Is there any game you have beaten that you didn't want to end?


New member
Oct 18, 2010
The original Golden Sun & Dragon age Origins. There is just so little to do once you have defeated the arch-demon


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Jul 4, 2006
Not "never wanted to end", but there are a few games that I felt a bit upset after I completed. Like Kingdom Hearts 2 - I specifically remember feeling quite down afterwards because I was like "'s over now...ok..."


New member
Jan 12, 2011
ReservoirAngel said:
otakon17 said:
ReservoirAngel said:
I never wanted Fable 2 to end. Yes, I like the game! Deal with it.

Though most of that comes from the fact that it ended so fucking suddenly. It was like "you've just got the 3rd guy, now to build up your strength and - oop, end of game." But in general, if that game had lasted forever I'd have been perfectly content with it.
Hey, I don't need to "deal with it" buddy! I liked it a lot too, more than the original except that they got rid of armor.
Oh my god, someone else who liked it! We're such a rare breed... and I like that they got rid of armour. Meant I could look like a stylish fucker without being as brittle as uncooked spaghetti.
I also didn't want Fable 2 to end, I actually love The Fable games but they are never as good as the developers would have us believe.

The problem with Fable 2's ending is that you spend the entire game getting all these Heroes, and then the final confrontation you basically just slap the guy and you're done.


New member
Nov 6, 2010
MarkDavis94 said:
ReservoirAngel said:
otakon17 said:
ReservoirAngel said:
I never wanted Fable 2 to end. Yes, I like the game! Deal with it.

Though most of that comes from the fact that it ended so fucking suddenly. It was like "you've just got the 3rd guy, now to build up your strength and - oop, end of game." But in general, if that game had lasted forever I'd have been perfectly content with it.
Hey, I don't need to "deal with it" buddy! I liked it a lot too, more than the original except that they got rid of armor.
Oh my god, someone else who liked it! We're such a rare breed... and I like that they got rid of armour. Meant I could look like a stylish fucker without being as brittle as uncooked spaghetti.
I also didn't want Fable 2 to end, I actually love The Fable games but they are never as good as the developers would have us believe.

The problem with Fable 2's ending is that you spend the entire game getting all these Heroes, and then the final confrontation you basically just slap the guy and you're done.
So true, it could have easily been better. If they had just let us fight our way through the Spire to get to him the ending would have been redeemed.


New member
Feb 22, 2011
I wish I could have played Final Fantasy VII forever. This is also one of the very few games I have played more than once.
In Castlevania - Symphony of the Night I wish I could have explored that castle (or: the castles) forever, discover more and more rooms, beating enemies for rare items...

I wish Trinity Universe would end already! I am ready to beat the final boss but I have to drift another dungeon away and then another one and another...
This will never end!!


New member
Jan 23, 2011
Metro 2033, Gears of War 2 and Star Wars: Bounty Hunter. If you don't like those games, I will cry.


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Jun 30, 2008
The first Mass Effect. I was genuinely depressed when that ended. The awesome credits song didn't help matters.


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Jan 9, 2011
Mass Effect, Shadow of Rome, Ratchet and Clank 2: Locked and Loaded/Going Commando. All great games.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
leet_x1337 said:
My problem with Pokemon Black ending is that after I beat it, I really saw no reason to continue. And I don't want to start over, because then I'd lose my one piece of DLC, ever: Victini. It WAS a sweet game with an awesome ending, though.

After you beat the Elite Four, it turns out that N has already beaten the Champion, and you have to beat him for a reason other than 'to become the Champion in his stead.' And it just gets better and better, all the way up to the climax and resolution.
I've not actually played Black or White, but I've noticed this is a problem with a lot of the Pokemon Games; of the ones I've played to the end (the Elite Four), I really liked the way that Gold ended, but didn't really and you could keep going for ages afterwards. Leaf Green was pretty good too.

KOTOR; the ending was great, but really, I didn't want it to end. I have many fond memories of KOTOR, but unfortunately, I can no long play it because my current PC doesn't like it.

New Vegas; on my next playthrough, I'm probably never going to try and get the Platinum Chip back, talk to Ambassador Crocker or visit Caesar; I like the way the game is when you are unaligned with the factions and consequently can be at least neutral with all of them. Legionary Assassins and NCR hit squads get really annoying really fast, especially when they spawn behind you after fast-travelling.

Empire: Total War; I've conquered the world (well, a good chunk), but now there's nothing left to do.
Nov 12, 2010
"Aquaria", as it's my most favorite game of all time.

Other than that: many, many, many other games. Too numerous to name. I am of a firm opinion, however, that it's infinitely better that a shorter game ends on a good note with me rather than a longer game ending on a bad one.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Halo 3. Not a Halo fanboy, but definatley a fan of the series. The way Halo 3 ended, almost how it began, and I thought back on the then 3 epic games and years of fun on and offline, I couldn't believe it was over... Now with ODST, Reach and the promise of another trilogy staring the badass mold from which every space marine only WISHES they could stem from, I'm happier than a pig in shit.

I know, they're milking the Halo epic-ness, but what can I say... I guess I AM a fanboy! Don't worry, at least I'm not one that will argue and defend Halo to my dying breath; to each his/her own; Halo isn't for everyone!


New member
Jun 9, 2011
Fire emblem 7 being the main one, Like at chapter 30 it ends and i'm like "noooooo i want more chapters so my characters can level up some more" and then i realize that my characters are almost max level and i still want to play more of it, Then Hector story comes along and i'm like "wooooooo" then "Crap all the characters you get in Lyn's story are like level 1..."


Desdinova's Successor
Feb 3, 2009
This happens to me all the time...
Most recently with "Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors." I completed all the puzzles, got all the endings, and damnit! I want more!
At least they're making a spiritual sequel/normal sequel (unclear which).


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I remember thinking Dragon Age 2 should have been longer but that was because it ended too abruptly rather than me wanting it to last forever. But in the way you mean, I'd have to say Assassin's Creed II, Banjo Tooie and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.


New member
May 21, 2009
I've gotta say Final Fantasy X for me really. Yea they brought out X-2... but it's just... it's not the same... </3


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Mar 13, 2011

Exceptionally well-designed retro-styled platformer that I wished I could just keep on playing. I mean, there are custom maps for it and everything (one even by Notch), but they lack the infinitely fun free roaming aspect (more like free floating though :D) of the game's story mode.

It's hella hard and challenging too (I clocked in at 1069 deaths in total), but never frustrating. Eventually, you just reach that sort of 'zen' state where every action's so precise and fluid it's almost poetry in motion. The experience was... euphoric, really.

I still can't believe it only lasted 4 hours.


New member
Jul 5, 2011
Fallout 3(If only I could have some brotherhood technicians come up to my spaceship recently liberated from some aliens who messed with the wrong lone wanderer and have them take whatever they find as incentive and restore the ship to working order well i would pay for a DLC like that)
Fallout New Vegas (Personally if they were to forgo all New Vegas DLC and just make a well made story continuation I'd be happy)
Kingdom Hearts 2(there were several points in the story where I thought the game would end and when it finally did I still wasn't prepared for the inevitable)
Fable 3(considering that though i saved everybody there are still some kingly duties to be fulfilled and a few towns were destroyed so there that)
Final Fantasy 12 (well the game did have an satisfactory ending but couldn't the sequel have been on PS2 or 360 or even ps3 instead of DS.
Ratchet Deadlocked (under appreciated game and though the ending momentarily wraps things up and there's some after story gameplay I want MOAR to do with my ridiculously powerful weapons then replaying the game with them)


New member
Aug 31, 2011
Zhukov said:

A game that doesn't end sounds a bit nightmarish. If that's what I wanted I would start playing MMOs
Took the words right out of my mouth, this is exactly why I dont touch MMORPG's
I dont think I would like them, but I refuse to even try one - just as I'd refuse to try heroin... (you know, just in case :p)

Timmy HarleQuin

New member
Jul 27, 2010
I had a mad larf playing Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, I did every single side-mission, just to try make it last longer, it was just so much fun I found, when it ended I was not at all impressed