything on a relatively old system. Now the new Red Orchestra on the other hand... that's going to need a nice rig.


New member
Feb 19, 2009
Get_A_Grip_ said:
If you have a girl/boyfriend/? No.
If you have a girl/boyfriend you want to get rid of? Yes.
If you want a girl/boyfriend? No.
If you don't want a girl/boyfriend? Yes.
If you don't have a girl/boyfriend but are interested in meeting one over WoW? Give it a shot.
C'mon, haven't we gotten farther than this?
Wow is not an life ending killing machine that runs on souls. It's a game, If you like it, good for you, if you don't, good for you again.
It's not like wow players are spending more time on their game than other gamers. (I've seen CoD player stack up 120 days on each game of the franchise.)

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
EllEzDee said:
As a side - and totally unrelated - note, it's "W-oh", not "W-ow". I hate people who pronounce it the second way.
You want people to saw Worldf Of Warcraft as WOAH? Like what you say to horses?

No, it's WOW 'cos thats what the letters spell, as in "WOW, I can't beleive you are telling people how to speak".

On topic. I have only seen gameplay but I did get heavily into another MMO.

MMO's have the unique ability to waste time like nothing else, if you have a job you wont have enough time to play it, really.


New member
Oct 18, 2008
King Toasty said:
Ephraim J. Witchwood said:
If you are independently wealthy and will never have to work a day in your life, don't care about family, friends, or any relationship that isn't in Azeroth, and don't mind your hygiene and fitness slacking, sure, why not. If you enjoy your life, or can actually keep yourself sane while playing it, by all means, go ahead. But I'd advise you to stay away.
Damn. I'm well-known for easily being addicted to stuff.
This may be a problem.
That may indeed be a problem and something worth considering, because if you get into WoW you'll find that especially the first time... it's rather addicting. I never got addicted to it myself but I have found myself playing for 8 or more hours in one day when I had the time (vacations and such) and still not being sick of it by the end. They get in your head!


New member
Nov 28, 2010
To be honest, its up to your discretion. I played it for a year or so in middle school, and I really enjoyed it. It is a fun game, but what I will say to discredit it to the best of my ability, is that the community is hit or miss, and it is very addictive and distracting. The reason I said I wanted to discredit it, is because I always had a huge problem with getting on that game when I had work to do, but again, if you don't feel like you will have a problem like this then be my guest. Now back to it's problems. The community. You can run into a really nice group of people, for example I met a bunch of kids in high school when I was playing, and I would talk to them on ventrilo, just about non game related stuff, outside of playing the game. And then there's the other people who play. The elitist jackasses, who will look for every opportunity to mock you over the general chat, game related or not. This group of people is part of what turned me off of the game. Now you may be thinking, that there are people like this everywhere in every game and everything you do in life. While this is true, in WoW you don't need a mic or ventrilo to talk to people. You just need to have the ability to type. I will try to give the game some credit though, so this doesn't seem like a totally biased review. It is a fun game, and the customization of your character is very deep as you can imagine, broken down into Factions -> Races -> Classes -> Specializations, and then there's a whole festival of primary and secondary professions that you can choose from, so in that respect the game is very fun. It can get frustrating however, when you get to the higher levels and you just feel like its constant grinding and just pushing forward to max out your level. This is just me though, I've met some people who think that some of the fun is just going out and killing everything you see. This is just my brief synopsis based on my experience in the game, so don't take it too seriously, but I thought I should put my opinion in.

Christopher Roberts

New member
Nov 16, 2010
No. It will kill any possible social life you may currently have or wish to have and turn you into a chubby, acne infested loner.

See South Park, WoW episode.


New member
Sep 1, 2010
Just to stick my oar in here;

I played WoW religiously up until a few months after the first expansion came out (a looong time ago now) and have dipped in and out since but I will say this.

Once you're hooked, you're hooked.

It's as simple as that and I am currently contemplating whether I want to have a cheeky look at Cataclysm. All that is stopping me is the fact that I don't get to see much of my friends due to work commitments anyway, and if I were to start playing WoW again, I'd probably do nothing else but WoW and work!

So, by all means, play WoW as it IS a great game by most standards but be prepared to either grow some willpower or spend a whole helluva lot of time in Azeroth!


New member
Aug 10, 2010
The whole concept of having to pay to play it every month is fucking annoying, I'll tell you that. Trial first, if you like it, buy. But, if you easily get addicted, there's one answer to this: no! Don't get it.
I do like the game, I'm level 43, but I only spent a week playing, and it didn't affect my social life because I don't have one anyway.
Just make sure you're not going over the top with the game, spending too much time on it, you'll be fine! It's a repetitive game, though, I warn you


New member
Nov 8, 2010
As someone who was addicted to games and eventually sorted their priorities out, I plan on staying far away from WoW.

An rpg that never ends would easily be the greatest thing ever and the worst thing that ever happened to me. Not everybody is like me though.

Of course not having a pc helped. If they made a console mmorpg on the scale of WoW I doubt I could resist.