In a lot of ways, I feel like a fool.
When CastleSuperBeast goes on a rant on how scummy Epic Game Stores practices are [], then a month later make actual news headlines by buying things on the Epic Game Store []... I mean, I feel like a man standing in front of a tidal wave trying to stop it with just my convictions.
I'm not asking for a pity party. I'm just getting super disillusioned. It doesn't feel like anyone cares about making this hobby of ours better. Everyone just wants the new shiny. We don't demand the best by action. We complain that we deserve better, and then eat up whatever slop comes our way because it's the only way to get what we want earlier.
I've stopped buying Gearbox games because Randy Pitchford is a human trashfire. He is literally the entitled nerd that believed he deserved the world placed in a powerful position. I love most of their games, I'm a giant Borderlands fan, and I am uniquely aware that it wasn't only Pitchford making the game. I know there are hundreds of people working on the game. But I can not be apart of giving this man power any more. No matter how much I wanted this game.
But it doesn't matter. Millions are going to flock to this game. and they probably should. It looks great. Barring the Epic Games deal and Pitchford, the game looks more than solid.
I'm trying to have morals in a Hobby as vast as this. A Hobby that has little trained us like a Brain Stimulation Reward Experiment telling us we need the new thing now without delay, so we can get that sweet pleasure response. That waiting for a better product is unthinkable. Shell out the money now for a disappointing product and pay more after that initial purchase for the hopes that it will get better down the line.
I can't fight the 14 year olds who think this is normal. Who has unlimited access to Mom and Dad's credit card and will outvote me with their wallets every time, rendering my voice imperceptible.
Is it worth having morals for just the sake of morals when you are the perennial underdog? This is just a Hobby after all. We can all just walk away and find something else to do.
When CastleSuperBeast goes on a rant on how scummy Epic Game Stores practices are [], then a month later make actual news headlines by buying things on the Epic Game Store []... I mean, I feel like a man standing in front of a tidal wave trying to stop it with just my convictions.
I'm not asking for a pity party. I'm just getting super disillusioned. It doesn't feel like anyone cares about making this hobby of ours better. Everyone just wants the new shiny. We don't demand the best by action. We complain that we deserve better, and then eat up whatever slop comes our way because it's the only way to get what we want earlier.
I've stopped buying Gearbox games because Randy Pitchford is a human trashfire. He is literally the entitled nerd that believed he deserved the world placed in a powerful position. I love most of their games, I'm a giant Borderlands fan, and I am uniquely aware that it wasn't only Pitchford making the game. I know there are hundreds of people working on the game. But I can not be apart of giving this man power any more. No matter how much I wanted this game.
But it doesn't matter. Millions are going to flock to this game. and they probably should. It looks great. Barring the Epic Games deal and Pitchford, the game looks more than solid.
I'm trying to have morals in a Hobby as vast as this. A Hobby that has little trained us like a Brain Stimulation Reward Experiment telling us we need the new thing now without delay, so we can get that sweet pleasure response. That waiting for a better product is unthinkable. Shell out the money now for a disappointing product and pay more after that initial purchase for the hopes that it will get better down the line.
I can't fight the 14 year olds who think this is normal. Who has unlimited access to Mom and Dad's credit card and will outvote me with their wallets every time, rendering my voice imperceptible.
Is it worth having morals for just the sake of morals when you are the perennial underdog? This is just a Hobby after all. We can all just walk away and find something else to do.