Is there an Apocalypse that you wouldn't try to survive?

Sep 24, 2008
We're gamers. We've dealt with every experience thought up by man. And because of that, a lot of us have an unrealistic idea of our hardiness. I run around and lift weights for a living, and I know that gives me a sense of... I hesitate to use the word 'superiority', but I'm assured that I can do some things others can't. Mainly because my business is trying to get people to my current level.

But sometimes the numbers are stacked against us. There should be no one left on this planet who has access to any type of media who would NOT know what to do if they saw a zombie. In fact, I think the earth should die a horrible death if zombies are created and the world semi succumbs to it. Who doesn't know what to do by now? Seriously, the more the media gets saturated with these guys, the less threatening the threat feels as a whole... but that's another post for another day.

You can't shoot an asteroid in the head. Being quiet won't keep a tsunami from claiming you. Pandemic, nuclear war, eventual robot uprising (Fun fact, The Brits already made skynet []. Forum British subjects are now not allowed to complain about anything any other country does ever), etc... what event would make you think it's all pointless and make you give up, taking the 'easy' way out or just letting the event take you?

Breaking my own thread early, I can't see myself just lying down. I think I'll always try to preserve my life. But one suspects when they are literally backed up into a corner, you're just going to have to come to grips with it. But I know a couple of friends who said if they know the nuclear missles are coming, they are going to the epicenter. In their mind, it's better be be done in an instant than living in the type of world the fallout and destruction will create


Fixed by "Monday"
Mar 28, 2010
The inevitable sexy vampire apocalypse. I would give myself willingly to the she-witches.

I also have no desire to survive anything that would lead to lots of bees being around, or giant bees, or anything related to bees. I would kill myself first. Bees are fucking scary.

The Great Purtabo

New member
Aug 16, 2010
If the world was overrun by ravenous and horny dick-wolves... I would take my life before they take my innocence...

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
The Juggalocalypse.

Seriously, in a world plagued with Juggaloes, I choose the coward's way out.


New member
May 18, 2011
Pretty much all of them. Scrounging for scraps in a post-apocalyptic world? Sod that, I'd prefer to fold 'em when I can still go down gracefully.


Jul 14, 2011
Vegosiux said:
Pretty much all of them. Scrounging for scraps in a post-apocalyptic world? Sod that, I'd prefer to fold 'em when I can still go down gracefully.
I concur, sure I talk all this talk but in the end; being in a world that's going to take centuries to rebuild and everything now a days is digital, it would take us forever and a day to get back to where we were.

Like the event in 'The Road', where it's some kind of meteorite (IMO, it's never stated in the book) and it kicks up all this dirt into the atmosphere and basically, everything is dead. It's gonna take God knows how long to recover, what would be the point?


New member
Apr 22, 2012
If the world was taken over by Justin Beiber fans *shudders* I don't think it would be worth living if all you would ever hear would be "Baby".


New member
Dec 6, 2010
A viral outbreak like the Stand, where everyone's dead except for the 1% that's immune. Thanks but no thanks.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
The one where there are no more women only guys. I'd put a bullet through my head...not that one e.e

Dr Pussymagnet

a real piece of shit
Dec 20, 2007
Zachary Amaranth said:
The Juggalocalypse.

Seriously, in a world plagued with Juggaloes, I choose the coward's way out.
It's okay, I've stocked up on enough Shasta to last a few years.


New member
Mar 19, 2011
ThePenguinKnight said:
I wouldn't try to fight an alien invasion, we'd have no chance.
Who says the aliens are aggressive or more advanced? They might have space flight but no weapons...


New member
Mar 30, 2012
Lil_Rimmy said:
ThePenguinKnight said:
I wouldn't try to fight an alien invasion, we'd have no chance.
Who says the aliens are aggressive or more advanced? They might have space flight but no weapons...
If they are capable of getting to our planet than they are significantly more advanced than we are and likely possess knowledge we can't even begin to imagine. There would be few reasons to visit our inferior planet other than gathering resources, which we certainly wouldn't share.

Plus the topic does say "Apocalypse" so it's really just based off of that.


New member
Jan 8, 2012
United Kingdom
It's a tough call. We'd might want to be dead in certain circumstances but actually killing yourself is pretty difficult as we have an inate will to live even when utterly miserible i.e. first real break up, crippling physical pain etc. I remember reading a book when I was younger about a crew on a submarine in the aftermath of a nuclear war. The fallout in most of the world is so posinous that its fatal and its traveling further and further around the globe on the wind each day. Apparently there's still some pockets that are ok like in Australia and the crew head there but they know, there is never any doubt whatsoever, that at best there getting an extra 18 months before they die horribly of radiation posioning.

As a kid I always thought the guy who left the sub when it came out for an air and decided to go fishing on a nice summers day with some beer and cynaide capsules for company had the right idea but as I get older I can understand that drive to keep going.

Saying that perhaps its just misplaced hope. Perhaps if I thought the situation was truely hopeless, that it wasn't a case of 'if' but 'when' and if I knew said death would likely be terrible then maybe but then only maybe. I know it would take a lot worse then, 'oh no, no internet,' or 'shit, I'll never have another coke.'


New member
Jun 11, 2011
I wouldn't try to live through if every other human died. What's the point in that? I'd guess i'd at least try if I know there is others.


New member
Oct 9, 2008
One where something makes the surface world unihabitable so that I have to live underground for the rest of my life.

Though really I don't think I'd ever consider suicide. No matter how bad it got.


New member
Mar 19, 2011
ThePenguinKnight said:
Lil_Rimmy said:
ThePenguinKnight said:
I wouldn't try to fight an alien invasion, we'd have no chance.
Who says the aliens are aggressive or more advanced? They might have space flight but no weapons...
If they are capable of getting to our planet than they are significantly more advanced than we are and likely possess knowledge we can't even begin to imagine. There would be few reasons to visit our inferior planet other than gathering resources, which we certainly wouldn't share.

Plus the topic does say "Apocalypse" so it's really just based off of that.
Er, that kinda sounds like you hate the human race. No offence mate, but why does everyone always go "I'd press the button because the human race is violent, selfish and etc."?

I mean, how come the aliens aren't fighting each other? What if we ARE the aliens to them, and are more advanced. I mean, ffs, why do people always go "Human meet other beings = We fuck shit up"

-There would be few reasons to visit our inferior planet other than gathering resources, which we certainly wouldn't share.

Yeah... first off, inferior planet? Da fuq? As far as I can tell, we are one of the VERY few planets that can sustain life and the only one with known life on it... How the hell is our PLANET inferior? And also, we wouldn't share? Maybe not just share, but if they said "Here, take a few really high tech ships/guns/tractors/computers/shoes" why the hell wouldn't we trade?

Sorry, but I hate people like that. I can't stand people who are always either: Hating the human race, acting like they have the worst life ever, trying to take all the fun and happiness out of anything or just claiming that we humans, as a race, are terrible because of a few bad people...


New member
Jan 8, 2010
I can't see myself ever wanting death over a possible dramatic change. That's the fun of life: seeing what will happen next. Do I really care if society crumbles? Not to a tremendous extent. It would mean my debt would wash away, that's for sure.

So even if the new world was terrible, there's no promising it wouldn't flip a ***** and suddenly get great again. I'd much rather see it through to its fruition than just accept the end of my life.


New member
Aug 17, 2009
a world without bacon and/or coffee.

People would just not get out of bed anymore and die. And in the even of baconlessness... *shudders*