Is Spiderman: Homecoming even remotely good?


New member
Aug 2, 2015

Because so far I am getting the impression that this movie's reception boils down to, "Its not Amazing Spider-Man 2 so its good" and/or "Spiderman is now in the MCU!" or "Sony lost the rights to Spiderman yay"

And yet today I don't see people still talking about this movie or its impact today, and even if he's in the MCU now I don't know how big of an impact he will have in the team up films like what is he gonna do against Thanos?

Now look, I am guy that grew up with Raimi's Spiderman, I was there in the movie theater as a kid when I first saw this trailer for him and to this day, this trailer blew me away:

Than I saw the movie and it was awesome, and imo the first one is the best of the whole Raimi Trilogy.

The costume was right, the casting was right (Well except Mary Jane), the look was right, Like sometimes I wish it was still Tobey Maguire being Spiderman with the same costume in the Avengers movies, this one movie felt more Marvel than current Marvel movies.

Than I look at Spiderman: Homecoming's trailer and I am just un-impressed:

The suit looks cartoony, the tone just feels wrong, like where is the "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility" moral here?

This just shows how much Superhero movies had changed and the standards Disney Marvel has established.

No grit, no stakes, no concequences. The feeling I am having with Spiderman here is the same feelings I have with Dragon Ball Super in comparison to Dragon Ball Z.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Yeah, sure. But then again I thought Tobby McGuire was a squishy faced weirdo 20-something pretending to be 16. I mean for fuck sakes, they're directed by Sam Raimi! You know, Army of Darkness guy! Don't know why anyone takes the McGuire spiderman seriously when he's clearly meant to be a joke character, cira Ash.

But Homecoming is good, if a little...drama-y.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
Silentpony said:
Yeah, sure. But then again I thought Tobby McGuire was a squishy faced weirdo 20-something pretending to be 16. I mean for fuck sakes, they're directed by Sam Raimi! You know, Army of Darkness guy! Don't know why anyone takes the McGuire spiderman seriously when he's clearly meant to be a joke character, cira Ash.

But Homecoming is good, if a little...drama-y.
At least Tobey's face is a more Welcome sight than Elijah Wood's constant Rape Face.

Those eyes just stares into my soul. What horrible casting for Frodo.


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2009
I really enjoyed Spider-Man: Homecoming even if they have kind of mashed the two Ultimate versions (Peter and Miles) together.

The stand out for me though was Michael Keaton as Adrian Toomes aka The Vulture. He was awesome in the role and I hope they use him again in the MCU, he's too good to waste.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Samtemdo8 said:
Silentpony said:
Yeah, sure. But then again I thought Tobby McGuire was a squishy faced weirdo 20-something pretending to be 16. I mean for fuck sakes, they're directed by Sam Raimi! You know, Army of Darkness guy! Don't know why anyone takes the McGuire spiderman seriously when he's clearly meant to be a joke character, cira Ash.

But Homecoming is good, if a little...drama-y.
At least Tobey's face is a more Welcome sight than Elijah Wood's constant Rape Face.

Those eyes just stares into my soul. What horrible casting for Frodo.
You didn't even use the best Frodo Rape Face!

And as far as Elijah, he was a pass if only because he had a very strong supporting cast, and they could spend entire hours without cutting to him. McGuire didn't have that.


Wild at Heart and weird on top
Jan 30, 2011
It's a Marvel movie. As usual, it's barely not awful. We're not gonna get anything like the Raimi movies again anytime soon, that's for sure.


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
Compared to The Amaxing Spider-Man and its sequel? Yes.

On its own? About the best thing i could say about it is it managed to pull a couple of fast ones on me, which i like and is more than ill say for most movies.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
PsychedelicDiamond said:
It's a Marvel movie. As usual, it's barely not awful. We're not gonna get anything like the Raimi movies again anytime soon, that's for sure.
That's probably a good thing. His best is still Army of Darkness, and while campy to a Nth degree, its a dog-shit movie.

Vanilla ISIS

New member
Dec 14, 2015
The villain and the comedy are decent.
However, most audio visual aspects aren't.
Especially cinematography and editing. There's almost no proper shot composition, not one memorable shot in the movie.
The Sam Raimi's trilogy was beautifully shot and edited, it was all stoyboarded in advance, plus Raimi is a pro.
In Homecoming, it feels like they were figuring out the shots as they were filming.
I still remember the train fight scene in Spider-Man 2 very clearly, even though I haven't seen the movie in over a decade.
I saw Homecoming 6 months ago and I can remember anything about the action scenes, aside from that helicopter jump that was in all of the trailers (and that's just 2 seconds of footage).
Everything else is meh.
Aug 31, 2012
Michael Keaton was good. Otherwise it felt like an American high school drama.
Bear in mind I have zero interest in superhero films anyway, I saw it because other people were going.


Elite Member
May 12, 2011
Considering Amazing Spider-Man 1&2 lived up to the name no, Homecoming was not better. Homecoming was decent, but if you were expecting the Spider-Man from Captain America Civil War that wasn't a completely incompetent clumsy moron prepare to be disappointed. Seriously, the guy just spends the whole movie bumbling from one screw up to another for cheap laughs and to keep the villain from being caught 15 minutes into the movie. Even when Spidey finally succeeds in stopping the bad guy he can't manage to do it without causing completely unnecessary massive destruction. Homecoming Spider-Man doesn't act like a superhero who was active for months and managed to fight Captain America to a standstill, he acts like a kid who got his powers 5 minutes before the movie started and decided to fight crime without even practicing his powers a bit. They drop that crap in future movies and we'll have a Spider-Man movie worth watching, but as it is he makes even the most incompetent other version of Spider-Man look like a grizzled veteran superhero with hundreds of victories under his belt.

Tuesday Night Fever

New member
Jun 7, 2011
I barely remember it, to be honest. Even leaving the theater, the only scene that really stuck in my mind was the one with Keaton in the car before the school dance.

Everything else was just so... paint by numbers MCU. I still like the Marvel movies, but MCU Fatigue is definitely starting to set in.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
It's the #3 Spider-Man movie that I've seen, and the #1 MCU movie that I've seen. It's free of a lot of the MCU's baggage.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Yeah it's good.

It's good because it's not so much trying to be a Spider-Man movie, as it's trying to be just a regular superhero movie that happens to be called Spider-Man. If that makes sense.

At this point we're so familiar with Spider-Man, that any movie/TV show/videogame just feels like going through the motions. The iconography has gotten stale, and Homecoming strips the character of it; No uncle Ben, no 'With great power yada yada yada', none of that. This makes Peter Parker/Spider-Man feel like a regular kid again, not THE Peter Parker who is destined to become THE Spider-Man. But just some 15-year old who very recently came into some superpowers and decided on going by the alias 'Spider-Man'.

There are some problems with it, like the movie looking a tad plain, but no more than the majority of the other Marvel movies. And the whole sideplot with the Jennifer Connelly suit voice was going to weird places that had me raising an eyebrow. Also, the movie plays it mostly lighthearted and comical, so that by the time we get to the big, dramatic superhero moment of truth it doesn't have that strong of an impact. Other than that it was a pretty fun ride, and a dose of freshness the Spider-Man movie franchise desperately needed.


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
I'd say it's not as good as rami 2, but better than rami 1.


New member
Sep 22, 2010
Spider-Man: Homecoming:

Everything that isn't Michael Keaton: It's blandly ok. Tom Holland strikes me as really....nice....I guess. RDJ is at a point where he can just phone in the Tony Stark persona. The movie is, in many ways, an indictment of how Marvel has done movies where the whole thing has so much "comedy" that the action scenes feel like they're just there because it's expected to have action in a superhero movie. Overall, Marvel has done worse but this is a pretty bland movie except for.....

Michael Keaton: Holy crap! He is awesome at this. He is the only reason that I kick around the notion of buying the movie (If Spider-man 2 manages to nail it, I will get this for the Michael Keaton.) His character and motivations are completely relatable and he manages to be both sympathetic AND menacing at the same time. Marvel has had four good villains and Michael Keaton's Adrian Toomes was the third.


New member
Apr 5, 2017
Samtemdo8 said:

Because so far I am getting the impression that this movie's reception boils down to, "Its not Amazing Spider-Man 2 so its good" and/or "Spiderman is now in the MCU!" or "Sony lost the rights to Spiderman yay"

And yet today I don't see people still talking about this movie or its impact today, and even if he's in the MCU now I don't know how big of an impact he will have in the team up films like what is he gonna do against Thanos?

Now look, I am guy that grew up with Raimi's Spiderman, I was there in the movie theater as a kid when I first saw this trailer for him and to this day, this trailer blew me away:

Than I saw the movie and it was awesome, and imo the first one is the best of the whole Raimi Trilogy.

The costume was right, the casting was right (Well except Mary Jane), the look was right, Like sometimes I wish it was still Tobey Maguire being Spiderman with the same costume in the Avengers movies, this one movie felt more Marvel than current Marvel movies.

Than I look at Spiderman: Homecoming's trailer and I am just un-impressed:

The suit looks cartoony, the tone just feels wrong, like where is the "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility" moral here?

This just shows how much Superhero movies had changed and the standards Disney Marvel has established.

No grit, no stakes, no concequences. The feeling I am having with Spiderman here is the same feelings I have with Dragon Ball Super in comparison to Dragon Ball Z.

Honestly comparing them to DBZ and DBS is kinda not really the best comparison. Homecoming is not bad tbh. It was okay.

It had some good stuff, but the biggest problem is how emotionally inept and hollow it was. I don't think the MCU has been the biggest problem with Hollywood nowadays and I've defended plenty of their films, but this was one of their weakest films. It has all of the flaws people keep saying the MCU has.

I like Tom Holland. He's a good actor and I thought Spider-Man was fantastic in Captain America: Civil War. He felt like a completely different character in Homecoming. In Civil War, he was this smart, mature and well-mannered kid who wanted to do good. Homecoming just has him be a bumbling fanboy that wants to impress Tony Stark so he can be in the Avengers.

I think a lot of the problems were that Marvel and Sony didn't want to piss either side off with their ideas on what to do with the film and just shook hands. Also this film has 6 writers and it kinda shows of how inconsistent it is. Its not the worst Spider-Man movie nor is it the best. Its kinda in the middle.

Goes like this for me:

1. Spider-Man 2 - A+
2. Spider-Man - A-
3. Spider-Man: Homecoming - C+
4. Spider-Man 3 - C+
5. Amazing Spider-Man - C
6. Amazing Spider-Man 2 - D


New member
Dec 5, 2008
It's very different from Raimi's Spider-Man, and if you come in expecting that, you're probably going to be disappointed.

But I quite liked it in its own way.

Raimi's Spider-Man was always operatic and larger-than-life, even when it was silly; it painted in broad strokes and explosive moments and emotions that could be read from a mile away. And there's nothing wrong with that; it's what a lot of people expect from a "comic book movie", and it did it with its own deft touch.

"Homecoming", on the other hand, had one of the first high schools whose dynamics I could actually believe. I thought making it a tech school full of gifted students, for example, was a great choice, and in parallel turning Flash from one more jock bully into more of a social irritant made for a more believable social scene. It's certainly a place where it seems far more likely Peter Parker would invent web fluid or experiment with alien technology without everyone around him having to develop dramatic obliviousness.

I loved the way that the people who discovered Peter's identity did so, which were more the way you would expect someone to realize someone's secret identity, rather than some lucha libre "NOOO! I AM UNMASKED!!!" nonsense.

It's a world that's been hit by superheroes and superhero-level threats already, and within it, Spider-Man is allowed to actually be as much a kid as a superhero. There's a world that exists around him that goes on without him, and feels like it exists for more than to supply him with new super-villains and love interests. I think that's kind of great.

It's not a world-shaking story or a game-changing movie, and I kind of like it for that.