Is Medal of Honor Offensive ?

Halo Fanboy

New member
Nov 2, 2008
Jumplion said:
Bon_Clay said:
Agayek said:
It's not offensive in the least. Anyone that is offended by the content of the game (or any game for that matter) needs to bash themselves in the face with a hammer until they no longer possess the mental capacity to continue.
This, its a bloody video game. Guess what? There are actual REAL wars going on in the world with real people, many of whom are unrelated civilians and children, being killed every day. Video games are not going to start any violence, we have that covered already.

If someone thinks the murder of a 3D model in a video game is a big deal, how about protesting the real wars they are based on first. Video games and any other medium should have the freedom of speech to make whatever point about real world issues they want.
I detest the argument of "it's only a game! Lighten up!" because it completely undermines the point of this game. If EA is trying to respect and honor those who have fought in this war, isn't it kind of detrimental to say "Oh, it's just a game! It doesn't mean anything!"? We shouldn't hide behind the "it's only a game!" argument, we should confront the arguments directly instead of shielding ourselves with a backfiring argument.

That's not to say that I find it offensive, it's no moreso than any other game set in Namelessbad only this time Namelessbad actually has a name. To an extent, I understand why some are offended about the game, but don't use the "it's just a game!" argument when the whole point is that war is not a game.
No the real point is the getting offended by a videogame is ridiculous. Like Agayek basically said anyone getting offended by a video game ,or anything else in the media, is a fucking idiot.

Halo Fanboy

New member
Nov 2, 2008
Jumplion said:
Overall, my point still stands, it is not and never was "just a game" because, well, war isn't one. And on the comparison of "it's only a book" the same thing applies, they would be trying to suppress history and all that. In the end I hope you get my overall point.
No it literally is "just a game." And a book is only a book. Things do not become more than what they are to suggest so is absurd.
Jumplion said:
DustyDrB said:
How do we react to these people? Well, take a look through the News thread announcing that EA will change the name []. There's a lot of less than admirable reactions from our part and this site is supposed to be one of the more mature gaming communities online (so if you want more of a representative look at the reactions, check out the comments on IGN's, Gamespot's, or other gaming websites' story on this). If we want people to stop treating games like a second-rate medium, then we need to engage in better discourse with the people who don't understand games. We're not doing ourselves any favors calling these people "retards who should have their skulls bashed in to save the world from their stupidity".
Quote for all that is holy in the truth, this 100%. I really hate it when a video game gets a controversy and the people on our side go "LALALALALA THAT'S NOT TRUE, U EZ RETARD, LALALA!" without considering why they'd think that. It happened with a lot of other games, Resident Evil 5 comes to mind (which the controversy was completely overblown as only one person pointed it out), and it's really sad how so many just plug their ears and tell anyone else to go fuck themselves.
But those people are literally idots. Maybe you think you have the time to educate all of them out of their ignorance but in actuality it is not possible.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Halo Fanboy said:
No the real point is the getting offended by a videogame is ridiculous. Like Agayek basically said anyone getting offended by a video game ,or anything else in the media, is a fucking idiot.
So those concerned about the game have absolutely, 100% baseless reasons to be concerned about the game? That's extremely short sighted, to say the least.

Calling them idiots (coughAdHomeniemcough) doesn't help your argument.

No it literally is "just a game." And a book is only a book. Things do not become more than what they are to suggest so is absurd.
So a game trying to depict the story of soldiers in an on-going war with the respect and dignity that other mediums try to convey should be subjected to what the public considers "just a game"?

No, says I, no. Games can be more than "just a game", they can convey much more meaning that depth than any other medium. That's like saying that Schindler's List is "just a movie", in a pure, basic definition, sure. But it's much more than that.

But those people are literally idots. Maybe you think you have the time to educate all of them out of their ignorance but in actuality it is not possible.
Calling them idots doesn't help your argument. And again, neither does calling them idiots. I never suggested that we should go out of our way to "educate" them or whatever, so that's a strawman right there.

But can you not see how someone would be slightly offended about a video game that depicts the conditions the soldiers fight in, many of whom have died in a pointless conflict, with families left behind? I'm not saying the game is offensive, but if you really can't see how someone outside the "gamer" knowledge would see something like this as offensive, then you are the "idiot" as you would eloquently put it, but I wouldn't degrade myself to name-calling.

Me? I can understand their position, even though I disagree with it. While it'd be easy to just say "IT'S A VIDEO GAME, LIGHTEN UP!" with a game on the heaviness of war, if we ever want video games to grow, not just "artistically", but just grow, then we have to face these controversies and understand the opposition and why they would think that.

Who knows? Maybe they have a point. Video games, as of late, don't tend to treat any subject matter with subtly and finesse like other mediums, but hey, baby steps.

EDIT: Also, creepy avatar dude o_O


New member
Oct 11, 2010
Killing American they have a problem.
Killing Talbian they don't have a problem.
Mmm, I guess they think Talbian are not human?


Coffee Bandit
Mar 22, 2009

It's a complete and total ripoff of Modern Warfare, and I think that franchise sucks also. It's just so mediocre, that I find it utterly offensive.


New member
Oct 11, 2010
GlobalJim said:
"Seriously though, Russia/China must hate western games, and I can see why. Any modern warfare based game, and it is always against Russia/China."

All the Russians I know don't really care whether games offend them or not
Yea, all chinese I know don't get offend by it to, or Korean (homefront, well but I only know S.korean...), or Jap.

Only country I know got offend is America so far.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
One of the developers said it best. In all games, there will always be bad guys and good guys. In WWII games, people will always have to play as the Nazis. In the end, it's just a player skin, and it doesn't really matter what you do.