Is the Mass Effect 3 Ending DLC actually coming out?


New member
Jul 27, 2011
So E3 comes and goes, and no mention of DLC for ME3 out of EA during their press conference. A few leaks here and there on Reddit or something, but no official word that I've found. For better or worse, its now mid June and well where is this thing? Is this just a hoax?


New member
Nov 25, 2010
Not a hoax. Bioware confirmed there was ending DLC to come "in the summer". By North American standards, summer doesn't start until next week and lasts until September. Not trying to be pedantic here, just saying they still have time. That being said, it would be extremely bad form if Bioware went back on their word.

Plus, I know Mark Meer and Tricia Helfer confirmed on their Twitter accounts that they had gone back to record some new material for the DLC.

Rest assured, it's not a hoax. I'm guessing Bioware is making sure it REALLY gets its ducks in a row before mentioning anything with regards to the ending DLC. In the meantime, they'll just keep firing multiplayer DLC our way.


New member
Jun 15, 2011
Eh, personally I probably won't bother with it. Probably wouldn't have done so anyway. I'm still happy with the ending. But then, I went into it knowing that the trilogy (not the franchise) was coming to an end. I still think the people bitching were doing so mostly because, "Waaaah, I don't get to play with Shephard anymore and I'm an entitled dickhole so WAAAAAAAHHHHHH"


New member
Nov 25, 2010
Inithra said:
Eh, personally I probably won't bother with it. Probably wouldn't have done so anyway. I'm still happy with the ending. But then, I went into it knowing that the trilogy (not the franchise) was coming to an end. I still think the people bitching were doing so mostly because, "Waaaah, I don't get to play with Shephard anymore and I'm an entitled dickhole so WAAAAAAAHHHHHH"
No need to dredge up the whole "entitled gamer" debacle again. Not trying to stifle your freedom of speech, just saying we don't need this thread to degenerate in to the forum madness of 3 months ago.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
why wouldnt it? Bioware themslefs said it would

unless they are trolling us
Inithra said:
Eh, personally I probably won't bother with it. Probably wouldn't have done so anyway. I'm still happy with the ending. But then, I went into it knowing that the trilogy (not the franchise) was coming to an end. I still think the people bitching were doing so mostly because, "Waaaah, I don't get to play with Shephard anymore and I'm an entitled dickhole so WAAAAAAAHHHHHH"
if thats what you honestly think then you obviously don't know what your talking about
but I wont go there...we don't need to go there


New member
Oct 7, 2011
Inithra said:
Eh, personally I probably won't bother with it. Probably wouldn't have done so anyway. I'm still happy with the ending. But then, I went into it knowing that the trilogy (not the franchise) was coming to an end. I still think the people bitching were doing so mostly because, "Waaaah, I don't get to play with Shephard anymore and I'm an entitled dickhole so WAAAAAAAHHHHHH"
We are upset because the ending is rediculous, the choices given to us are ridiculous, the god child is ridiculous, THE WHOLE GOD DAMN THING IS RIDICULOUS!!! I expected Shepard's story to be over and done with. I'll be honest I wanted to save the day and go home with Liara(or Garrus for one of my females), but I wouldn't have raged at a sad ending if it had made sense. Shepard and Garrus can storm heaven if they die for good reasons. Not the bull shit that was handed to us by Casey Dumbass Hudson.
I am not looking forward to the DlC because it explains this ridiculous ending. It is impossible to explain other than explaining why it is terrible. They need to scrap it and make a new one. Shepard wakes up after the ending with a bunch of vodka bottles and goes to tear the reapers a new one.


New member
Apr 24, 2009
The_Lost_King said:
Inithra said:
Eh, personally I probably won't bother with it. Probably wouldn't have done so anyway. I'm still happy with the ending. But then, I went into it knowing that the trilogy (not the franchise) was coming to an end. I still think the people bitching were doing so mostly because, "Waaaah, I don't get to play with Shephard anymore and I'm an entitled dickhole so WAAAAAAAHHHHHH"
We are upset because the ending is rediculous, the choices given to us are ridiculous, the god child is ridiculous, THE WHOLE GOD DAMN THING IS RIDICULOUS!!! I expected Shepard's story to be over and done with. I'll be honest I wanted to save the day and go home with Liara(or Garrus for one of my females), but I wouldn't have raged at a sad ending if it had made sense. Shepard and Garrus can storm heaven if they die for good reasons. Not the bull shit that was handed to us by Casey Dumbass Hudson.
I am not looking forward to the DlC because it explains this ridiculous ending. It is impossible to explain other than explaining why it is terrible. They need to scrap it and make a new one. Shepard wakes up after the ending with a bunch of vodka bottles and goes to tear the reapers a new one.
Have you read about the indoctrination theory? It's actually amazing, and if Bioware actually purposely pulled it off, they've done something I don't think any other game company has ever done.

These explain it pretty well.


New member
Oct 7, 2011
rhyno435 said:
The_Lost_King said:
Inithra said:
Eh, personally I probably won't bother with it. Probably wouldn't have done so anyway. I'm still happy with the ending. But then, I went into it knowing that the trilogy (not the franchise) was coming to an end. I still think the people bitching were doing so mostly because, "Waaaah, I don't get to play with Shephard anymore and I'm an entitled dickhole so WAAAAAAAHHHHHH"
We are upset because the ending is rediculous, the choices given to us are ridiculous, the god child is ridiculous, THE WHOLE GOD DAMN THING IS RIDICULOUS!!! I expected Shepard's story to be over and done with. I'll be honest I wanted to save the day and go home with Liara(or Garrus for one of my females), but I wouldn't have raged at a sad ending if it had made sense. Shepard and Garrus can storm heaven if they die for good reasons. Not the bull shit that was handed to us by Casey Dumbass Hudson.
I am not looking forward to the DlC because it explains this ridiculous ending. It is impossible to explain other than explaining why it is terrible. They need to scrap it and make a new one. Shepard wakes up after the ending with a bunch of vodka bottles and goes to tear the reapers a new one.
Have you read about the indoctrination theory? It's actually amazing, and if Bioware actually purposely pulled it off, they've done something I don't think any other game company has ever done.

These explain it pretty well.
I have heard of it. Not sure that I believe it though. I prefer my Shepard's drunken nightmare theory.


Nov 30, 2011
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't still a little peeved about the whole ending thing, and although I quite like the indoctrination theory, I really want to see what Bioware is going to do for the ending. I just hope it isn't some crappy 3 minute cutscene like we got at the end of Dragon Age 2...


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
rhyno435 said:
Have you read about the indoctrination theory? It's actually amazing, and if Bioware actually purposely pulled it off, they've done something I don't think any other game company has ever done.

These explain it pretty well.
I'm a bit of an indoctrination theory nut.....but I don't think its going to turn out to be the case
The_Lost_King said:
I have heard of it. Not sure that I believe it though. I prefer my Shepard's drunken nightmare theory.
or shepards been in an insitution since ME1 because his/her mind got fried by prothian beacon


New member
Oct 13, 2011
No reason to think it's not coming, summer 2012 has only just started in the northern hemisphere.

rhyno435 said:
Have you read about the indoctrination theory? It's actually amazing, and if Bioware actually purposely pulled it off, they've done something I don't think any other game company has ever done.

These explain it pretty well.
Sorry but no - indoctrination theory is a horrible explanation that cherry picks the lore at best (my personal favourite bit being all the people who've never read a Mass Effect novel citing material from them as "evidence").

All the "see, indoctrination!" evidence in the actual game, and in particular the stuff in the video linked to above, is better explained by poor/lazy/convenient design choices or just plain coincidence.

I'm intrigued though - are you saying that if Bioware slowrolled indoctrination theory on us at this point that it'd actually be a good thing?

TheCommanders said:
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't still a little peeved about the whole ending thing, and although I quite like the indoctrination theory, I really want to see what Bioware is going to do for the ending. I just hope it isn't some crappy 3 minute cutscene like we got at the end of Dragon Age 2...
IMO this is exactly what we're likely to get, because it's the face-savingest compromise as far as Bioware is concerned - they don't have to admit that their ending was rubbish by changing it entirely, but they sort of molify the outraged fans.


New member
Jul 3, 2011
I like the indoctrination theory, but I don't actually think that was what Bioware intended.

That said, I'd be quite happpy if the 'extended cut' took that premise and just rolled with it.


Were it so easy
Mar 25, 2009
On the scale of fans with 'happy with ending' to 'boycott forever' they're not going to win over people like those involved with the old retake movement that are completely unreasonable.

People who think space Casper ruined the entire franchise aren't worth trying to appeal to.

It'll be an expansion of the ending to bring more closure and impact of the choices I think is what they said they were going for.


New member
Apr 13, 2009
Saladfork said:
I like the indoctrination theory, but I don't actually think that was what Bioware intended.

That said, I'd be quite happpy if the 'extended cut' took that premise and just rolled with it.
It's not going to. They said in April that it's going to provide "additional clarity and closure" to the existing ending. Basically, having shat the bed, they've decided to try to justify it, rather than change the sheets.

Here, this is still relevant:



New member
Jul 27, 2011
Thanks for the status update ya'll.

Been playing Skylanders instead. A much better game overall, no annoying multiplayer, and no dlc. So happy.