Is the site possessed?

King of Asgaard

Vae Victis, Woe to the Conquered
Oct 31, 2011
Sir Thomas Sean Connery said:
fish iron4 said:
Even when the site gets corrupted by satanic forces from the unknown I still have 0 messages.
Every time I get up in the morning, I click on the Escapist bookmark and for just 1 second, I have the joy of hope that there will be a little orange number next to my inbox...... And then I die a little inside as I see that it's still 0.

Even worse is when I get all excited that I have a message..... And it turns out to be a notification form the Badge Hunters or something.
Me too, dude, me too.
I do hope the little orange number for this perked you up a bit. :)

OT: I had that happen to me earlier, but it passed after the site crashed and booted me entirely and I left it for about half an hour.


"You're not cleared for that."
Jan 30, 2012
Scarim Coral said:
I'm guessing the subtly site change to the site (anyone notice the lines are more visible in the forum page and now the quotes and username area are in grey boxes now?) is the cause of the temporary stie mess up.
Which lines do you mean? And the user detauls area has always been in grey-ish. But maybe depending on the exact shade you have chosen, it may not have been the case or it didn't stand out, dunno.

At any rate, these two are very minor tweaks - literally incapable of breaking anything at all. It could have been part of a larger update, though.

fish iron4

New member
Dec 6, 2010
Alright the site is definitely now under the dominion of Satan, people seem to acknowledged my existence without them immediately trying to find the quickest way to take their own lives nearest exit.

OT: Probably just a passing storm with updates and all that, hopefully it will be fixed as I still seems to crash every now and then when refreshing pages.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
DoPo said:
Scarim Coral said:
I'm guessing the subtly site change to the site (anyone notice the lines are more visible in the forum page and now the quotes and username area are in grey boxes now?) is the cause of the temporary stie mess up.
Which lines do you mean? And the user detauls area has always been in grey-ish. But maybe depending on the exact shade you have chosen, it may not have been the case or it didn't stand out, dunno.

At any rate, these two are very minor tweaks - literally incapable of breaking anything at all. It could have been part of a larger update, though.
Sorry I mean the border lines, it seen to be far more noticable after the site messed up (before you asked the shade I'm using to view this site, I'm using natural). Before that they were more faded and subtle.


Positively Insane
Mar 14, 2011
Andy Shandy said:
That image is mine now! ALL MINE!

OP: You want to see a possessed Escapist? Enter the konami code. In fact, I'll do so right now. WEEEEEEEEEE!!


New member
Oct 29, 2012
Sir Thomas Sean Connery said:
fish iron4 said:
Even when the site gets corrupted by satanic forces from the unknown I still have 0 messages.
Every time I get up in the morning, I click on the Escapist bookmark and for just 1 second, I have the joy of hope that there will be a little orange number next to my inbox...... And then I die a little inside as I see that it's still 0.

Even worse is when I get all excited that I have a message..... And it turns out to be a notification form the Badge Hunters or something.
Well this should get you an orange number.

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
And intruder has stuck a wrench in the works. We'll dispatched he big daddies shortly to deal with it. Do not be alarmed.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Sir Thomas Sean Connery said:
fish iron4 said:
Even when the site gets corrupted by satanic forces from the unknown I still have 0 messages.
Every time I get up in the morning, I click on the Escapist bookmark and for just 1 second, I have the joy of hope that there will be a little orange number next to my inbox...... And then I die a little inside as I see that it's still 0.

Even worse is when I get all excited that I have a message..... And it turns out to be a notification form the Badge Hunters or something.
Have an orange, they are delicious


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
lRookiel said:
I blame Kross

It's usually his fault. :3

I got 5001 messages as well -.-
I got that once again. I remember when site errors were a lot more prevalent when they switched to the new layout.

Blaming Kross is all you can do friends.


Opiner of Mottos
Mar 20, 2009
Andy Shandy said:
Theminimanx said:
Fun little fact: That image has been on the site longer than both of your accounts. =P

OT: Given that two of them are related to ETTM, there is clearly only one reason for this: God hates Moviebob.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
It is. Type up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right on the arrow keys, then press B, A and ENTER.

The horror!


In the name of Harman...
May 11, 2012
fish iron4 said:
Even when the site gets corrupted by satanic forces from the unknown I still have 0 messages.
Here, have a message! Someone likes you.

Johnny Novgorod said:
It is. Type up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right on the arrow keys, then press B, A and ENTER.

The horror!
I do it every once in a while because it's so hypnotizing, especially once the fireworks show up. Dogs!

Evil Smurf

Admin of Catoholics Anonymous
Nov 11, 2011
I thought my computer was screwed D:

Johnny Novgorod said:
It is. Type up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right on the arrow keys, then press B, A and ENTER.

The horror!
This is better then the red button.

Also it says I have 40 messages.


The Purple Mage
Nov 9, 2009
Well, I HAVE seen necromancers raise threads into the undead...

I'm curious, what were all those 4997 messages?
"Redrum redrum!"
"The destroyer is manifest."
"There's a snake in my boots."

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Panorama said:
fish iron4 said:
Even when the site gets corrupted by satanic forces from the unknown I still have 0 messages.
I feel your pain, i spend most evening crying myself to sleep over this.
Normally, the only time I get messages is when someone is yammering at me about something I said.
So the zero message inbox is usually "All is Well".

Still, what the fuck is going on with this website..?

Basement Cat

Keeping the Peace is Relaxing
Jul 26, 2012
Monsterfurby said:
Has the site been taken over by Satan?

My guess is yes. Yes it has.
Don't be silly. Satan? Honestly... ^_^

It's obviously the Captcha going through one of those phases all young sentients must experience.


Baron von Blitztank

New member
May 7, 2010
Posessed? No not at all!
Now come wear that beautiful tiara I have in my badges section and see the face of your true master look like a pretty princess!


New member
Mar 17, 2012
fish iron4 said:
Even when the site gets corrupted by satanic forces from the unknown I still have 0 messages.

OT: This site isn't possessed. Captcha's just self aware and is currently practising on the web page.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Zen Bard said:
I'm more intrigued by the 4,997 unread messages in Monsterfurby's mailbox...
I have no idea why this happens, but when it does it usually means there are some major technical errors going on. This happened to me too yesterday and once in the past it was that way for a week. It's annoying because it often makes it impossible to know if you've got any messages, both because the number seems random and because it sometimes prevents you from entering your profile.