Is the "long walks on the beach" line actually appealing to women?


Answer Hazy, Ask Again Later
Jun 15, 2011
*shrug* All I know is that I only ever invoke it for a laugh during group introductions. You know, go around the circle, give your name and a tidbit or two about yourself? "Hi, I'm Asita and I enjoy long walks on the-sorry, wrong speech". Usually gets a small chuckle and helps break the tension, which is all I ask of it.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2015
Depends on how real the guy is. If he's just using it as a line and he's never actually gone for long walks on the beach, then women can usually smell that shit out.

If he's being real it can work because long walks on the beach are fucking awesome. There's a reason that became a popular cliche

Spider RedNight

There are holes in my brain
Oct 8, 2011
MarsAtlas said:
I think its more the notion that they like intimacy. As much as I enjoy going at it with others like horny rabbits intimacy is a different sort of connection and the whole "long walk on the beach" thing is an intimate setting. Now what would usually work just as well? "I like spooning on the couch under a ton of blankets while we marathon House of Cards until we both fall asleep."

Spider RedNight said:
Then she realises that she hates the beach because sand manages to get everywhere you don't want it to regardless of how far into the water you go.
Would she also say that its coarse, rough and irritating?
Yes. Yes, she would. She hates yhe feel of sand, especially between her toes [[which is what people like and we don't get it]]

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I had a good laugh with the title question :D
I don't think it is, at least I've never seen it used in a way that wasn't ironic.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
Maybe seeing all women as a hive-mind mentality that all either appreciate a thing, or do not, isn't a recommended start. If you feel you need to use a "line" to draw them in instead of honesty, then it is perhaps better to abandon that for a more open approach. Honesty is usually preferable to baiting lines. Even if you're a Manson type, at least they'd appreciate the headstart. Or do i mean heads-up? Eh, either will apply.


New member
Jul 24, 2011
Eclipse Dragon said:
Rebel_Raven said:
Depends on the beach, and one's proximity to it, I guess.
Beach side property is often more expensive, so being close means being well off, generally.
Not necessarily, in Florida, sure rich people live directly next or on the beach, but most people are close enough to either coastline to where a drive wouldn't take that long. If you're looking for indicators of wealth, being able to walk on the beach wouldn't be one in this case.


OT: It's cheesy romance, if she likes cheesy romance, she'll like a walk on the beach.
As for why it gets attention in dating profiles, I would guess it's the fact they have a sense of humor getting them more attention than how original the material is.

It may also fall into the category of cliches couples might want to try once out of sheer curiosity, along with sex on the beach[footnote]Just remember folks, sand gets everywhere and sharks feed at dawn and dusk[/footnote], watching the sunset, sex in the shower and getting caught in the rain.
Well, yeah, I mean I avoided absolutes for a reason. If you're on an island, or a narrow peninsula the beach is going to be accessible because there's no real way around it, and no one has to mention the quality of the beach. :p
But there's many places that don't have easy access to beaches, so I'm going by that.