Is PC gaming really worth it?


Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
octafish said:
Give me a console that can run Photoshop and I'll consider buying one.
I'd need one that can simultaneously run Photoshop, Illustrator, Lightwave, multiple browser windows, several PDFs and music being played in lossless formats.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
M0PHEAD said:
This thread seems to be split into two halves: those who say having a mid/high range pc allows you to enjoy a good standard of gaming with moderate graphics capabilities, and those who sing the praises of having a "super rig" that can out-graphic a console or normal pc by miles. Most of both groups seem quite adamant that "teh keyboards and teh mouses" are superior to a dedicated gaming controller.

To that first group- isn't what you're describing basically the console experience?
"I can play a variety of good games without too much expenditure"- Sounds familiar.

For some reason these days there's a real stereotype concerning the "console-tard". But I've gamed for years on that basic everymans platform, the Xbox 360, and don't think I'm missing out on much. If I'd invested the same money in a pc three or so years ago I'd have an OK computer which I could have used to play a couple of exclusives. Same goes for the PS3 I guess. Or I could have sunk an English grand into a high powered rig and played the same exclusives with better graphics, but been too poor to by food or clothes for the next decade.

As a final point; if mouses and keyboards are so superior for the playing of games, why do machines designed exclusively for gaming use controllers? I get that they can be a bit difficult to use in an RTS if the interface is bad, but done properly (in say, C+C Red Alert 3) they handle OK. And lets face it, it's a damn sight easier to connect four controllers to your Xbox for local multiplayer than it is to squeeze even two people onto a keyboard :p

I could just be an uneducated console-tard misunderstanding the whole issue, and I agree that PCs make up the ground with game customisability, but... I don't know. At best that puts them level with consoles as a platform.

Except the Wii. That thing can burn in hell.
You know I have nothing against consoles and I would not hesitate to get one if I could

I do think that in the past the PC was always ahead in many ways but I dont feel this is the case now because of how console focused gaming is at the moment, the point I was making in this thread is that you can still have a great gaming experience without getting a monster machine, and getting a monster machine isnt really worth it right now


New member
May 10, 2010
PC gaming sure is worth it. I began playing Left 4 Dead 2 with IRL friends recently. It's loads of fun! We've started doing that instead of going to the pub now...


New member
Jan 7, 2011
bahumat42 said:
M0PHEAD said:
One simple sentence.

The pc can do other things.
Well yes, but so can a console right?
DVD or BLU-RAY capabilities, media streaming (Netflix etc), social networking?

Splitting gaming from other computing tasks lets me have an entry level laptop for work, the internet and other computing tasks whilst still being able to enjoy the most recent titles on my console.
To replace both of these with a single high powered computer for gaming without additional expenditure would necessitate a desktop setup- something which wouldn't work for me because of the lack of portability.

Not to mention that if I did this I'd miss out on console exclusive games, and no longer be able to game with my immediate social group (who are all console owners).


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Le shrug. If what you're doing works for you, that's all that really matters. The reason to build your own rig is that you're more likely to get exactly what you want, you may spend less (especially if you're able to re-use parts from an earlier build), and you'll have a better idea of exactly what's in your computer and how it works. I built the last two computers I work on, but that doesn't mean I don't see the value in a laptop, and I have a far less comprehensive idea of how a laptop is put together than a desktop- to the point where the biggest modifications I'd consider making in one are installing memory or a new battery.

Again, if you're happy where you are, that's what matters. I know some PC gamers like to brag about having the most bleeding-edge hardware under the hood, but in the end it all comes down to utility.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
bahumat42 said:
M0PHEAD said:
bahumat42 said:
M0PHEAD said:
One simple sentence.

The pc can do other things.
Well yes, but so can a console right?
DVD or BLU-RAY capabilities, media streaming (Netflix etc), social networking?

Splitting gaming from other computing tasks lets me have an entry level laptop for work, the internet and other computing tasks whilst still being able to enjoy the most recent titles on my console.
To replace both of these with a single high powered computer for gaming without additional expenditure would necessitate a desktop setup- something which wouldn't work for me because of the lack of portability.

Not to mention that if I did this I'd miss out on console exclusive games, and no longer be able to game with my immediate social group (who are all console owners).
you can but not well. Dvd and blue ray may be the same. But who the fuck wants to type out anything using their controller no1 on earth. Add in things like photoshop (or its various free rip off versions), music editing software, graphics design tools, CODING. Chat programs, multitasking. And no you dont need a "high powered computer" this one Im on right now cost me £600 3 years ago and can still run borderlands at a respectable spec.

The last two points are unique to you and down to personal choice. (Which again is fine but hardly a point to use on an objective rundown of their abilities.)
Yes... But the computer I'm using now can do all of those things, save borderlands which I could play on the Xbox if I so desired.
It cost me £250, and it's a laptop so I can use it anywhere.

As far as I can see, there's no computing task save gaming which would necessitate more power than I already have in my PC, but the cost of raising to gaming spec is enough that it's cheaper for me to go console.


New member
Jan 23, 2011
Well, been reading you all. A PS3, the older model, is a sweet choice with Linux on it. As for laptops, yeah he***:) I want it as small as possible myself, but with decent speccs and a nice screen. I do not need a movie-theater though. Portable is king. Still, I can understand those almost wanting to be inside their favorite game.. What I miss though is some sweet strategy games, online and free. Used to play Evony, both the old and new, but stopped due to LSO:s they kept pushing on me. I think a really cool game should offer you both building trading and fighting. Anyway a ps3 alike Pc would be a major step forward, if made out in the design of a laptop :)


Here you got two decent lists on free online games for Pc
Free Mmo Games 2010 []
mmohut, a really nice list. []