Is the Penumbra series any good?


New member
Jun 2, 2011
It's $10 for both games and the expansion, and I was wondering if the series is consistent, or if any of the games are particularly bad. I would like to play all three in order, but I don't know if it's worth the effort if the last game is as bad as I heard.

I tried reading reviews, and most say that the first two games were alright, but the last was bad. Other reviews say the first game was bad, second was good, and third was terrible. I'm getting mixed thoughts.

Edit: I've read through all of your replies and appreciated all of them. I went ahead and got the games. It's only $10, so even if I find I didn't enjoy it, it wouldn't be a big loss. Played about a half hour of the first game so far, and I like the feel of the game. Certainly seems like something that I could get into while playing in a dark room by myself.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
The third was more of a puzzle game than anything else, with very little in the way of dangerous or suspenseful enemy encounters.

The first has an unwieldy physics-based combat system, but probably has the best atmosphere of the three due to the second one being like Frictional's later game Amnesia: The Dark Descent except with the player carrying around a sinister, wise-cracking voice in their head because of story reasons. I personally didn't think it ruined the atmosphere or anything, but other people seem to disagree.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
The first game is pretty good. In terms of atmosphere nearly on par with Amnesia but the controls are very clunky and overall it's (obviously) less refined. Definitely worth playing if you're into horror games.

The second game I didn't like at all. It all comes down to preferences but the way the story developed and the fact that you could actually see the monsters clearly pretty much killed the horror for me and the aforementioned voice in the head didn't help the matter in any way. You might feel different about the game but I kind of hated it.

The third installment, as pointed out, isn't really a "proper" game, just a bunch of random puzzles.


New member
Aug 17, 2013
Black Plague is really good, the other ones...meh. I'd strongly recommend Black Plague, the story is good, the atmosphere is creepy and the puzzles are "fun". Well as fun as it gets when you are trapped in a goddamn mine full with monsters trying to eat your face. The voice in your head is great imo, really adds to the mood and tension. Not a perfect game by any stretch of the imagination, but still a great horror title imo.

You don't really need to play them in order either. Black Plague is fully playable without having played Overture, and the third part is, as has already been stated, more a bunch of cobbled together puzzles rather than a "proper" game.

Sarah Kerrigan

New member
Jan 17, 2010
Black Plague was personally amazing. I never tried Overture, but Plague was a well paced, intense horror game. If you loved Amnesia you're going to love the Penumbra games. Personally, I think those games do have the better story.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Penumbra's story is better, the atmosphere is more empty (in a good way) and while some puzzles are a bit contrived, they're solid horror games with moments of pure brilliance.

The first game probably had the best atmosphere, with somewhat common enemy encounters (you're meant to flee, although melee is an option) and a couple really memorable moments (including the best damn chase scene Frictional ever did). The second game is more polished, but the atmosphere is diminished a bit by a voice talking in your head (not the worst idea ever, but not the best either) and some loopy dream sequences, but it's better overall and its scares are much more common and well-executed ("Pass me that hacksaw through the door slot, please...").

I've not played the third game.


New member
Dec 2, 2009
Good games that are tonally inconsistent. The first game is a puzzle game with mild to heavy horror elements (while tense at times, the primary enemy in the game are creepy looking wolves). It has a combat system of sorts but it's so bad the game outright tells you that you are better off running. With a little cheese you can kill most threats, so it's best to completely ignore that aspect of the game cause it can ruin the atmosphere.

The 2nd goes far and away into a different area of horror. It has a much greater psychological aspect then the first with fewer "monster minefields" (as I like to call them). It has a good atmosphere too, but you don't feel quite as isolated as overture for plot centric reasons, which can diminish the horror somewhat for some people.

The third is primarily a puzzle game that can be seen as independent of the main story (though it does take place immediately after Black Plagues ending and has resolutions to that story). Still a good time waster as the puzzles are much harder this time round, since Black Plagues puzzles are quite tame to begin with.


New member
Oct 14, 2013
Yes the Penumbra series is well worth your time and money if you enjoy survival horror and puzzles. A surprising lot of people who loved Amnesia are not aware it was basically Penumbra 4. I'm convinced the only reason the Penumbra trilogy never got its proper attention is that it had an unfortunate name.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
If you liked Amnesia:the Dark Descent, chances are you'll like Penumbra. The first two games are good, the third was pretty disapointing(to the point I stopped and never finished and don't feel like I'm missing anything).